The Kamome Office 10 - Takoyaki and a Game

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Note: There will be quotes from some anime series and a movie. Thank you and enjoy.

Amane, Yashiro and Tsukasa ate their curries together for dinner.

Despite Tsukasa ate one takoyaki earlier, there are eleven left of them in the light yellow medium-sized container.

Amane faced her with his confident expression. "The guessing anime character game is simple. Each of us has to imitate the character from the anime series or the movie. If you guess it right, you'll get extra food. Like your homemade takoyaki for example. If you guess it wrong, you'll get something that you don't like." He explained.

Yashiro made her disgusted face at Amane. "Ugh, you mean the cold can of coffee from the break room?" She asks.

Amane nodded his head twice at her in his answer.

Tsukasa was excited. "Alrighty! Let's play, Amane!" He exclaimed.

Amane was smiling at them. "Okay, everyone. Prepare your chopsticks." He instructs.

Yashiro and Amane prepared their wooden chopsticks from their right hands.

Tsukasa tries to prepare his chopsticks. But he was holding them upside down. Tsukasa looks confused at them on his right hand.

And then, Tsukasa turns his chopsticks the other way instantly. Just right after Amane shows his chopsticks to him.

Tsukasa raised his left hand in the air. "I'll go first! Me first! Me first!" He volunteered in his exclamation.

Amane and Yashiro pays attention in their small smiles to Tsukasa.

Tsukasa clears his throat before he readies for the game. Tsukasa furrows his eyebrows, put his left hand to his ear, pretending he was on his cell phone. "You idiot! I want you to turn around and start looking for Haruhi right now!" He yelled.

Amane blinked his eyes three times in his perplexing expression.

Yashiro was baffled at him. Her magenta eyes are widened.

Tsukasa looks angry in his imitation of the anime character. "What kind of jerk would leave a girl out in a thunderstorm like this by herself?! Now you listen to me, Haruhi is terrified of thunder! Whenever she hears it-" he tried to yell in his imitation of the male character, but Tsukasa got cut off from her.

She was mind-blown at Tsukasa. Yashiro has twinkling stars on her magenta eyes. "Takami Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club! Hikaru was jealous on that episode!" She shouted in her guess.

Tsukasa became happy at her. "That's right! And you haven't let me finish my imitation of him!" He exclaimed.

Amane was confused at his little brother. "Huh?" He inquired.

Yashiro picked up the takoyaki with her chopsticks. She tasted it with her cute smile on her smile.

After that, Yashiro raises her left hand. "My turn!" She volunteers cheerfully.

Yashiro cleared her throat. She inhales her breath. And then, Yashiro was agitated, placing her left hand on her chest. "Why is my heart beating so fast? Why do I feel lonely when you leave me? Why are you...the only one causing me so much confusion?" She imitates her female character voice.

Amane blinks eyes in confusion at her.

Tsukasa was perplexed at first. And then, he made his enthusiastic smile on his face. Tsukasa waved his arms up and down rapidly. "I get who that character is! It's Misaki Ayuzawa from Maid Sama!" He shouts in excitement.

Yashiro was beaming at Tsukasa. "You got it, Tsukasa! Take your takoyaki!" She perturbed after she goes exclaiming happily.

Tsukasa took one piece of takoyaki with his chopsticks. "Okay!" He acknowledged.

Amane was clueless about the imitation voices of the anime characters. And then, he ponders a bit before he raises his left hand. "Mind if I try to imitate the anime character next?" Amane wonders.

Tsukasa nodded his head. "Yeah, Amane." He replies.

Yashiro was confident. "Sure, Amane. Give it go." She encouraged.

Amane clears his throat. And then, he has the back of his hands touched his forehead. Amane was acting melancholy. "Oh what's the point of living if I can't be beautiful?" He imitated the character, but his depressing voice didn't seem to sound like a character.

There was the awkward moment.

After several seconds, Yashiro made her quizzical smile at Amane. "Um...? The Royal Wizard of Ingary from Howl's Moving Castle...?" She guessed in confusion.

Amane glances at her. He was astonished. "The Royal Wizard of Ingary?!" Amane blurted out.

Yashiro has a sweat-drop on her head. "Well to be honest, I haven't seen Howl's Moving Castle for a long time. My best friend, Aoi, got me to watch it during high school." She admitted.

Amane's eyes are fully amber. "Are you kidding me?!" He freaked out.

And then, Amane puts his hands on the kotatsu. "His name is on the title of the movie for goodness sake!" He exaggerated himself.

Tsukasa was not amused at his big brother. He took the takoyaki with his chopsticks. "Really, Amane. His name's clearly Howl Jenkins Pendragon from Howl's Moving Castle." He said, noming on the takoyaki.

Yashiro gets serious at Tsukasa. "Tsukasa, let Amane guess the next one. He hasn't got any takoyaki yet." He decides.

Tsukasa shrugs his shoulders. "Fine." He said nonchalantly.

Yashiro was determined with his smile. "Okay, here I go!" She exclaims.

Amane stared at her in his emotionless expression. "All right, I'm ready." He said.

Yashiro cleared her throat. And finally, she became resolute, imitating the character's voice out of nowhere. "If I can't save one little girl right in front of me..." Yashiro imitated her boy's voice.

Amane widens his amber eyes big. He was in complete surprised.

Yashiro raised her left fist. "Then how can I ever hope to be a hero who saves-" but she was cut off after trying to shout.

Amane stands up from his red cushion instantly. He pointed at her with his left index finger. "Izuku Midoriya! Aka Deku from My Hero Academia!" He screams at the top of his lungs.

Yashiro gets up from the red cushion immediately. She was thrilled. "YES! Yes, Amane! That's what I'm talking about! You got a takoyaki too!" Yashiro celebrated.

Amane was smiling. "Yaaaaaay!" He shouted of joy.

And finally, Amane picks up the takoyaki with his chopsticks. He gobbled it up.

Yashiro becomes mad at Amane. "Chew your food! Don't swallow it whole!" She complains.

Amane laughs out loud in his cheerful voice.

Tsukasa laughed with his big brother. He slapped the kotatsu a few times while laughing so hard.

After the takoyaki and a game, Yashiro returns to her new dojo house.

Amane and Tsukasa got dressed in pajamas later on after cleaning up the dishes.

Yashiro gets dressed in her jammies too.

Amane, Tsukasa and Yashiro went to their bedrooms and slept with their futons.

They all dozed off eventually.

Yashiro sleeps in her lavender futon.

Amane sleeps in his yellow futon. The blanket looks like craters of the moon.

And Tsukasa sleeps in his gray futon. Kagura snores quietly next to him on his right.

The night sky looks peaceful.

The one white star above the houses shines the brightest.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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