Champagne Bottle

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"Come on Danny, hurry up! It's almost time!"
"Y..yes, just a second, I think I know where the champagne is!" said Danny, going downstairs in the basement. His new years's eve party was a success already, he just wanted to end things perfectly with a bottle of champagne.
"Dad won't even notice" he said, adjusting his bowtie.
Music was so loud beats could be heard even underground. Danny turned on the light switch.
The basement was messy, walking through it was pretty hard. Danny had to move with wide steps to avoid all sorts of random stuff on the floor.
"Damn, it's gonna be impossibile to find something in this mess!"
But just as he said it, he noticed the small wine refrigerator. There weren't many bottles there, but Danny obviously knew that behind them, a bit hidden, there was a nice big bottle of top quality champagne.
"There it is!" he said grabbing it and smiling.
"DANNY, HURRY UP!" yelled one of his friends. The final countdown was going to happen in a few minutes.
"Yes I'm cominAAAH!"
Because of the hurry, Danny tripped over a rubber hose on the ground. The champagne bottle fell on the floor, but the hit didn't break it though. Instead, the cork just popped away.
"Oh no!"
The cork started to bounce around in a crazy speed, hitting walls and stuff in the process, breaking fragile objects with the accuracy of a sharp shooter.
It then bounced back and with a curve shot it switched on the air compressor.
Danny was standing up from the fall as the cork hit him right in the forehead, making him fall once again. In the meantime, the compressor's hose, pumped up with air pressure, started to move around like a mad snake.
Danny, confused on the floor, was watching three birds flying around his head with a dumb smile. The hose went to them, inflating one after another and making them pop. This made Danny came back to himself, but he had no time to react as the hose fell right into his mouth.
An huge air flow puffed up his cheeks, as the young man, confused, felt the air flow rushing down his throat. He had just the time to stand up before he noticed his midsection pushing his tuxedo blazer forward. Danny's face turned immediately worried.
His belly was getting round just like a balloon. Even Danny's sides were rounding up. It took no time for the former flat belly to look like an overinflated basketball. This caused some stress to the blazer's buttons, as the fabric was tight around the round belly.
Danny was feeling his overall outfit getting tigher. In fact, the compressed air was filling every part of the unfortunate young man. His thighs were getting thicker, stretching the fine tissue. Two round asscheeks were pulling the tissue from behind too as they were swelling. Right under his black bowtie, his chest was pushing up his white elegant shirt. Arms were getting plumper too, filling the sleeves and giving them a cute, nice curvy outline. Danny's belly was still growing as the poor buttons were getting more and more pressure applied.
Danny had no clue about what to do. He just saw things like that in dumb saturday morning cartoons. He had no idea such a thing could really happen. Moving his head and eyes nervously left and right, up and down, the poor young man seemed not to find a way out that bizzarre situation. The compressor's air flow was powerful and every single bit of air was going down Danny's throat and into his body. Danny's face was stuck with a worried expression with both eyebrows risen, as his huge pumped cheeks were slowly blushing because of how embarassing such a situation was.
Danny's body was now chubby and plump enough to stretch the whole tuxedo to its limits. He looked like somebody wearing clothes two sizes too small. He looked funny and ridicolous.
Danny's belly was constricted inside of his tuxedo jacket, as the poor cloth was doing its best to resist the growing pressure applied to the buttons. His thighs were starting to touch each other, rubbing together and randomly causing some balloon-rubbing like, weird sounds. Even the his feet were slowly inflating: Danny's black, shiny and elegant shoes were sporting a nice curve at the top, and were even growing slightly in lenght.
On top of his legs, his butt was now very round and plump. Just like he hid two balloons inside his trousers. Danny looked at it worried and embarassed.
The unfortunate young man's chest was now looking like some very developed pecs, but it was starting to grow rounder into some funny shape. A little gap was forming between his white shirt buttons.
Danny's arms were now bigger than before. The shoulder pads on his jacket were now smaller than the whole shoulders. This made his soulders look way too big for such small paddings, as the still growing arms were stretching the tissue so much. Danny's wrists were now filling his handcuffs completely, and were even starting to stretch them further. At their end, two puffy, funny hands were moving nervously, as he was trying to ease the stress.
