David's pill

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Please note: this is a male weight gain story, if you don't like that please don't read. Thank you

David was forced into his office chair. His chestnut brown eyes flickered around the room as he felt his milk white skin brush against the cool leather chair sending shivers down his spine. His attacker quickly bound him with a hempen rope. Tying his arms to the chair, whilst his feet were bound together. His eyes found that of his attacker. Looking into her eyes as she slid a full-length mirror in front of him. David strained against the rope. Hoping. Hoping that something would give, loosen even, allowing his escape. His attempts were futile however, causing him to tire and slowly come to a stop. Maybe if I can find something in my room, anything to get me the hell out of here, David thought as he returned to scanning his room. His eyes flicking to his desk, his study notes piled high, to his bedside table then to his perfectly made bed. Why the fuck did I have to be a minimalist? His eyes kept flickering around the spares room, landing on the odd stray object here and there. David had always strived to keep his room neat and in order, returning all utensils and plates to the kitchen once he had finished unlike his roommates. He cursed himself. Why, why couldn’t I be lazy just the once, just this time?
His thoughts were broken as his attacker pulled a chair in front of him and sat down. She removed her balaclava, allowing her silky blonde hair fall down her shoulders, reminding David of a cascade when the sunlight sparkles through its waters. She shouldered off her jacket to reveal a tight black shirt, straining against her bosoms. He had never seen a woman so perfect in his life. Her ruby red lips juxtaposed against her moon white skin whilst her hourglass figure transfixed David’s eyes. His mouth fell open. The woman grasped this opportunity to place a tiny purple pill into his mouth, jolting David to his senses. He closed his mouth, swallowing the saliva that had gathered in his mouth. His cheeks glowed red. Why did I do that, fuck this is awkward David thought, only to be cut short as he remembered where he was. He went to demand answers from her but was quickly cut off.
“Why am I doing this? Who am I?” the woman said sarcastically “It’s always the same with you people. You think I have this grand scheme to get revenge from some wrong that you did when you were a child, or some dud root coming to make you theirs forever by locking you into their basement. It’s all a bit melodramatic and a tad lame. Although you’ve been the quietest I’ve ever had. Congratulations!”
“If its not that, then what? Keeping to that line I see. In short, money. I like money. I like it a lot. I know its vain and all, and I don’t even have sick family or anything. But my employers pay a lot for me to do my job. I’m even thinking of retiring soon…. After tonight in fact. Talk about a short career and long retirement, its only been four years of work.” The woman yawned widely as she stood up again, placing a camera atop the mirror pointing it at David. As she stretched up, her shirt was pulled up revealing her ass. Her jeans sculpted her ass perfectly, enticing even the strongest willed man to have a long look. No, David scolded himself, you have to focus here. She could slip at any moment allowing you to get out of here. Just, just listen to her. She brought an usb cable down from the camera and connected it to her computer. “Alright Dave – can I call you Dave? Look, lets make tonight fun, memorable. It’s my last night so lets change things up. My company makes me say a long speech about some shit, look it’s boring, so I say fuck that! Instead you can ask me questions for the next 5 minutes and I will answer truthfully. You have my word”
David’s mind went into overdrive. His mind filling with hundreds of questions, all of which seemed pointless to ask.
“How much do you know about me?”
“Your 21. You not the biggest fan of watching sport but you like to play them from time to time. Your favorite drink is a chocolate thick shake.  You have no brothers or sisters and you no longer keep in contact with the remains of your family, not because you don’t like them but because they don’t like you. You’re a virgin, haven’t even kissed a girl before. I could go on, but then our time would be up.” She looked into the kid’s eyes and couldn’t help but feel something for the poor kid. He’s had a rough life and he deserves a break, she thought.
“Are you going to fuck me?” His cheeks burnt red as he heard himself speak. Why the fuck would you ask that. She is never going to do that, she’s here to kill you or ransom you, not to sleep with you! His eye dropped as she laughed.
“No Dave. I’m not here to do that. Although if we weren’t in this situation I might have. Although there isn’t much of you, you are a bit cute though” David’s face continued to burn as he listened.
“Why do you have a camera?” He muttered
“My clients are not only paying for your body, but for your reaction. They want to see your face as you go through the process, alongside other parts of you…”
“Why do you do this?”
“I’ve already told you, for money”
“OK, ok. Then you’ve done this before?”
“Who to?”
“Men, mostly. Young, skinny, lazy men. Others have done women. I tried that field, more money in it you see. I just find men more entertaining. I could’ve been out of this industry after my first year”
“So this is all a joke to you? Messing with people’s lives?”
