The Big Date

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Hector looked across the table at the empty chair, wondering if his date would be much longer. He couldn’t remember if she was from one of the online services he frequented, or a blind date set up by a coworker. He’d had quite a few recently, and they were beginning to run together. As he sat he tried to remember, and couldn’t not matter how hard he tried. Giving up, he dug into the pocket of his slim-waisted slacks and checked. Ah, Helen! From that singles site; she had said that she liked his picture.

    Then he looked at his profile and idly considered how fat he should be.

    Hector was a sort of mage whose magic centered upon his own weight. This was a good fit for him, since he liked when he chose to be varying levels of rotund. From having a sizeable beer gut to having a belly that bumped into his knees as he walked to nearly as big as his living room, he reveled in the aspects of being profoundly overweight.

    He also liked to go on dates and see the shocked expressions on the women’s faces. Sometimes he’d arrive much fatter than his photos, causing her to be angry or disillusioned.  Other times he would billow forth in front of everyone, causing her to panic and run away, most often. When he was in the mood, he’d slowly gain weight, changing reality so that he’d been that big, watching her get more pitying and anxious to leave, until finally he was facing an empty chair meaning she’d decided not to meet him. He didn’t know why he did this; he just seemed to find amusement in setting up these odd circumstances.

    Hector finally settled on what he would do as Helen walked in the door. He rose, and extended a thin hand. “Helen? I’m Hector. Pleasure to meet you.”

    Helen smiled and said, “A pleasure, Hector.” Though she was polite and cheerful, he thought he could detect a bit of disappointment in her voice.

    Well, he thought, she doesn’t know what disappointment is! Concentrating for a brief moment, he felt himself slowly begin to gain weight. Smiling, he sat down with her at the table and placed their orders.

    The difference wasn’t visibly noticeable at first, even to Hector. But soon slight gaps started to appear between the buttons of his formerly well-fitting shirt. Helen noticed, but thought it might be rude to mention it, so she kept on with their conversation. However, as the gaps continued to widen, she would find herself momentarily losing her train of thought, making conversation more difficult.

    After a period of halting discussion, one by one the buttons on his shirt started to pop off and sail through the air in all directions. Soon his shirt was completely open and hanging to either side of a belly that was starting to come to rest on his lap. “Um, Hector, is something wrong?” was all that Helen managed.

    Hector looked at her innocently, and said, “No. Whatever do you mean?” He pretended not to notice as his belly creeped along his thickening legs and caused his undershirt to stretch until it finally began to ride up, exposing a strip of flesh.

    Through the creaking noise in the hems of his pants, Helen only managed to reply, “Well, um…” In reply Hector nodded, the formation of a double chin wobbling. Even that was getting bigger, though not as much as his belly was. Helen gasped as she saw the tshirt go up farther, and heard a ripping noise as the hems on the side of his slacks gave way to fattening thighs and widening hips. “I don’t know how, but you seem to be getting...bigger…”

    “What an unusual thing to say! Well, I have been going to the gym; maybe you saw me flex my muscles?” By this time his belly had become almost big enough to touch his knees, and the shirt was more than halfway up, exposing his navel and quite a bit of soft expanse.

    Helen couldn’t help but stare as his trousers ripped down the sides all the way to his knees. The waiter approached with the food, and she looked up at him, wondering what he’d say about Hector’s shape, which included a belly that was slowly sliding over his kneecaps. But the waiter registered no shock or surprise; he simply put the food down, smiled, and said “Enjoy!” before leaving.

    “Oh good, I’m starving!” He took all of the mozzarella sticks in his fist and began cramming the whole bundle down his gullet. Helen sat there in stunned silence as she couldn’t take her eyes away from the spectacle. Once he was done he smiled and said, “Delicious! But that will go straight to my waistline!” She looked down to see his belly drooped over his knees and to either side of his chair. The shirt had ridden up to contain only his large moobs, and was stretching to handle that task.

    Hector was rather confused at the woman that was still sitting across from him. They usually ran off before this point. Maybe he stunned her so badly she was frozen with shock. The thought pleased him immensely. “Are you all right, Helen? Did you see something that shocks you?” He looked down at his immense gut that was on its way to touching the floor.

    Helen stood up suddenly. Expecting her to run, it was Hector’s turn to be shocked when she did something that no other date had - she came around the table and put a hand on his fat belly. “How are you doing this?”

    Hector was too flummoxed to feign ignorance, and said, simply, “I can make myself as fat as I want.”

    Helen placed the other hand on his belly, gently groping and jiggling it. After a few moments of revered silence, she declared, “This may be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. But you’re still growing…”

    Hector made an incomprehensible noise, cleared his throat and said, “This doesn’t disgust you?”

    Helen’s face broke into a wide smile. “No, quite the contrary. But you need to stop getting bigger.”

    Hector willed himself to stop gaining weight. “Why? Is there a limit to your tolerance of this?”

    Helen laughed. “No, I don’t think so. But I need you to be able to get up and let me drive you to my place, and my car is only so big…”

    The realization of what going to her place might entail dawned slowly on Hector. He finally smiled and yelled to the waiter, “Check please!”

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