Music suddently stopped in the party room, one floor above. The sudden silence made all the hissing and stretching sound much more noticeable to Danny. Not only his tuxedo was making tissue stretching sounds, but inexplicably his whole inflating body too, even if they sounded more rubbery and funny.
Danny's eyes opened wide as he heard his friends chanting the new year's countdown:
Danny still had no clue about what to do to get out of that situation as he tried to move a bit forward. Moving his left leg like that caused a small tear on his trousers, right on the thigh sewing. With a loud "PING" sound, the button in the middle of his growing moobs popped away.
Danny felt hopeless as he was ballooning more and more. The compressor still pumping him up like he was a top quality human sized balloon, as he was too nervous to notice he gained a few inches in height already, and was still growing like a teen in his growth spurt. His poor tuxedo was over stretched all over, but the pressure in his midsection was insane. Danny's belly was getting as round and as big as a gym ball. Meanwhile, on top of the huge thighs, his butt was now looking like a large beachball. His tuxedo wasn't really made for handle such a body type, and it was a matter of moments before the obvious happened...
One after another, in perfect timing with the countdown, the tuxedo jacket's buttons popped like they were some pistol bullets. On the very moment of the first day in the new year, an huge tear ripped Danny's trousers right in the middle of his ballooned asscheeks, revealing some festive "Happy 2024!" themed underwear with funny champagne bottles. They were so stretched that the bottles looked like barrels.
Great, he welcomed the new year inflating like a blimp. Danny felt sad and upset. He had little time to think as his huge body started to rise in the air. Danny panicked out, waving his huge arms. The movement became slower with each passing second, before the big young man was forced to keep them spreaded because of the insane pressure inside of them.
Danny noticed how big he was getting, it was ridicolous. His belly, finally free from the tight blazer's embrace, was now growing a bit faster than before, now even bigger than a gym ball and still inflating. Over it, his chest was now looking like two basketballs, poking his chin.
Danny had no way to see under that massive globe that was his belly, but he could clearly feel some weird sounds and a nice feeling coming from his feet. In fact his classy shoes, stretched beyond possible limits, were popping open. Two ballooned feet were rising from their black shiny prisons, snapping the laces just like some movie monster getting freed from captivity. Both shoes, or what remained of them, fell to the ground. Danny's feet were inflated huge and longer than diving fins. As no outer pressure was applied on them anymore, air filled them quickly. This caused all of his toes to balloon up with some funny "POPS", one after another. This happened to Danny's inflated hands too, making them impossibile to move anymore.
The huge young man kept rising in the air, progressively shifting his position from standing to prone, facing the floor. He was wondering what would his dad say if he saw him inflating like that. And when would this eventually stop. The thought of popping scared him, but despite the bizarre situation he couldn't deny that inflating felt so great.
The moment his huge butt bounced off the basement's ceiling made him came back to reality. Danny was shocked to see how huge he was. His overall size was about the one of a small parade blimp. Sporting a weather balloon-like belly, some hay rolls-like arms and legs, two gymball-like asscheeks and some car airbag-like moobs, Danny was looking funny and goofy, yet very nice. His red face with huge cheeks was extremely cute, and so was the curious way his blue eyes were moving left and right to see everything.
But more than anything, Danny was still worried and nervous. The compressor was stil pumping him up, and there was no way to stop that. Rips were running all over his beautiful tuxedo, as all the sewings were so stretched you could see what was under them even if they were still shut. The large tear on his butt was growing wider and wider as Danny's ass was still growing bigger.
All of sudden, a non rubbery or stretching noise was heard. It was the basement's door being opened. Danny started immediately to panic and sweat cold.
Some voices could be heard. They were Danny's friends looking for him. Being disappeared for quite a while now obviously made people worried.
Danny had nothing to do but floating and inflating, totally surrendered to the compressor's power. His friends were about to see him like that. He wanted to die, to disappear. Everybody would've known he accidentally inflated like a blimp during the new year's party. He was about to became the internet hottest story for 2024... hoping something bigger happened to make people forget about him.
Three young men entered the basement. They were all wearing nice tuxedos.