“It’s a business, work. A way to get rich quick. Look, Dave, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life working in some dreary office when I could be traveling around the world. Getting drunk in Spain or hiking Mount Everest. The world is so big and we don’t have time to see it all.” David’s mind was starting to become lethargic as he tried to figure out her motive, but he couldn’t pick anything out.
“Will you work again after you retire?”
“I hope not, but I would always take on the odd job here and there. More money means more to spend. Look, Dave, you better hurry up with the ‘BIG’ question, your running out of time”
“Have you ever loved someone?”
“Huh, that is a big question. But yes, once. You remind me of him a little”
“What happened?”
“He was killed, drive by shooting. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And now… but anyway, there is still that BIG question”
“Have you drugged me?”
“Not quite what I expected, but yes Dave, I have.”
“When? Last night? It can’t have been now because I would have seen it”
“When you where gawking at my luscious body. Women’s bodies are men’s greatest weakness. Even a kid like you cant resist a body like mine” His head was becoming more and more clouded, his thoughts were turning to food more often then not. A moment before he was filled with questions but now all he could think was I could go a pounder or a large thickshake. He snapped back to reality.
“Whom do you work for?” He stammered, shocked that anything had come out at all. The woman chuckled, her breasts jiggling with her movement.
“There it is!” She laugh again “I work for a company called Lipicor. Weird name at first, but when broken down into Latin it does make sense. Lipicor is two words; the first is Lipid which is, well, you’re a smart kid, whilst the second is corpus. Don’t worry, I don’t mean a dead person. Corpus Corporis means the body in latin. The company specializes in the lipid production of the human body, although it is a jealous company founded by some of the richest people in the world. They pay me to find people like you. People who are skeletal thin even though they eat garbage everyday and never exercise. See my clients struggle with that side. They diet and diet, but nothing ever changes and it enrages them, so they choose people like you to join them. You must admit in the past two weeks, when you bothered to get out of bed, you went to maccas or got delivered pizza and played Dark souls or watched tv. The thing my clients dreamed they could do, but without the side affects they suffer.”
“What does that mean? You not suggesting that you are goi-“ David broke off, terror shinning in his eyes.
“Ah, you’ve figured it out. That pill I gave you changes the body’s lipid production, turning any calories in your body into fat, which is then instantly deposited around your body. Of course this does take time. Speaking of time, ours is almost up”
“Bu- but I have eaten at all today!”
“Yes, this is true. That’s why that pill has been modified. It contains enough calories to blow you up into a right pig.” David’s stomach interrupted with a loud gurgle. “Well, it appears time is up. Such a shame, you are a bit cute. I do like you Dave, you’re a good guy, you’re just on this earth in a jealous time.”
She stood, moving her chair out of the way of the mirror, leaving David to stare at himself.
“Who are you?” David muttered.
“I’m sorry Dave, I can’t” The woman moved into the darkness of the room but stayed to watch the boy. She could help but think Damn, why do I care about this kid. I’ve done this a hundred times without a thought ever crossing my mind.
David could feel his waistband begin to tighten. His stomach pushing on it, straining his shirt as it continued to grow. Horror filled David’s face as he watched a small roll of fat push its way out from underneath his shirt, revealing his white flesh. Please, no, I don’t want to get fat. Soft love handles began to form on his hips, adding ever so slightly to his girth. He could feel the pressure rising as his jeans restricted his swelling thighs. The seat of his pants moved down ever so slightly, revealing the top of his crack. The woman would’ve been able to see it if the back of the chair wasn’t in the way. David’s eyes moved to his face, noticing that his cheekbones were no longer as predominant, even his neck looked thicker. Distracted by the pain caused by his ever tightening waistband David’s eyes flicked down to his stomach. His shirt was riding up, allowing him to see his receding belly button. His stomach had grown to be the size of a basketball. The button on his jeans was straining to its’ limit, holding in as much of David as it could. His eyes slowly moved up to his chest. He could see the faint outline were a pair of moobs were growing. He felt a tightening around his arms and looked up to see that they where starting to swell as well, the cuffs beginning to cut into his arms.
David heard a loud pop and a sharp pain on the underside of his growing bulk. Shit, He thought, my skin as ripped, my intestines have burst, something’s wrong, more wrong then me blowing up!
