Big Big Big Boyfriend

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Ed pulled his car up to the curb out front of Marion's house, instead of pulling into the driveway like he normally did, and left it idling. Marion turned and gave him a dirty look, slightly annoyed that he was dropping her off by the side of the road, instead of walking her up to the front door like he usually did. She enjoyed the little make out session they would have on the front step, although she had a sneaking suspicion he just humoured her with that. Ed wasn't the most romantic guy in the world, nor the most caring.
"Aren't you going to walk me to the door, Ed?" Marion crooned in her best sexy voice, leaning forward a little to show some cleavage, trying to entice him.
"Naw, I got things to do. I gotta get going." Ed replied in a low voice, as he quickly glanced up at the upstairs bedroom window, belonging to Marion's brother, Rob. Earlier that night, Marion had caught her brother inflating himself like a balloon, and the two of them had blown him up pretty big. They had left the hose, that was attached to the compressor, taped to his mouth before they went out. But what his girlfriend didn't know, was that when Ed went back up to turn off the lights, he had turned the compressor back on. Ed had no intention on being anywhere near the house when someone discovered Rob, or what was left of him if he had burst. Serves that freak right, Ed thought.
Marion glared at Ed, giving him a daggers look.
"Fine. Then I'm not kissing you goodnight then, either!" Marion snapped, getting out of the car and slamming the door behind her.
Ed wasted no time putting the car in drive and stepping on the gas, zooming down the street as Marion glared after him.
"Great. Dropped at the curb like some cheap hooker." She muttered, turning to storm up to the front of the house. Rob would enjoy this, she thought.
Marion's eyes went wide as she remembered that she had left her brother inflated like a giant balloon.
"Ha! I'll go take my frustration out on my big, BIG brother!" She exclaimed, hurriedly unlocking the door and rushing into the house. She hoped he hadn't completely deflated yet, so she could have a little more fun with him. Slamming the door behind her, she rushed upstairs, thinking about how, after she let him return back to normal, she'd get him to do whatever she wanted, or else she would expose his little fetish to Mom and Dad.
"Oh Rob! I'm ho-oome!!" Marion called out, imagining the look on his face as he heard her voice, knowing she was going to torment him some more.
She opened the door to his room and flicked on the light.
But Rob was nowhere to be seen.
"You can't hide from me, big brother!! I know your secrets! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" She sang out, looking in the closet, under the bed...still no Rob. Marion looked in every nook and cranny all over the house, but found no sign of Rob.
Could he have deflated so soon? She wondered if perhaps he had ran off to a friend's place, to plot his revenge. Or called Mom and Dad, and they had come home early? Maybe they were out looking for her, after Rob told them what had happened... Marion returned to Rob's room, to check and see if his wallet was gone. Everything in his room was smashed or knocked over, and his wallet was still on the bed. The notebook that she had found, the one with all his inflation fantasies, was still where she left it, as well. If Rob had deflated, he would have hidden that book for sure, and probably cleaned up.
Marion remembered the air compressor, and turning around, she spotted it on the floor. Bending down for a closer look, she noticed that the tank was empty, but more was in the on position. She knew she had shut it off before she left, how did it....
Ed had run back in to shut off the lights. He must have turned the compressor back on, making Rob swell bigger until he...popped.
Marion spat  a few obscenities. Damn that Ed! Now what was she going to do? What would she tell her parents? Or the police? For her parents would most certainly report him missing. How could she even tell them the truth? That Rob blew himself up like a balloon, that she has been cruel to him, and made him swell bigger, that Ed had made Rob burst.
Ed had made Rob burst.
The thought stuck in Marion's mind. Ed made him burst. This is all Ed's fault! Her face changed to unbridled anger, as she pictured his smirking, uncaring face in her mind.
"That bastard! This is all his fault! I'm so mad at him, I could...I could..." Marion seethed, looking around the room for something to throw in anger and frustration. Her eyes rested on the compressor, and suddenly a plan began to form in her mind.
"So, Ed, you like being cruel, do you? Well I'll show you cruel!" She declared, a wicked grin crossing her lips.
"You've ticked off the wrong girl, and now you're gonna pay!"
Marion turned the lights off in Rob's room, and closed the door. She plotted her revenge as she made her way to her bedroom and switched to her pyjamas. She had it all figured out by the time she climbed into bed, and finally managed to drift off to sleep.
The next morning, Marion woke up early, going over the details in her head of what she had to do that day. She was going to call Ed, and act like nothing happened, setting up a date with him. She had a few stops to make beforehand, a few items to pick up before she met with Ed. She went in the bathroom to get ready. It was time to set her plan into motion.
Ed pulled into the driveway a few hours later, a smirk on his face after hearing how his girlfriend came home to find her brother still inflated. He imagined that he was still inflated now, and maybe Marion would let him blow her brother up again. His mouth curled up into a sinister grin. This time, I'll make sure he pops, Ed thought.
Marion heard the car in the driveway, and quickly tosses Rob's jersey over the new air compressor she had bought, straightened her low cut blouse, and headed downstairs. She opened the door just as Ed was about to knock, and smiled the sweetest smile she could muster at him.
"Hi Ed! Are you ready for some fun?" She cooed, leaning against the door frame is such a manner as to lean her chest forward, showing her male cleavage.
"Sure am, babe. Hey, when we're done, can we blow up your brother some more? He sure can get big." Ed tried to sound cool and casual, but Marion could detect a hint of malice in his voice.
"Oh, you can do some blowing up later, for sure." Marion replied with a wink. She was trying to stay as playful as possible, even though she wanted to wring his neck. It's almost time, she reminded herself. She stepped back into the house, allowing Ed to follow her inside, and she shut and locked the door.