"OH THERE HE HIS AHAHAH!" said one of them pointing at Danny. Danny had nothing to do and accepted his fate.
"THIS THING IS ABOUT TO BLOW, TURN OFF THAT THING!" said one of them to another, as he went to the compressor, turning it off. Danny stopped inflating, he felt relieved.
"What was this thing for?!"
"This looks just like Danny doesn't it? Ahahah!"
The three young men kept laughing. Oddly enough, nobody noticed that was the real Danny. Everybody thought that was a balloon. They were probably drunk.
Danny was happy that somehow his friends thought he was a balloon, but not being recognized like that felt quite embarassing.
"That idiot probably forgot the compressor on and look how overinflated this thing is!"
"Yeah, daddy probably called him and he had to go, just like everytime!"
"I can imagine the scene! DANNY JUST COME HOME IT'S LATE! AHAHAHAH!"
Did they really thought Danny was such a daddy-boy? Danny was pissed. What's wrong with that?!
"What should we do with this thing? Should we bring it upstairs?!"
"There's no way we can squeeze this thing through the door. Look how huge it is!"
"Guys, imagine if Danny actually inflated himself like this!"
Everybody started to laugh hard again, as Danny was more pissed and embarassed.
"He was probably thinking a way to grow a few inches up, but this is ridicolous!"
"What if he wanted an easy way to get buff?"
"Oh, yes and which gym makes you develop a blimp butt like that?!"
The three young men kept mocking and having fun thinking about their friend, as Danny could do nothing but floating over their heads and listen everything.
"Come on, let's go, he's not here. He's probably outside to see fireworks already!"
As they walked to the stairs, one of them tripped over the rubber hose on the floor. The pull was strong enough to remove it from Danny's mouth, with a funny uncorking-like sound. His friends were laughing so loud, and were so drunk, that they didn't notice.
Danny felt all the pressure inside of him rushing to his mouth. Both cheeks inflated just like two balloons, growing up to watermelons size. As his friends closed the door, he finally opened his lips.
An huge stream of air leaked from them, causing a loud farting-like sound. The air stream was so strong it caused Danny to move around like a rollercoaster ride, bouncing off everything.
The air jet from his mouth was leaving a trail of his way, creating circles and loops all over the room. It took a minute for Danny to deflate back to the ground, and with three perfect bounces on his butt, topped by some cartoonish "BOING" sounds, he rolled back until the wall stopped his run with a big head hit.
"Ouch!" he said, before realizing he was back to normal with a big smile. He checked his body. It was back to his thin self. His face turned worried again noticing all the damages on his tuxedo. Besides all the rips here and there, no button could be found anymore, and the tissue was overstretched enough to make Danny look like he was wearing clothes two sizes too big.
"Damn... I hope dad won't get mad over this! He won't let me wear his tuxedo again anymore!"
Danny fixed his clothes the best he could, sweeping his shoulders and adjusting his bowtie. He had no more time to waste as fireworks were about to begin.
Rushing the stairs, he quickly opened the door to the main room. Nobody was there anymore.
"Holy crap, what a mess!"
Furnishings were upside down, with lakes of beer and cocktails on the floor. Every bottle was empty, if not broken. Random shoes, ties, and even a pair of underwear were hanging from pictures on the wall and family portraits.
"Well, thank you guys I guess... I'll have clean everything for this morning or dad will kill me when he comes back!"
Danny was upset knowing he had to clean all that mess, but he didn't want to miss fireworks.
His very first step fell on a random banana peel on the ground making him slip and fall with his butt up. The wet floor made him slide fast all across the room. Suddently, before he could even realize what the hell had just happened, his face crashed into something. The thing turned on with some mechanical sounds and an hissing one.
Danny felt an air stream filling his cheeks and again, going down his throat. His lips were sealed shut around the vacuum cleaner's end.
Danny tried to stand with his hands, but the wet floor made him slip again and fall. His belly was filling with air again, making his body rise. His butt was slowly growing again too, filling the once oversized trousers.
Danny could do nothing once again and just had accept his fate for that day. At least that was a big way to start the new year... hoping his dad would've been home before he got too big.

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