“Relax, it was just your pants. You’re not going to explode, I’ll make sure of it.” As she spoke, the tinny rattle of a button could be heard as it hit the floor. The release of pressure allowed David’s stomach to swell forward, moving onto his lap. The pressure was building more and more in his legs, cause him to let out a moan in pain. Damn it! You can’t let them know what you’re feeling, don’t let them enjoy this! The seams of his pants began to tear apart releasing parts of his doughy thighs to the open. As he shifted to look from one leg to another and he felt something move under his chin. He looked up. The face looking back was not one he recognized. The face he saw now was that of a moon-faced boy with a double chin, a third begining to grow underneath. A fat neck supported this fat head that sat on top of fat, shapeless, rounding shoulders. Tears began to well in his eyes. No, damn it no! You don’t cry, not now! Suddenly there was a massive release of pressure on his lower half. He looked down to see his jeans, in tatters, on the floor, leaving him in his comic strip patterned undies and his tight red shirt. His hips where touching the arms of the chair, almost wedging him in it. He couldn’t see the damage done to his rear but David assumed the worst. His dough ball of a belly had groan considerably, covering almost half of his lap. His red shirt now looked like an uncomfortably tight sports bra. This was enhanced even more so by his growing moobs, which where almost a c cup. The sleeves of his shirt where the first to go, then the rest seemed to burst apart freeing his moobs to fall onto his shelf like upper belly.
“It’s almost done now.” The woman whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek. . I can’t, not anymore. Not this kid. He hasn’t done anything to deserve this. At least get the bullies, the horrible jocks that deserve it. Not the kids that have seen a real naked girls body, or enjoyed a first love. Why does he remind me of him.
David felt his body become fatter faster before it stopped as suddenly as it started. He was left, wedged into his office chair. His bulging love handles spilling over the sides of the chair, his stomach covered up almost all of his lap, his arms hung like sausages beside is belly, his fat moobs sat on his stomach, his face was rounded with a triple chin hanging underneath. He looked down at his fleshy thighs. They were the size of tree trunks. This was the first time that they ever touched, and now they would never be apart. He looked at the floor where his clothing lay in shreds. I have no cloths now. I’m completely naked. I don’t even think my towel will fit around me.
The camera beeped. Signaling the next stage of the process. She moved forward. She put a slender hand under his fat arm and freed him from his bonds. She then put her hand under his arm once more and helped him stand. She couldn’t help be feel how soft David had become. No longer did the bones in his elbow jut out, instead a cushiony layer of fat covered it. She felt her hand sink a little into his sausage arms. She looked at his hands as David struggled to find his center of balance. Even his hands are chubby. He had grandfather hands, now his fingers look like tiny sausages. He even has dimples where his knuckles should be. Once he found his balance she left him. She looked down at the floor, at his tattered clothes. Wait, something is missing. She looked back at David but no clothing remained. He was left, naked.
David looked at himself. I look obscene, grotesque he thought. His dough ball of a belly hung half way down his thighs, his moobs sat on top of it whilst his squishy thighs pushed against each other. As he looked down he saw that he now had cankles and rolls of fat that hung off his knees. He turned around to see what he could of his rear. Tears welled again as he saw a massive bubble butt that replaced his once svelte rear. He watched as his body jiggled with every movement. He watched as his butt move up and down as he poked it with a chubby finger. He turned to face the front once more. He forced himself to humiliate himself some more, sticking his fingers into his belly button. He lifted his massive gut with two fingers still stuck into his naval and dropped it. His whole body shook for several seconds after he let go. He moved his hands to his moobs and picked them up, then dropped them letting them slap against his belly. His hands moved to his sides as he grabbed his large love handles. Grasping has much as he could he shook them with all his might, watching his body shake like a plate of jell-o. He collapsed back into the chair, defeat written on his face. The chair complained under David’s immense weight.
“I wouldn’t stay seated if I were you.” She went and helped him stand again. “You’re about 450 lbs now, that seat can only take 350 lbs”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Would you kiss me? Do you think any girl would ever kiss me?”
“David, I can’t. It’s apart of my job. I’m –“ she broke off. This time her eyes welled with tears.
“That’s what I thought. No one is ever going to want to kiss a slob like me.” David grabbed his belly again and shook it violently. The pair heard something snap from under his belly. His undies had finally given way, but they did not fall to the floor. Instead the fabric stuck between is butt cheeks and in the folds of his fleshy middle. His face glowed red once more.
“Dave, your cute. In a couple of months you’ll lose some weight and maybe you’ll catch a girl. I’m really sorry I did this to you. You didn’t deserve it. If its any consolation I can help get you set up. Give you money to go to a gym, that sort of thing. Let me help you get those out from under you. Please.” She reached under his apron of flesh, all the while looking into his eyes. Why do I keep crying?
she though as her fingers slipped around the remaining front of his undies. David put a fat arm around her and pulled her close, planting a soft kiss on her lips. He could feel her tense up briefly, then she relaxed, kissing back. The two stumbled back and landed on David’s bed as she pulled some remnants of David’s underwear from beneath his gut. The two embraced as the woman started to unbutton her blouse. She learnt into his ear and whispered,

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