"How about we have our fun down here, then go upstairs to inflate your brother?" Ed remarked, this time keeping his tone devoid of emotion.
"I have a better idea. Why don't we go have fun in Rob's room? That will drive him crazy, and there's nothing he can do about it." Marion offered, keeping her own tone light.
"Uh, that will be a little weird, with your blimp brother watching." Ed replied uncomfortably.
Marion stepped closer to Ed, present her bosom up against him. "Oh, I had to move him to the basement. He was getting to big for his room." She lied.
"Oh. Well...ok." Ed conceded, as Marion took hm by the hand and led him upstairs to her brother's room. She pulled him inside and pushed him onto the bed, climbing on top of him and kissing him all over his face. Inside, she was revolted, not even wanting to touch him, other than slap him. But it was time to start the plan.
"Oh, Ed...let's play a little while we are in here!" Marion squealed, and jumped up and over to the old air compressor. "Come over here and pretend you're Rob, and I'll show you what I did when I found him!"
"I dunno, babe. I don't want any air in me...that's for your brother later." Ed replied apprehensively.
"It's empty, it'll be fine! C'mon, it'll be fun, I promise!" Marion coaxed, rubbing the hose against her exposed chest.
"Alright. I do want to hear what you did to that big fat balloon of a brother. What a weirdo." Ed chuckled, getting up off the bed and coming over to where Marion stood.
"Ok, not then...Ed, you move over here.." She placed him in the spot where Rob had been. "Good. Now put this in your mouth..oops! I dropped it. Hold on.." Marion bent down and picked up the hose from the hidden compressor, and stood back up.
"Alright, now put this in your mouth. Good, just like that. Ok, let me turn it on, so it'll be like when I walked in on Rob." Marion said soothingly, as she bent down and, still holding the hose in Ed's mouth, reached under the jersey and flicked the switch on the new air compressor. The machine whirred to life, pumping air through the hose and into Ed's body.
"Mmph!" Ed exclaimed, muffled by the hose, his eyes going wide as suddenly he was filling with air, his hands quickly moving to his swelling belly as it inflated. He reached up to remove the hose, but Marion twisted the nozzle with a click, and the tip expanded in his mouth, making him unable to pull it out. Marion had bought a more heavy duty compressor, with an inflatable tip, for this occasion. Much to the dismay of Ed, who continued to rapidly fill with air at a much faster rate than Rob had done. Soon his chest and backside began to round out to catch up with his large, round belly.
"Mmmph Mmph..." Ed muttered, raising his arms up to lunge at Marion, but when he tried to move forward, his ballooning torso threw him off balance and he fell forward, landing hard onto his swollen midsection. Wincing, he flapped his arms and legs to try to get back up, but found that they, too, were beginning to inflate, and he was losing his mobility in them. His clothing soon ripped and tore, finally shredding and falling on the floor, leaving him naked as he continued to fill with air.
Marion laughed at the sight of him, flailing about helplessly as he grew bigger and bigger. His arms and legs began swelling into his huge orb-like body, and soon all that was left sticking out were his swollen hands, feet and head. Marion flicked off the compressor, and stood back to admire her balloon boyfriend, who was now the size of her brother when she had walked in on him.
"Well now, Ed, this was about the size my brother was when I found him. He was about as helpless as you are now, too. How does it feel, babe?" Marion snickered as she walked around her swollen boyfriend, running her hand along his taut skin and pressing in here and there, testing to see how full and tight he was.
Ed whimpered and grunted as she poked him harder each time, and he tried to squirm, barely able to flap his bloated hands and feet. As Marion made her way back around to the front of him, Ed gave her a pleading look, mumbling through the hose, hoping she'd let him deflate.
"Aww, Ed....feeling a bit too big? Too tight? Like you might pop? I bet that's how Rob felt when you turned the compressor back on. When you left him to blow up until he popped!" Marion accused, Ed's eyes going wide and his face draining of all its colour.
"That's right, Ed. I figured it out. Now you're going to see what it's like!!" Marion flicked the air compressor back on, watching Ed's face contort to a look of panic as he stretched bigger, tighter, his body trying to contain all the air. But he hadn't practiced like Rob, and his body couldn't hold as much. His skin stretched thin, his body creaked louder and louder, the sounds becoming closer together as he grew closer and closer to the limit. The pressure inside him grew as well, becoming more and more intense.
Marion back up against the wall, her eyes staying locked onto Ed's as his rounded torso stopped swelling, the creaking so loud it was almost deafening. Marion's lips curled up in a smirk, and she gave Ed a half hearted wave.
'Later, dude." Marion remarked casually, using one of Ed's famous lines, not knowing it was the last words he had said to her brother. Ed's huge swollen body groaned one last time, and with a thunderous bang he burst, the force of his explosion knocking Marion to the floor, along with everything else in the room. All that was left were the shredded remains of his clothing, laying on the floor.
Marion spent the better part of the day straightening up, putting Rob's room back in order as best she could. She picked up Ed's clothing remnants, and took them downstairs to burn in the fireplace. She still needed to do something with Ed's car, she knew. She would figure that out in the morning. For now, it was getting late, and she was exhausted. Climbing the stairs, she passed by Rob's room and stopped. She opened the door and went inside, picking up his favourite jersey and taking it with her to the bathroom. She got ready for bed, but instead of putting on her pyjama top, she put on the jersey instead.
"I guess this is mine now," Marion smirked, as she headed down the hall to her room, a satisfied smile on her face.

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