Victor's Demise

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Victor always knew he was hot, possibly even gorgeous. He had a strong shaped jaw, slicked back hair, and golden brown skin. His gym workouts payed off in the form of a six pack that drove the ladies wild. He should know, he'd dated plenty of them. Missy, Laura, Jenette, Paula, just to name a few. The flavor at the moment was Stephanie, a ditsy blond with a killer rack. She was the leader of the cheerleading squad, the yearbook club , and the Girl's choir, and showed it all of with pride. Victor loved to see her bouncing towards him, her chest heaving up and down.

Today, she was meeting him after her cheerleading practice. He watched her from the sidelines, sitting with his best leather jacket and black shirt that he'd cut the sleeves off of. They girls finished up, with Victor finishing off his cigarette, tossing it away before pulling out a new one.

"Hi Sweetie!" Stephanie said, bounding over to him with a smile. Her blond hair was flowing with the small breeze as she hugged him tight.

Victor pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. "Hey Babe." He said, patting her on the back. "You were great out there today. New uniform? Looked a bit tighter than usual." He said, pulling on the bottom of her shirt that was exposing her midriff.

"No, silly!" She said, pushing him back playfully. "My shirt shrunk in the wash! I'm getting a new one soon." She said, twisting back and forth to make her skirt move.

"Maybe you should just keep this one." Victor asked, placing his cigarette back into his mouth. Before he could light it, Stephanie yanked it from his lips.

"Babe?! What the hell?" He asked, reaching for it.

"I don't like you smoking. It makes you smell bad. Why don't you try something else?" She asked, tossing the thing away.

"Like what?" He asked, pulling out another from the pack.

"Like...gum! I heard that works. My mom did it for a while, now she doesn't smoke." Stephanie said, settling down into his lap. "Enough about that though. I heard about this great carnival that's coming to town this weekend, and I thought we should go together..." She said, smiling at him.

"A carnival," He said as he lit the cigarette, and took a puff. "What are you, nine?" He asked, blowing the smoke out.

Stephanie laughed, shaking her head, "No, no, It'll be fun! It's not just for kids you know! I hear...there's a tunnel of love going to be there..." She whispered into his ear.

"I'll think about it." He said, taking another puff.

"Yay!" Stephanie jumped to her feet. "Meet me at my house by ten. I want to spend the whole day with you!" She said, giving him a kiss before running off to get her bag.

Victor sighed, flicking ashes off into the gravel. Stephanie was starting to get a little too much for him. All high energy and high pitched voice. No amount of great sex or great body could get past all of that. He'd have to break up with her, after the date tomorrow. He wanted to only date the best, and Steph, despite her boobs, were not good for his image.


"Come on! Come on! This way!" Stephanie pulled Victor along down the path, smiling and giggling as she did so. Today, he was wearing a black shirt, with a blue lighting bolt down the middle, and his favorite leather jacket. He was also carrying a smaller prize for Stephanie, as she wanted to jump from game to game, and ride to ride. Turns out there wasn't a tunnel of love here, and he was going to get nothing out of coming.

"Come on! We've got so much more to do!" She said, looping her arm with his. She smiled, her blue eyes shining from the sun in the sky.

"Stephanie..." Victor sighed, before she pulled him down the path again. "Stephanie, listen!" He pulled her to a stop, right in front of an older lady and her tent.

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