The Body inflation Suit and the Inflation Fetish Society

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“I’m sorry sir, but I’ve never heard of a suit like you describe,” the woman said as Andy lowered his head.  The muscled young man had come to the fetish store asking for an extra-large rubber suit capable of being inflated without bursting, yet thin enough for the wearer to experience every touch and feel through the rubber.  “In order to accept the stress of being inflated, the rubber must be extraordinarily thick and resistant.  Otherwise…”

“Sure, I understand,” Andy said as he blushed.  He was embarrassed to find his dream suit was only that…a dream.

The saleslady paused.  “On the other hand, I do know of someone who specializes in custom-made inflatables.  Perhaps he can help you; just leave your number with me and he’ll contact you…’


Andy, Betty and Tom were bringing drinks in to a meeting of thirty members of the local Inflation Fetish Society (IFS).  Just last night Andy had called everyone to come to his house for a special meeting.  The group was made up of both genders of mixed ages and sexual preferences, yet all bonded by their love of inflation.  Right now they were talking shop—artists, pumps, and so on.  For that reason everyone was quite surprised when a puff of smoke appeared—and he was there!  An uncommonly handsome man stood before the group, only 5’9” tall but with a muscled build of a bodybuilder that easily topped 250.  The man was clad in black latex from his thick neck to his ankles.  He smiled.  There were two similarly clad strangers standing slightly behind his broad shoulders smiling at the group.  The Society members murmured in surprise and anticipation of something good.

“Call me Joel.  I’m looking for an inflation party,” as he strolled around the room looking at each and every one of the Society members.  “Looks like I came to the right place.”  The handsome man paused and smiled at the group.  People only now noticed the two tanks on wheels that the tall man with him had wheeled to the center of the room, while others noticed the suitcase the rubber suited woman held.  “Now then, I’m here courtesy of your friend Andy, here.”  He pointed at Andy leaning against the bar with a shy grin as his buddies started to thank him for the ‘show’ with pats on the back. 

“Andy came to my shop with a special request.  He wanted a suit that is at once super sensitive and strong enough to be inflated massively without bursting,” as he opened his suitcase up.  “I believe I have the answers to your prayers right here.”  He pulled out a rubber suit like the one he wore and with a flip laid it out over the suit case for all to see as he smiled.  “Many of you overeat, trying to acquire that full feeling.”  He paused by a chubby woman named Roxanna who was about to stuff a huge frosting coated brownie into her mouth.  As if his words came to her slowly she paused with a flush of her cheeks and set the brownie back on the napkin on her ample lap.  Joel continued.  “Others try dangerous air pumps, still others use water enemas.”  He returned to the center of the room and ran his hands over the shoulders of the tall rubber suited man who had appeared at his right.  The man was dressed in a matching suit.  The model was jacked though not nearly as thick as Joel.  Still the tall man with broad shoulders and a tight ripped build stepped forward so all could study the suit he wore that showed off his jock bod to perfection.   Joel continued.  “But it isn’t enough, you want… more.  I am here to give you more.  What you really want is to inflate massively without killing yourself.  Am I right?” Joel looked over his shoulder at his audience with a questioning arch to his brows.  The group nodded and mumbled in the affirmative. Joel reached up and buttoned the top button of the suit the model wore before squeezing a spot on the collar.   The tall stud gasped as the suit suddenly vacuum sealed itself to his muscled body, contouring completely to his every curve and bulge.  The rubber suit that had accentuated the stud’s build now fit him like skin.  Any zippers or buttons that once closed it seemed to disappear.  The only areas of normal tanned skin appeared to be his face and broad long fingered hands.  The rest of his thick body now looked to be made of black rubber.  Every plump muscle and dip of his body was coated with rubber.  Even his ample cock and balls were shrink wrapped and stood out plainly for all to see. 

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