The Kamome Office 51 - The Purse-Snatcher Returns

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Note: Welcome back, anime readers and writers! I am confirmed to continue writing this biggest Hanako-Kun AU, The Kamome Office. Here's the next part! Happy Easter 2024! Enjoy, everyone!

Several weeks later...

It was the beginning of the month of November.

The sky was clear, filled with darkness, twinkling stars and a bright moon.

Under the quiet night, the town was deserted.

Everyone went to their homes, because the time of the evening was late.

The rushing footsteps of the black shoes stomps onto the sidewalks.

The man in his black-and-white-striped outfit dashes for his life. He has red hair with his pair of grey eyes.

The man with red hair was smiling yet awkward. "Yeah...No worries here...Took me long enough to escape...To escape from the big house..." He panted.

The man with grey eyes keeps hurrying forth.

The sirens of the police cars goes off.

He widens his eyes in realization. The man with red hair was disbelieved. "Aw crud...The fuzz..." He mutters.

The man with grey eyes observes a place to hide while running forward.

He instantly made a slip into the alleyway.

One of the cop cars pulls a stop.

The police officer used a flashlight, examining the alley.

After a couple moments, there was no sign of the criminal.

The police officer drove on forth, away from the shop and another shop.

The man with red hair peeks from behind the trash can. "Whew...That was close...Too close in fact..." He whispers, out of breath due to running a lot.

The man with grey eyes gets curious of the door.

Without thinking, he efforts to open the door.

The man with red hair was surprised when he opens the door. "Huh...The back door was unlocked..." He whispered.

And then, the man with grey eyes made his relaxed smile. "Just my lucky night." He said.

The man with red hair entered the back of the shop.

But it's not just any shop.

When the man with grey eyes sniffed around the place, his smile becomes big with excitement. "I smell ramen. Nice." He perceives.

The man with red hair came out of the kitchen. He tries to figure where the ramen comes from.

As the man with grey eyes kept following the yummy smell, he ended up in the dining area. The man with red hair was thrilled. "Kamado Ramen Shop. I remembered that place." He reminisced.

The man with grey eyes checks out the restaurant. "It hasn't changed a bit. I wanted to bring my lady again here someday. It might take so much convincing. Buuut, it'll work out eventually." He stated.

The man with red hair soon finds where the delicious smell.

He approaches it to the one table.

The man with grey eyes sat on the dining chair. "That ramen looks good. It seemed to be the fishcake ramen bowl. Yum." He murmurs.

The man with red hair picks up the disposable chopsticks and an asian spoon.

Before he starts to eat the fishcake ramen bowl, there was a shout to his right.


The man with grey eyes was confused to the man's yelling.

It was the black-haired man with his angry expression. "You can't trespass and eat somebody's ramen here! That was mine just to let you know!" He ranted.

The man with red hair was emotionless, narrowing his grey eyes. "Well in my defense pal, the back door was unlocked. Cut me some slack, man. Finders keepers, by the way." He mentioned.

The black-haired man shook his head. "I'm calling the police." He warned.

The man with red hair shrugs his shoulders. "Can you give me a chance to eat first?" He asked.

The black-haired man picked up the business phone. "No." He answered firmly.

And then, the black-haired man dialed the police's phone number. "You escaped from jail. I can tell by the way you're wearing." He perceived.

The man with red hair was annoyed at him. "Yeah, obviously. I'm an innocent man on the run." He mentions.

The black-haired man was not amused. "I don't believe you." He said nonchalantly.

The man with grey eyes lifts some ramen noodles with his chopsticks. He used the white aisan spoon to support the long ramen noodles. "Does the name Yugi ring a bell to you?" The man with red hair wonders.

The black-haired man becomes astonished. He hung up the business phone in a split second. The black-haired man stared at him. "What the heck did you say?" He inquires.

The man with grey eyes ate some ramen noodles. He made his slight smile. The man with red hair wipes his mouth with a white napkin. "Yugi...? Do you know the runt?" He wonders again.

The black-haired man became irritated. "Yeah...I know Yugi...He's with a girl with ruby eyes and cream-colored hair..." He replies.

The man with grey eyes was perplexed. "Really?" He inquired.

And then, the man with red hair looks up. "Last time I saw him, he was with my lady with lime-green hair..." He reminisces.

The black-haired man swished his left arm above the bar table. "Never mind the one with lime-green hair...I'm referring to the one with cream-colored hair with teal tips..." He complains.

The man with red hair was astounded at him. He blinks his grey eyes twice.

And then, the man with red hair made his mischievous smile. "The girl with ruby eyes and cream-colored hair with teal tips huh?" He asks.

The black-haired nodded his head. "Yeah." He answers.

And then, the black-haired man was skeptical at him. "Wait...How do you know Yashiro Nene?" He wondered.

The man with grey eyes picks up some more ramen noodles with his chopsticks. "Oh, I actually saw that girl once. Almost snatched her pocketbook though." He replied.

The black-haired was mad, pointing his right index finger at him. "You've trespassed the ramen shop, now you're snatching women's purses?!" He retorted in his inquiry.

The man with red hair ate more ramen noodles. He cleans his mouth again with a white napkin. The man with grey eyes was pleased with the fishcake ramen bowl. "The name's Natsuhiko Hyuuga. Just call me Natsuhiko." He introduced.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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