Office Blob

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Your pants feel a little tighter than usual. Must be the double cheeseburger, large fries and extra large soda you had for lunch. Maybe you over did it a little. Your pants really do feel tight.

Your hand drifts down to your waist - it’s not visible under your shirt but you can feel a roll of fat beginning to droop over the edge of your pants where they’re digging into your waist. You really have been letting yourself go lately. It’s alright - nothing your clothes can’t hide, you convince yourself.

But your pants seem to be growing tighter by the second, squeezing your waist. You can feel a roll of fat beginning to roll over the edges. You glance around the office. Everyone is at their desk, glued to their computers. No one is going to notice if you undo a button or two.

You reach down to stealthily unbutton one, two buttons. To your surprise, your zipper has already rolled down by itself, pudge stubbornly bulging out in its place. Just how much did you eat? You feel a little embarrassed, but finish undoing your buttons to be rewarded with a few seconds of relief.

But wait... now that your fat is no longer constrained, it oozes over the top of your pants and onto your lap, taking up far more room than it should. What’s going on...? You definitely weren’t this chubby this morning.

You cautiously glance around you. No one seems to have noticed a thing. You look back down. Your once relatively flat stomach has been replaced with a ball of pudge. Is it your imagination or does your belly seem to be expanding by the second? No... Impossible...

You feel something pinch your upper arms and chest and realize this shirt feels a lot tighter than it did a few minutes ago. Not to mention your pants feel a lot tighter around your thighs, and the seat of your ass.

What is going on? Panic stabs at you as you realize the impossible.

You’re growing fatter by the second.

You take a few deep breathes and try to calm down. You focus on your computer screen. You have a new email from a colleague.

‘Putting on a little weight recently?’

Have people noticed?! You glance around. Everyone seems to be averting their eyes, but you catch a few smirks here and there. They know. They know...

Is this a prank? Is someone messing with you on purpose? Suddenly your thoughts are interrupted by the feeling of something tightly pressing into your sides. Your attention turns back to your lower body and to your horror your stomach has gotten even bigger, pooling onto your lap in a droop of swollen pudge. Your hips are so wide the sides of the chair is digging into them, and your shirt is painfully tight against your upper arms and chest.

You’re frozen in horror as you watch your continually growing belly begin to stretch your shirt to its limits, buttons beginning to strain more and more tightly until you hear a creak - your buttons are beginning to pop off by themselves.

You instantly attempt to stand up, but this chair is digging into your hips, jamming you in place, and it takes you several attempts to escape. Standing, you immediately notice how heavy and bloated you feel. Your belly hangs down to your thighs and only continues to expand. As button number two and three pop off you attempt to waddle out over the room, big thighs brushing against each other with a thwish thwish.

Your coworkers are staring at you. Most of them seem... amused? Is it funny to watch you spontaneously blow up like a balloon?

You stand there frozen for a few moments, unsure what to do. As seconds tick by, your clothes grow even tighter until your belly is practically bursting out of your shirt, the last of your buttons finally popping off. Your big, wobbly belly and fat hamlike arms are now on display for the entire office to see.

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