Takumi in bed

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Warning: big fat boy. He is large and immobile.

Ryoma couldn't stop staring. He wasn't even sure this was real. Was it real? It couldn't be. Takumi couldn't actually be… It hadn't even been that long that he was here and yet here Takumi was…

Massive wasn't the word Ryoma was looking for, but it was the only one that fit. Utterly massive. A rounded stomach moved up and down with every breath that was taken, fat jiggling along the edges. The dome was pallor in color from the lack of sun, and smooth, though he could make out creases where it became rolls upon sitting up. Stretch marks were the only change in the pale color, some deep red and others bright pink as they streaked across the lower portion of the massive gut. Finally pulling himself (somewhat) out of the stupor, Ryoma began to survey the rest of the damage.

Hidden below the overhang of a stomach were two thighs pocketed with cellulite and equally decorated with the lightning style of stretch marks, nearly as wide as Ryoma’s shoulders. They grew small where his knees were, but then ballooned out once more to form large calves which swallowed his ankles up. There was no way Takumi could walk like this- even if he could support his own weight, he’d be unable to do anything more than shuffle around to where he needed to go.

Walking to the other side of the bed, Ryoma pulled up a chair and watched his brother’s sleeping face. His chest was soft, each breast as large as his head, but without the added perkiness that would have come had Takumi been a woman. Just the fact that he had such womanly features in the first place- Ryoma shook his head. He would talk to Takumi once he woke. He would find out the truth of what happened here.

Instead of waking him, the eldest Hoshidan decided to continue watching his brother sleep. He had been such a small child when born- smaller than Sakura even- with wisps of hair and pink pudgy cheeks. Even after growing up and losing his baby fat, those cheeks had still remained soft, now that fact was emphasized even more. His arms, once so strong and well defined from the constant training to use the Fujin Yumi, were as doughy as his soft chest, and a part of Ryoma mourned that loss as well.

‘No,’ he thought, ‘I haven't lost him. Takumi is still here, he can still get better. He must-‘ the sound of a groan broke Ryoma from his trance, watching as amber eyes opened slowly and the mound of fat before him was brought to life. A yawn left Takumi’s lips as he stretched, arms only moving so much before he groaned and set them back down. Rather than struggle to get up or even look upset at the fact he was helpless, Takumi simply sighed and closed his eyes. He looked ready to fall back asleep too, if it weren't for the cough Ryoma gave.

“B-brother?” His voice was small, deeper from the added pounds on his chest, and red blossomed across Takumi’s soft cheeks, “R-Ryoma what are you doing here?!”

“Visiting my brother,” was all that left the elder prince’s- king’s mouth. His arms were crossed as he stared at Takumi, the silence heavy and uncomfortable as the two of them didn't know what to say.

“Takumi~!” A cheerful voice called as the door opened. Elise, the culprit, pranced into the room with a tray of food and the sound of wheels behind her. A servant had brought in a cart ladened with Nohrian breakfast foods, quickly stepping out after. Elise set her tray on the night stand beside Takumi, crossing her arms. “Big brother hasn't been in here yet?”

“Ah Elise… This may not be the best time,” Takumi said with a blush, though lesser than it had just been, “no, Leo hasn't been here yet. I just woke.”

“Why would Prince Leo be here?” Ryoma asked. With the way his tone was clipped, it was obvious he was beginning to lose his temper. No wonder Takumi was so huge! That cart could have fed five people and yet it was brought to his brother’s room as a breakfast!

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