The Kamome Office 13 - A One-Thousand-Yen Fish Cake Ramen Lunch II

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Note: Part two and final of the ramen shop lunch. Thanks.

The waiter noticed two people in the bar table.

He approaches them with his friendly smile. "Good afternoon! Welcome to Kamado Ramen Shop!" He greeted.

Yugi Amane and Yashiro Nene faces the nice waiter.

They said their hello to him.

The waiter with black hair pulled out his notepad and a blue pen. "My name is Yoshi. And I'll be serving for your lunches today." He introduced.

Amane and Yashiro says 'Okay!' in unison with their happy smile.

Yoshi pointed out to two people with his blue pen. "Just to let you know, if you want to drink some beer or wine, I'm going to ask you two for your photo IDs if you want beer or wine." He remarked.

Yashiro goes to her gray pocketbook. "Oh, of course. I'm not a drinker. Let me go look for it." She acknowledged, searching for her photo ID.

Amane pulls out his black wallet from inside of his black work jacket. "That's fine. I don't drink alcohol either. I have it here." He acknowledges, unfolding his black wallet.

Amane and Yashiro show him their photo IDs from their right hands.

Yoshi looks over their photo IDs for a moment.

And then, the waiter made his cheerful smile at them.

Yoshi glanced at Yashiro. "So you're twenty, huh miss?" He asked.

Amane instantly looked at her in his stunned expression. "Huh?!" He blurts out.

She nodded her head once at the waiter. Yashiro was blushing a little. "Yes, again I'm not a drinker." She answered.

Yoshi was curious at her. "Yeah? Will you try one drink when you're twenty-one next year?" He inquired.

Yashiro gets surprised at the waiter. "Eh?!" She gasped.

Amane detects something strange at the waiter. He was resolute at him. "Waiter, we're on our lunch break here!" He reminded in his stern voice.

Yoshi shook his head. The waiter was astonished. "Oh, I am sorry, sir. I lost my track for a second or two." He stated as his excuse for being absentminded.

Yoshi made his confident smile. "I guess you won't be trying a beer until two years, right?" He inquires.

Amane becomes exasperated at him after he gasps in disbelief. "I think we're ready to order something here, waiter!" He exclaims.

Yoshi gets his notepad and blue pen ready. "Great, what will it be, you two?" He wondered.

Yashiro became thrilled for her specific ramen bowl. "A glass of water and the fish cake ramen bowl, please." She replied.

The waiter writes her order down on his notepad. Yoshi glances at Amane. "You, sir?" He wonders.

Amane looks annoyed at the waiter. "Same." He replies nonchalantly.

Yoshi wrote x2 next to Yashiro's order on his notepad. The waiter was pleased. "Your orders will be coming in a short while. I'll send you two your waters momentarily." He announces.

Yoshi walked away from them.

She made her happy face at the waiter. "Thank you." Yashiro said.

Amane waved sluggishly at Yoshi. "Thanks, waiter." He said.

She looked at Amane cheerfully. Yashiro puts her hands on the bar table. "The waiter seems nice." She mentioned.

And then, Yashiro has her sweat-drop on her head. "Yoshi does have concerns about underage drinking in this place. But does HE have to ask me about my first drink when I'm twenty-one?!" She thought.

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