Biggest Fan

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Matt was hot, and he knew it. Countless hours sweating away in the gym had ensured that he had a body that anyone would crave. Hard pecs, tight abs, and a perfect bubble butt all adorned his immaculate physique. His physical beauty made him quite the popular item on many a hook-up app and dating website. Grindr, growlr, tinder, if it ended in an r, Matt was the king of it. There was one other website that he had frequented once…but that was a long time ago, and the pictures from those days had been carefully eliminated, erasing them from his memory. The constant attention that Matt received would have been enough to drive some people mad, but for him it was the purest form of bliss. If he ever needed a date, or even just a free meal, he had no shortage of men eagerly willing to acquiesce. He took no shame in leading these men on, after all, shouldn’t they feel better for having gotten to bask in his glory at least for a moment?
The same went for Matt’s more base needs. He enjoyed sex just as much if not more than the next guy, and, once again, there was no shortage of men willing to supply him with just that. The only real problem was finding other guys to whom he could be attracted to more than he was already involved with his own figure. In short, to call Matt a narcissist would have been all too kind. He was just so…hot, a thought which ran through his head every other minute or so. A thought which was, in fact, running through his head as he sat across from another a man, about 26, who was jabbering on about this or that.

“So then…after my mom died…I moved out here…” the guy’s words entered Matt’s ears, but were drowned out by his own thoughts.

“Ugh…I wish our food would get here… Why do they always insist on talking so much?! I let him take me out to one of the nicest places in NYC, least who could do is be grateful enough to keep the conversation to something interesting…” Matt thought to himself. “I mean, he’s not super terrible looking. Maybe if he shaved, and got a haircut, and lost some weight he could have a chance. But if he doesn’t have looks, at least his parents have money.”

Just then the waiter appeared carrying two plates, a fancy looking salad for the man across the table and a huge, medium-rare steak, complete with the fanciest baked potato Matt had ever seen.

“Ah…it’s good to be sexy.” Matt thought as he dug into the steak. Despite his lean figure, Matt loved to eat. It was only through a carefully worked out gym routine that he managed to maintain his looks despite his appetite. The man across the table seemed a little shocked as Matt eagerly devoured the steak, washing each bit down with a heavy drink of the $10 glass of wine he’d insisted on getting. The sides went away just as quickly, leaving Matt with nothing as he leaned back, contently placing his hand on his somewhat swollen abdomen.

“Wow…you…uh…really put that away, huh?” the other guy said, somewhat incredulously.

Matt mentally rolled his eyes and gave the same answer he always did when the other guy would invariably comment on his appetite:
“Well it takes a lot of energy to keep these muscles in such great shape,” Matt said, flexing a bicep and watching the other man practically drool down the front of his shirt. “Well, anyway, thanks for dinner, but I should really get going.” And with that, Matt pushed himself away from the table, pretending not to hear the protests coming from behind him.

As he collapsed in bed later that night, after his daily routine of analyzing his body in the mirror was done, he began to browse the various apps on his phone, cruising for tomorrow night’s dinner. He read through several potential options, until one caught his attention. The man, despite being slightly older, looked really good for his age, and the profile read that he actually owned his own restaurant!

“This is definitely a keeper,” Matt thought to himself as he typed a reply, expertly walking the line between aloof and flirty. He hit ‘Send’ and slowly drifted off to sleep, thinking about his next meal.

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