The Kamome Office 32 - Breakfast at Yugi's II

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Note: The second and final part of Breakfast at Yugi's. Thank you and enjoy, everyone!

After Yugi Amane made the omurice for his next door neighbor...

Yashiro Nene was beaming at her breakfast. She claps her hands together and says, "Thank you for the omurice." Yashiro's right hand takes the fork from the kotatsu. And then, she chows her breakfast down, goes nom-noms with her fork.

Considering that Yashiro was too hungry to use chopsticks to eat omurice, she had to use a different utensil.

Amane and Tsukasa are stunned at her.

Amane starts to sweat his head off, waving his arms frantically. "Yashiro, slow down! You'll get a stomachache from wolfing down like that!" He panicked.

Tsukasa blinks his eyes twice. "Whoa! You really are hungry, Nene!" He exclaimed.

The chocolate sow looks emotionless at her.

After Yashiro finishes her breakfast, she lifts the white plate.

Yashiro was pleased. "This is so, so, so good!" She exclaimed, tasting the white plate with her tongue.

Kagura becomes flabbergasted at her.

Amane puts his both hands on his head. "She's licking the plate?!" He blurted out.

Tsukasa was gobsmacked, staring amazingly at her. "Nene IIIS really hungry!" He perceived in his exclamation.

Yashiro was happy as her good 'ol self. "The rice hits the spot! Thanks, Amane!" She exclaims.

Amane was concerned about his next door neighbor. He waves his both hands side to side in his panicking voice. Amane has a big sweat-drop on his head. "It's nothing and I'm relieved you're having a good breakfast! But please put the plate down!" He urged in his panic.


Amane cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen after breakfast. The boy with amber eyes walks back to the plum-colored kotatsu. He sat on his red cushion.

Amane was solemn. "Are you feeling better now, Yashiro?" He asked.

Yashiro has her arms on the kotatsu. She rests her chin on her arms. Yashiro was perplexed. "I don't know...I could go for another omurice though..." she answered honestly.

Amane was agitated at her. "I think one omurice should be enough for your stomach!" He protested.

Tsukasa made his confused face. "When I need another omurice, Amane usually split the third one in half." He mentioned.

Amane glances at his little brother. "There's always next time, Tsukasa!" He complains.

Yashiro becomes surprised. "Oh! I almost forgot why I came to see you, Amane!" She exclaimed.

Yashiro went searching in her gray pocketbook.

Amane and Tsukasa are staring at her blankly.

She ultimately pulls something out of her gray pocketbook.

Yashiro showed Amane something on her left hand. She was shy. Yashiro made her small smile. "U-Um, the o-other five hundred y-yen...B-Back on T-Tuesday when we-we have the f-fish cake ramen in-in Kamado Ramen S-Shop..." she stammers.

The boy with amber eyes was astounded at her. And then, Amane has his entire face all red as the fire hydrant. "Oh-Oh-Oh that ramen...H-How considerate of-of you...Th-Thanks..." he stutters, before taking the five-hundred-yen coin from her.

Yashiro gets her pink blushes on her cheeks. "Y-You're welcome..." she stammers again.

Tsukasa made his slight confident smile at them. "Aw, that's sweet." He commented.

And then, Amane became serious, snapping out of his blushing mess. "Yashiro...Are you okay?" He wondered.

Yashiro was no longer getting blushes. She snapped out of her head. Yashiro gets baffled. "Huh?" She inquires.

Amane tried again. "Yashiro, I'm not sure if you have noticed...But I see that you're bothered about something in your mind...I'm not one of those guy who doesn't like patience...But Yashiro, please...Tsukasa and I can help you if you need anything...Visit us when you're ready to talk to us..." he uttered.

Tsukasa becomes delighted at her. "Yeah, Nene! We got your back! Because that's what neighbors do! We helped each other!" He exclaims.

Yashiro blinked her eyes three times. "Helped each other? But Amane mentions that he's not like other guys. Impatient. They had done so much things for me. Amane's my job coach and my work colleague too. Amane and Tsukasa have saved me from the purse-snatcher. Amane took care of me when I got a fever. I did just pay Amane back the money for the ramen. But I don't know if I should ask them for help. It would make me a needy person. But Amane and Tsukasa are both good neighbors of mine. And they are willing to help me if I do need anything. Maybe I could tell them. And see if they can." She thought.

Yashiro becomes nervous. "Ummm...actually...Amane...Tsukasa..." she said.

Amane and Tsukasa are confused at her. "Huh?" They inquired in unison.

Yashiro took a deep breath. She clasped her fingers together onto her hands. Yashiro was gloomy. "I am really, really, really sorry for not pleading you two out sooner! I can't ask my parents because they cancelled my allowances! I do not have the money for my week's worth of groceries!" She apologized emotionally.

Amane and Tsukasa are astonished at her, blinking their eyes twice.

Yashiro was on the verge of crying. "Please, Amane! Please, Tsukasa! Please let me ask you two for help with food! I'm nearly having nothing in my fridge! If I'm a bother, please tell me otherwise! Please!" She begged.

And then, Yashiro rested her chin on the kotatsu. She was too sad to notice that her tears are falling down onto her both cheeks.

Amane realizes after he looked closely at her emotional state of her magenta eyes. Afterwards, Amane reminisces about Yashiro as a five-year-old girl.

The same little girl in the sandbox, sobbing on his light brown teddy bear.

And in the present time, his next door neighbor was in tears on the kotatsu.

While Tsukasa was surprised at her, Amane became melancholy. The boy with amber eyes shifts himself towards her.

Amane's left hand touched her head, making Yashiro glance at Amane.

Amane gives her some head strokes on her long creamy hair. "You're not a bother, Yashiro...There's no need for you to worry...You're part of our neighborhood now...It's like Tsukasa said...We got your back...You can have us as your friends...until you stop crying..." he sighed.

Yashiro blinks her eyes once. She gasps before her magenta eyes are widened.

Yashiro reminisced Amane as a little boy with black choppy hair.

The same boy with amber eyes who lends her his teddy bear for comfort, stroking Yashiro's creamy hair.

And in the present time, her next door neighbor is in his house.

Yashiro lowers her eyelids halfway down. She can't stop sobbing.

Amane continued to stroke her top of her head. "There, there...There, there...Shhhhhh...Everything will be alright, Yashiro..." he whispered in his soothing voice.

The Yugi brothers let her stay in their house a bit longer.

When Yashiro finally calms herself down, they are gonna discuss each other as neighbors and friends.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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