The Kamome Office 7 - Yashiro's First Day III

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Note: Third and final part of Yashiro's First Day. Enjoy.

Yashiro blinks her eyes twice in her perplexing face. "Oh, th-thank you." She stuttered.

And then, Yashiro gestures to herself with her shy smile. "Um, I am Yashiro Nene." She introduces.

Shijima Mei stared at Yashiro with her delighted smile. "Glad to meet you." She said.

Shijima glances at the pink-haired boy. "I'm believing you have met Mitsuba Sousuke earlier." She perceives.

He was annoyed at the girl with brown hair. "The daikon was blocking the elevator. I had to tell her to get off." Mitsuba shrugged.

Yashiro was appalled at the boy with pink eyes. "Oh no! Not him too!" She thought.

Shijima made her confident expression at him. "To resolve that situation, you have to drag her down here and left her going dizzy on the chair." She recognized.

Mitsuba looked to his left, blowing his raspberry in disgust.

Shijima blinked her eyes once at him. "I would apologize to her if I were you." She suggested.

Mitsuba glared at Shijima. "For what exactly, bundle of joy?" He asks.

Yashiro became pouty at him. "For couple things you have to apologize to me about!" She answers in her exclamation.

Shijima and Mitsuba look at her blankly.

Yashiro gets up from the desk chair steadily. "You could have ask me who I am, but you played twenty-one questions at me. You could have helped me to find the office space in the third floor, but you pulled me to the place too rough. Rude." She complained.

The pink-haired boy steps back a few times. Mitsuba was astonished by Yashiro. "Wha?" He inquires.

The cream-colored-haired woman with teal tips walks slowly to Mitsuba. Yashiro's getting her pair of dark brown magatama hair clips sticking up. "You heard me. What you did with me earlier was rude." She complains.

The pink arrow with the word 'Rude' hit Mitsuba's head from above, causing him to say 'Ack!'.

Yashiro puts her hands on her hips. "The way you handled me for blocking the elevator was ridiculous." She mentioned.

The pink arrow with the word 'Ridiculous' hit Mitsuba's head again, causing him to say 'Gah!'.

Yashiro furrowed her eyebrows. "And you called me a daikon, which I'm not, is really uncalled for. And you're not the first one who says that to me, you jerk." She mentions.

The pink arrow with the word 'Jerk' hit Mitsuba's head again, causing him to say 'Urk!'.

Yashiro looked at him in the eye, causing the poor pink-haired boy to feel anxious. "I am not a daikon, I am a human being!" She complained.

Yashiro was resolute. "But if you apologize to me now, I will be your work friend, okay?" She inquired.

Mitsuba becomes confused at Yashiro. "Huh?" He inquired.

Shijima was curious at her. "Hmmm?" She inquires.

The blond-haired boy was emotionless at the scene. "What the?" He inquires.

Two more office workers witnessed the scene.

The reddish-brown haired boy in his dark blue suit.

The long brown-haired girl in pigtails in her black work suit.

Tsuchigomori sees the scene from his office door, looking deadpanned. His left hand puts himself on his chin. "I see the one I hired is finally here." He declares.

The black choppy hair boy notices the cream-colored hair with teal tips girl.

Amane was surprised. "Yashiro...who's working here my next door neighbor...?" He uttered in his inquiry.


Mitsuba did apologized for the things he did to Yashiro.

Even he had to do it in his sassy attitude.

She accepted his apology, although she did it in her nonchalant way.

Mitsuba gave Yashiro a tour for working in the Kamome Aid Agency in the third floor.

Of course, she bombarded with questions to him.

It can't be helped if Yashiro goes to her first day of her work. And ask somethings that she doesn't know.

The more questions Yashiro asked, the more annoyed Mitsuba is, question after question.

And then...

He brought her to the break room.

Yashiro sat on the chair next the square table.

Mitsuba purchased drinks from the vending machine.

Afterwards, he walked to her. Mitsuba was not amused, offering her a can from his left hand. "Here. It's my treat. Drink up if you want." He said nonchalantly.

Yashiro realized at him. She made a small smile at him. "Ah, thanks, Mitsuba." Yashiro said, taking a beverage can from him.

She looks at the can curiously. "What did you get me anyway?" Yashiro wonders.

He sat down across her, still looking not amused. "Cold coffee." He replies, opening the can of coffee.

She opens her beverage can too.

Mitsuba and Yashiro took a sip of coffee from the can simultaneously.

He exhales with his satisfaction.

She bugged out her magenta eyes.

Yashiro moves her cold coffee can away from herself hastily. She was perturbing, acting out in disgust. "Hack! Hack! Hack!" Yashiro coughed.

Mitsuba was stern at her. "It might taste awful, but it's all we've got. Works great for overtime shifts. The best all-nighter remedy." He smirked.

She groans after she stops coughing over the cold coffee. Yashiro was crestfallen. "Ugh...I could go for water or tea just now...Why, coffee..." She thought.

Amane went to the break room. He was astounded to find Mitsuba and Yashiro.

Amane goes to her. He was emotionless, noticing what she just drink in the can. Amane sticks his tongue out, making his revolting face.

And then, Amane squats down next to her. He was solemn. "Hey, how did your first day go so far?" Amane asked.

She glances to her left. Yashiro was baffled at the black choppy hair boy. "Oh it's you again." She realizes.

He nodded his head twice. "Yeah, back in the elevator this morning." Amane utters.

Yashiro sighs deeply. "I'm trying to understand how everything works in the office building." She answered.

Amane raises his both eyebrows up. "You mean you didn't have any job to do on your first day?" He wondered.

Yashiro shook her head twice in her reply.

Amane has his arms rested on the table. "My name is Yugi Amane, by the way. Just so you don't forget, I'm your next door neighbor." He aforementioned.

She made her sad smile at Amane. "Yes, that's right. It's a pleasure to meet you finally. I'm Yashiro Nene, just to let you know." Yashiro said.

Amane made his slight smile back at her. "I can give you something to do if you need anything. So you won't get bored." He suggests.

Yashiro giggles a little. "I like that, Amane." She agrees.

Mitsuba stands up from his chair carefully. He whistles while exiting the break room.

Once Mitsuba is ultimately out of the break room, he made a long sigh. "What is this, a shojo? Where's my story about me here? I'm muuuch cuter than that daikon. Oh well, back to work." He thought.

After the day turns to night, it was time for the office workers to head home.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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