Out with a Bang

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Out With A Bang

It was a new years eve, a night that many like to gather with friends and loved ones to bring in the new year and think about what they would like for the next year, when people make promises of saving money, losing weight or finding love.  Dusty was busy reading up on some fun places to go to, he was new in town and didn't really have a core group of friends he could hang out with yet.  He always had trouble getting friends.  People would take a look at the large gauges in his ears and tattoo covered muscular forearms and think that he was definitely not the type of guy you should mess with.  And you shouldn't.  He always wore a lose fitting t shirt with a random metal band on it, the kinda with some random name that always seemed to have Damned or dead in it.  Underneath the shirts was some more tattoos, on a very bulked up body, his pecs stuck out so far he could lift them up with his hands and push them up toward his chin, with tribal tattoos going across them.  His biceps would usually stretch out his shirt sleeves, and the baggy shirts hid his belly.  Dusty was one of those guys that never believed in doing cardio, he just wanted strength and size, which accounted for the solid round ball gut he had.  He let out a sigh and rubbed his hands through his short hair that he had spiked, as was his style.

Nothing so far had caught his eye.  Random ads for various clubs promoting random celebrities for you to come meet and hang out with.  Pass.  He had met his share of celebs before and usually the encounters were always forgettable.  Then he noticed an ad for a club that seemed odd.  No celebrity, no big flashy display.  Just a simple ad. House of W.  Start the new year out with a BANG.

"Huh this could be interesting, might as well try something different for a change." Dusty said as he put the address of the place in his phone and grabbed his keys, got in his car and started the drive toward the mystery club.

Once he got the club he waited for a bit to see who all was entering the club.  A mixture of all types of guys went in.  Tall, short, skinny, fat, muscular.  A large variety of types.  Everyone seemed to be welcome.

He got out and started to head inside and was stopped by the doorman. "ID please sir"  the door man said gave Dusty a quick look up and down, and clearly liked what he say.  " Are you alone tonight?"

Dusty nodded his head, "Yea man, never been here before thought I would check it out tonight."

The doorman's face light up with a large smile, "Well well Sir I do believe  you will be, POPular tonight! Why don't you take this sticker and put it on your arm."

Dusty wondered why the man said popular so oddly, but took the sticker was about to put it on then asked, 'Wait I haven't seen you give out any other stickers why do I need this?"

The doorman giggled and said "Well sir the owner of this club likes to me keep an eye out for special patrons that he would find interesing, and I do believe sir that you fit that perfectly! And you get special discounts on everything tonight!"

Dusty smiled,  "Well thanks buddy, I always like a discount." and with that he head inside

As he walked inside he strained his eyes to see around.  Lots of people dancing to the loud thumping music, which was to be expected.  But also lots of people eating, and what looked like some using air tanks to what it looked like to him, inflate themselves.

"what kind of place did I come into" Dusty thought. 

"new here are you?"  Dusty jumped and turned around and smacked a large balloon the man had in front of him.  Well what he thought was a balloon.  Once he got a clear look at the guy he realized it was a very large bodybuilder, but with a gut the size of distended beach ball.  He was wearing only tight speedo, and what looked like some sort of pie filling around his face, like he was face first in pies.

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