The Kamome Office 71 - Dinner at Kuronuma Hot Springs

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In Kuronuma Hot Springs' dining room, Tsuchigomori Ryujirou brought Yugi Amane and Yashiro Nene to the table.

Tsuchigomori was deadpanned yet emotionless. "Now that everybody in the dining room is here, we can finally eat a big dinner." He stated.

Tsuchigomori sat in one end of the dining table.

Amane and Yashiro sat across next to Tsuchigomori.

Tsukasa sits next to his big brother.

Although, Amane got irked from being hugged at by his grinning little brother.

Aoi sat next to Yashiro.

Mitsuba has no choice but to take a seat next to Tsukasa.

Mitsuba was annoyed at Tsukasa. "Just don't do anything weird, okay?" He asked.

Tsukasa nodded his head once at Mitsuba. "Okay." He answered.

Shijima sits next to Aoi.

Kou sat next to Mitsuba.

Kou and Mitsuba gives a glare to each other before they look away.

Mirai went sitting next to Shijima.

Mirai was smiling at Shijima and said, "Stupidhead."

Shijima made her puzzling smile at her. "I get it, Mirai." She acknowledges.

Akane sits next to Kou.

Akane was slightly irritated. "Don't mind her, Shijima. She's so pleasant with the hot springs." He reminds.

Shijima shrugs her shoulders. "I see." She perceives.

Everyone was seated on their grass-green cushioned chairs.

They all put their hands together in a prayer position.

And then, they all say, "Thank you for the food."

Tsukasa raised his arms up in the air in excitement. "Yay! Let's dig in!" He exclaimed happily.

Amane facepalmed himself.

Tsuchigomori had the right idea from Amane.

Aoi, Shijima and Mirai giggles sweetly at Tsukasa.

Mitsuba narrows his eyelids. "I told that weirdo NOT to do anything weird." He muttered.

Kou was irked at the boy with pink eyes. "Forget it, Mitsuba. He's too excited for food." He utters.

Each person has a bowl of rice and an empty plate.

Tsuchigomori cleared his throat. "Start passing some seafood, chicken and vegetables, everyone. And share with your office staffs. That is all." He instructed.

Akane began taking some big bowl of vegetables and pass it over.

Everyone got veggies after Yashiro was done getting vegetables on her plate.

Next was the several pieces of chicken from the big plate.

And then, the lots of tempura shrimps.

When Yashiro got to the big plate of tempura shrimps, she was crestfallen.

The girl with magenta eyes picked the tempura shrimp up with her chopsticks. "One shrimp?" She inquired.

And then, Yashiro sighs sadly.

Everybody except the girl with magenta eyes are eating their dinner.

Amane detects Yashiro in confusion. The boy with amber eyes sees her not eating her dinner.

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