Plumping Spice Latte

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Clark was your run-of-the-mill young man. He was of average height, and a little slimmer than average weight. He had a pair of glasses on his face at all times, underneath a neatly-trimmed buzzcut of light brown hair. And he worked as a barista at the Blue Brick Coffee House to pay the rent. By all accounts, he was perfectly normal.

His coworker, Lachlan, on the other hand, was quite a character.

Towering over Clark at six foot seven, Lachlan was tall and gangly. He was a natural ginger, with frizzy orange eyebrows and a big mop of orange hair. When he wasn't serving or brewing coffee, his nose was usually buried in an enormous engineering workbook he kept behind the counter, as he honed his skills in the hopes of landing an internship somewhere (a degree he had in common with Clark, though the latter was much less obsessive about it).

These traits combined - a tall, gangly redheaded, messy-haired engineering nerd - would have made Lachlan quite unique already, but he did have one other characteristic that often reared its head at work.

Lachlan was a chubby chaser. Not just that, but also an aspiring feeder. Basically, he really loved the idea of fat chicks getting fatter.

Clark wasn't sure how common it was at most cafes to find a barista flirting with a customer, but it happened fairly regularly at Blue Brick. The bell would chime, signaling an entering customer, and if it was a woman of average weight, or a man, or a family, either Clark or Lachlan would take their order, and the day would run perfectly normally. But as soon as a more corpulent woman entered, Clark rolled his eyes and passed the baton over to his coworker.

Clark hadn't intended to enable his friend's strange fetish, but he also didn't mind helping a brother out. It could get a little annoying when Lachlan was laying on his charm to a bigger woman, leaving Clark to attend to any other customers on his own, but it was infrequent enough not to be a major issue. The girls usually giggled at Lachlan's compliments, he'd take them out to dinner, and return to work the following morning telling Clark about how "dreadfully boring" he found his date. This was usually Lachlan-code for "she won't let me stuff her with food."

Clark knew Lachlan had a tendency to lay it on a little thick, so it didn't phase him when, one morning, his tall coworker elbowed him.

"Hey, Clark, you see that girl?"

The young man looked up from the cash register to look at his lanky coworker's smirking face. As he poured a coffee for another customer, Lachlan gestured with his head for Clark to turn around.

A young woman stood at the counter, checking her phone as she awaited her coffee. She had a cute face and red hair, which flowed down her back, but what made her a bit more noteworthy was her size. It wasn't that she was obese - rather, quite the opposite. She barely held an ounce of pudge.

"She doesn't really seem like your type," Clark remarked dryly.

"Not yet," Lachlan said. "But I can see the hunger in her eyes."

"Uh-huh," Clark sighed. "Just go take her order already."

Lachlan strolled over to the young redhead. He wasn't eavesdropping, but the Blue Brick Coffee House wasn't that big, so he could hear their conversation fairly easily.

"Welcome to the Blue Brick Coffee House. May I take your order?" Lachlan asked.

"Oh, gosh, it all looks so good," the girl giggled. "What do you recommend?"

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