The Kamome Office 49 - The Get-Together After Work

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On the Friday night, Tsuchigomori and his team of office workers are gathered to go to the get-together spot.

The man with gold glasses goes to the counter with the cashier. Tsuchigomori was deadpanned yet emotionless. "Evening, I have a reservation for Tsuchigomori Ryujirou." He greeted.

The young man with his lighter blond hair made a slight smile on his face. The boy with light blue eyes wore the work uniform of white-and-yellow. "Good evening, sir. My manager informed me that you might be coming." He greets back.

Minamoto Kou notices who's behind the cashier. He gasps in disbelief. Kou attempts to hide himself in the crowd.

Yashiro Nene detects the boy with blond hair hiding behind the pink-haired boy.

Mitsuba Sousuke was annoyed at Kou. "What's with you, lame-traffic-earring-boy?" He asked.

The boy with blue eyes was anxious. "Don't ask me, Mitsuba." He answers in his muttering voice.

The girl with magenta eyes was curious at the blond-haired boy. "Why are you hiding, Kou?" She wondered.

Yugi Amane was perplexed, shrugging his shoulders. "It's because Minamoto's big brother works here, Yashiro." He replied for the girl with magenta eyes.

She glanced at Amane. Yashiro was surprised. "Really?" She asks.

Amane nodded his head once. It was his only answer to her question.

Kou was nervous as heck. The blond-haired boy has his blue eyes widened. "Please don't let Teru find me. Please don't let Teru find me." He thought.

The young man with his light blue eyes went over the order for Tsuchigomori. "Okay, you reserved the party for eleven people. And you're all singing in one room about two hours." He mentioned.

Tsuchigomori crisscrossed his arms. "Make that three hours. I'm giving everyone a chance to sing in the karaoke room." He clarified.

Teru was delighted. "Sure, sir. I'll change the hours for everybody's singing time." He acknowledges.

And then, Teru waves his right hand at someone. "Hey, Kou! Have a fun time at karaoke, little bro!" He exclaims.

Kou became stunned. "Uh!" He gasped.

Mitsuba becomes mischievous. The boy with pink eyes blew his raspberry. "Gyahahahahahaha! So much for concealing behind me! That Minamoto big brother of yours found ya!" He exclaimed, laughing his butt off at Kou.

And then, Mitsuba shuts his eyes with his happy smile. "Man, that was embarrassing for you, lame-traffic-earring-boy!" He commented in his exclamation.

Kou was mad at Mitsuba. "Seriously?!" He vented in his inquiry.


Later on, Tsuchigomori and ten others ended up in one big karaoke room.

Tsuchigomori was at one end of the table. Akane's next to Aoi. Mirai's between Tsuchigomori and Akane. Shijima Mei's next to Aoi. Shijima's next to Nanamine Sakura. Mitsuba's next to Sakura. Yashiro's next to Mitsuba. Kou's between Yashiro and Amane. And Tsukasa's at the other end of the table with his big brother.

Amane looks at his little brother annoyingly. The boy with amber eyes wears his red-and-black denim jacket underneath his white shirt. Amane wore his pair of black pants with black shoes. "Tsukasa...You match clothes with me on purpose again, did you?" He wonders.

Tsukasa was grinning at his big brother. "Tee hee hee hee." He laughed in his reply.

Shijima made her small smile at the Yugi brothers. "No offense, Amane. I think you and your brother look cute in matching clothes." She said.

Akane huffs out in his emotionless expression. "Amane and Tsukasa are twins." He observed.

Aoi made her gentle smile at the Yugi brothers. "They seemed cute in their outfits too." She said.

Akane glanced at the girl with purple eyes. The reddish-brown-haired boy was smiling. "We should try matching outfits next time together, Aoi!" He exclaimed.

Aoi glances back at Akane. "Maybe." She stated.

Tsuchigomori picked up the black touchscreen tablet. "While the fellow employees and guests are having a conversation, pick what song to sing with." He instructs.

And then, Tsuchigomori passed the black touchscreen tablet to Akane. "Does everybody here understand?" He asked.

The ten people nodded their heads once simultaneously. "Okay." They answered in unison.

Akane already picked the song from the black touchscreen tablet.

Aoi picks her song next.

The purple-haired girl asks Mirai if she pick a song for the karaoke.

Mirai nods her head once and answers 'Yes'. Just before she called Aoi 'Stupidhead'.

Akane scolds at Mirai for being rude.

Aoi passed it to Shijima.

Shijima picked the song and passes the tablet to Sakura.

Sakura chose the song and moved it to Mitsuba.

The boy with pink hair was indecisive for the music to sing with.

The girl with lime-green hair suggests to Mitsuba that he can sing with her.

The pink-haired boy smiled at her with relief.

Mitsuba shifts the black touchscreen tablet to Yashiro.

The girl with magenta eyes was beaming. Yashiro knows what to sing after she chooses the song.

She shifted it to Kou.

The blond-haired boy decided the song already.

Kou passes it out to Amane.

The boy with amber eyes contemplates at the black touchscreen tablet.

After a longest moment, Amane gives it to his little brother.

The boy with amber eyes did not pick a song.

Tsukasa recognizes how glum his big brother is.

Was it because Amane was too embarrassed to sing in front of everybody?

Or because he was too shy to sing?

Tsukasa scrolled down thru the black touchscreen tablet.

After couple seconds of searching, the boy with orange-and-yellow eyes made his cheerful face.

Tsukasa ultimately picked the song from the tablet.

Amane looks at his little brother. The boy with amber eyes made his sad smile. "Finally figured out what song to sing with, Tsukasa?" He wondered.

Tsukasa grins at his big brother. "You bet I did, Amane." He replied.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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