The Kamome Office 100 - Yashiro Nene's Parents

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Hirohito glanced at Nanamime Sakura. The man with magenta eyes was afraid. "WHAT?!" He blurted out.

Reina narrows her eyes at Hirohito. The woman with amber eyes was skeptical. "Okay, why are you making a face like that? Do you have a grudge with your son and your daughter-in-law?" She asked.

The man with magenta eyes swallowed himself nervously.

Hirohito sweats his entire face was his only answer.

Yashiro Nene's father and mother appeared from behind Nanamine Sakura.

Yashiro's father was cheerful. "Hey! I see you fellas are just hanging out! How nice!" He greeted in his exclamation.

Yashiro's mother was smiling. "Hello. My what a gathering this is." She greets in her murmuring voice.

Reina let go of Hirohito's blueberry-colored kimono. The woman with amber eyes was delighted, bowing to Yashiro's parents. "Good evening, I am Yugi Reina." She introduces.

The man with magenta eyes looks at the woman with amber eyes. "This is not the time to be introducing to yourself, Reina!" He bickered in his muttering voice.

Yashiro's mother gets irked at Hirohito. "Don't be rude, dad!" She scolded.

The man with magenta eyes gets glum. "Yes, daughter." He acknowledged anxiously.

Yashiro's mother becomes confident, facing the other way. "Now, where's my daughter, Nene?" She wondered.

Reina was apprehensive at Yashiro's mother. "Um, she is over there but-" she tries to reply but got cut off for another second.

Yashiro's mother walked to her daughter. "Thank you, Reina. I can take it from here." She assured.

And then, Yashiro's mother became astonished.

Yashiro's face was concealed on Amane's chest, whimpering as she was sobbing heavily.

Yashiro's father was flabbergasted at his daughter. "Nene?" He inquired.

Sakura was bored yet surprised at her roommate.

Yashiro's mother sits on her knees next to her daughter. She faced Amane solemnly. "Hey, what is your name, dear boy?" She asks.

The boy with amber eyes was glum, stroking Yashiro's back with his right hand constantly. "Yugi Amane." He answers.

Yashiro's mother touches her daughter's head with her left hand. "It's all right, Nene. You can cry as long as you need to. There, there." She consoled her daughter in her soothing voice.

Yashiro stopped crying, lifting her head up in bafflement. The girl with magenta eyes glances at the woman behind herself with her head. "Mom..." She whispers in her weak voice.

Amane unwrapped his arms around Yashiro.

The girl with magenta eyes goes to her mother hurriedly with her knees. Yashiro was distraught. "Mom!" She whimpered, hugging her mother.

Yashiro hyperventilates a few times, getting teary-eyed. "Grandpa's a total meanie to me!" She wailed.

Everybody was stunned after hearing the girl with magenta eyes' words.

Yashiro's mother held her daughter in her arms. "Hey, hey. You can tell me when you're ready, sweetheart." She reassured in her soft tone.

Yashiro stared at her mother with her emotional eyes. "...*Hic* *Hic* Grandpa Hirohito was yelling at me...*Hic*...And he was gonna disown me if I didn't dump Amane..." She whimpers.

Yashiro's father and mother and Sakura gasped in disbelief.

The boy with amber eyes was crestfallen at Yashiro's mother. "It's true...Because your daughter loves me...And Hirohito...He was rejected by my grandma when they were in high school..." He confirmed.

Yashiro lays her down on her mother's lap. "Mom, I love him...*Hic*...I love Yugi Amane...*Hic* *Hic*...I love Amane with all my heart and soul..." She whispered, whimpering on like a lost puppy.

Yashiro closes her eyes, couldn't stop crying no matter how hard she tried to.

Yashiro's mother petted her daughter's head gently some more times. "Oh hush now, Nene. Oh you poor baby girl of mine. Your mom will fix this. Don't worry, sweetie." She cooed.

And all of a sudden, Yashiro's mother was irritated at her father. "You dumb dad-in-law!" She retorts.

Hirohito was fearful at his daughter-in-law. The man with magenta eyes has a sweat-drop on his head. "Oh no! I'm done for!" He thought in his panicky voice.

Reina made her mischievous smile at Yashiro's mother. "I liked her! This woman knows what's up!" She thought.

Yashiro's father walks to the boy with amber eyes. He was confused. "You're Yugi Amane?" Yashiro's father wonders.

Amane glances at Yashiro's father perplexingly. "Um, yeah..." He replies awkwardly.

Yashiro's father made his sad smile, going down on the floor with his knees. He bowed to him. "Thank you very much for making my daughter happy, Yugi." Yashiro's father stated.

Amane gets alarmed, waving his arms sideways frantically at him. "Oh-Oh-Oh it's not that I-I do anything to make her smile! She-She-She-She-She confessed to me! I-I-I mean your-your daughter confessed to me-me-me! It-It-It-It-It was so s-s-sudden!" He freaked out.

Yashiro's father gets up, facing the boy with amber eyes. "But you're the same little boy who comforted my daughter. Back when you met her in the playground." He reminisced.

Amane becomes bewildered. " remember me when I was a kid?" He asked.

Yashiro's father nodded his head twice. "Yes, Nene's babysitter efforts to get in touch with me and my wife." He answered.

Yashiro's father raises both eyebrows in amazement. "Poor Akira has no idea what's wrong with my daughter. My wife wanted to check on Nene but she had to work late. So I left early to look after her instead. When I got to the park, you were the one who stayed by my daughter's side. You said to me that she was just lonely. I patted her head three times in comfort. I loved how Nene looked up to me in surprise. I did ask you where's your mom and dad. You showed me where they are. Sitting on the picnic blanket under the cherry blossom tree." He explained.

Amane gets astounded at him.

Yashiro's father was grinning. "I'm glad I got to meet you and your parents. Not only we have a good chance to have a good time together. You helped me made Nene bring a smile on her face, giggling so much than ever." He mentioned.

And then, Yashiro's father was serious, touching the boy with amber eyes' left shoulder. "Amane...You have my blessing to make my daughter smile again...I will be happy if you can be Nene's husband in the future..." He accepted.

Amane became scared. "HUH?!" He gasps in his panicking voice.

Yashiro was taken aback at her father. "DAD?!" He squealed in her inquiry.

Hirohito was horrified at his son. "You got to be kidding me!" He freaks out.

Reina was stern at the man with magenta eyes. "Be quiet, Hirohito! I wanna see and hear what my grandson has to say!" She bickers.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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