Mutual Gaining

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Takumi felt a bit restless, fussing with his hair in the mirror while waiting for Leo to return to the bathroom. A month had passed since their last weigh in and he was getting antsy to see the results of their hard work.

Maybe that was a bit of a misnomer. Certainly stuffing oneself past full was hard, but being able to lay around more often and a lack of working out couldn’t really be seen as ‘hard work’. Just… dedication, Takumi supposed.

“Leo!” Takumi called, setting the brush down and peering out into the hall, “aren’t you going to come in here?”

“I’m coming, I’m coming-“ Leo’s muffled voice could be heard around the corner, the blond creeping out of the kitchen with soft footsteps and hurrying towards the bathroom. Takumi noticed the hand to his mouth and frowned, crossing his arms and blocking Leo’s path.

“What’s that you’re eating?” He asked, voice sounding similar to that of a scolding mother. Leo returned in kind with a sheepish look and a shrug.

“Nothing-“ He said before covering his mouth again, losing a few crumbs.

“Leo! We agreed on breakfast after the weigh in! That’s cheating!” Takumi had half a mind to stomp his foot too but held back at the last second. Still, his pouty face was enough to make Leo give at least a half-apologetic look.

“I couldn’t wait that long, you take forever getting ready in the morning,” he finally brushed past Takumi, fiddling with the hem of his shirt, “are we… still doing this nude?”

“Mostly, yeah,” Takumi turned, pulling his shirt off, “are you really that nervous? The whole point of this little competition was to see who could gain more weight and you’re already nervous about it?” Takumi smirked, fingers drifting to the edge of Leo’s shirt, “could it be that you didn’t want to show off this?”

With one fell swoop, Takumi pulled Leo’s shirt almost entirely off, the armpits catching and the fabric bunching around his shoulders. Still, Leo’s chest and stomach were now on full display, their visage enough to make Takumi feel a little giddy and for Leo to be furiously blushing.

“You dick!” Leo covered his chest with his hands, turning away from Takumi, “you don’t get to strip me down whenever you chose!”

“Sorry, sorry, you’re right,” Takumi hummed, ignoring Leo’s affronted gasp when he wrapped his arms around the blond, “but I couldn’t resist. Not when you’ve been looking absolutely amazing.”

“Hush,” Leo muttered, still covering himself despite Takumi burying his face into the crook of his neck, “you’re looking just as good, you know… your body is holding this better than mine…”

“Is that because my chest isn’t as big?” Takumi asked, hands slipping underneath Leo’s to cup his chest, “or because you just like the way my ass looks now? I’m pretty sure we’re both neck and neck on the belly area, so that can’t be what you mean.”

As he spoke, Takumi pulled himself closer, pressing against Leo and feeling the warmth of his body, the touch of his skin intoxicating.

“Who would have believed the great Leo would be jealous~” Takumi purred, squeezing once and hearing the way Leo’s breath hitched, “Well, let’s just see if it’s justified. I have a good feeling I’m gonna win our little bet for today.”

“If you do it’s because muscle weighs more than fat-“

“Muscle is the first thing to lose when gaining weight, remember?” Takumi let go of Leo, quickly pulling down the blond’s pants instead.

“Hey, hey!” Leo pushes Takumi away, flushing and pulling up his pants, “you can’t just do that!”

“Yeah I can, you nerd,” Takumi teased, focusing now on getting his own pants off. With a wink he teased himself out of his underwear as well, being sure to give Leo a good look as he made his way to the scale.

“Unbelievable,” Leo muttered, rolling his eyes and slipping out of his pants again. If anyone had asked him a year ago that he and Takumi would have a contest to gain weight- let alone be stripping nude in front of each other- he would have laughed in their face and called them crazy.

“Hell yea, guess who just passed 200!” Takumi cheered, jumped when Leo was suddenly behind him, arms wrapped around his waist.

“You sure are excited about that,” Leo hummed, pressing a kiss to Takumi’s neck, “how about we celebrate that little victory with that carton of ice cream we got yesterday-“ Leo was stopped by a finger on his lips, Takumi having turned around while he was speaking just to do so.

“How about you get up here first and we’ll see who wins that ice cream,” Takumi punctuated his statement with a soft kiss, pushing Leo towards the scale. “Who would have thought you’d be the one to wimp out of a competition-“

“204,” Leo read off, stepping down with a smirk. When Takumi remained silent, mouth slightly agape, Leo laughed, cupping his cheeks. “Better step up your game. Now, I think that ice cream belongs to me~”

It was another moment or so before Takumi recovered, chasing Leo out into the kitchen with a muttered ‘oh no you don’t’. It was safe to say, Leo wouldn’t be the only one finishing that ice cream.

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