The Kamome Office 55 - It's Okay, Yashiro!

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Nanamine Sakura got rid of the burnt-up cheesecake in the kitchen.

The girl with lime-green hair tossed it into the trash bin.

After that, Nanamine Sakura meets Yashiro Nene in the living room.

Sakura wears her usual Ginkgo Sweet Shop and Cafe dress uniform. She has finished her work for today on a Saturday.

Sakura was bored yet emotionless. "Um, Nene..." She said.

Sakura was going to speak but gets cut off from Yashiro Nene.

The girl with cream-colored hair with teal tips was agitated. Yashiro falls down to her knees, bowing to her constantly. "I'm sorry, Sakura! I'm really, really, really sorry! I didn't mean to burn my cheesecake in the oven! I was reading a manga while waiting! I did set up the timer before I went to my bedroom!" She apologized in her frantic voice.

Yugi Amane was solemn at the girl with magenta eyes. The boy with amber eyes crouches down to Yashiro. He pats her back with his right hand a few times. Amane sighs deeply at the girl with magenta eyes. "Hey, hey...It's not your fault..." He consoled her with his soft voice.

Sakura took a deep breath. The girl with lime-green hair was bored yet melancholy. "I'm sorry too about what happened earlier...Maybe baking a cheesecake is not easy for you..." She forgave her.

Yugi Tsukasa picked up every bits of pieces near the kitchen counter. The boy with orange-and-yellow eyes got everything broken from the floor. Tsukasa was confused, facing Yashiro. "Hey, Nene, here's your little kitchen gadget." He mentioned, showing her the scattered white object to Yashiro with his both hands.

The girl with magenta eyes was dismayed at it. Yashiro crawls hastily to Tsukasa. "My hamster timer!" She panicked.

The boy with orange-and-yellow gives her broken white hamster timer to Yashiro. "Your timer?" He inquires.

The girl with magenta was glum at her white kitchen gadget. "Ehhh...That was my favorite thing...Fifty yen from last week's garage sale..." She whispered.

Tsukasa patted her head twice. "There, there." He reassures.

Amane crawled toward the girl with magenta eyes. The boy with amber eyes touched her left shoulder. "It's okay, Yashiro! You didn't know!" He reassured in his exclamation.

The girl with magenta eyes looks at Amane. Yashiro made her sad smile at the boy with amber eyes. "Thanks, Amane. I needed that." She said.

The boy with amber smiles sadly back at her. "You're welcome, Yashiro." He whispers.

And then, Amane's and Yashiro's face gets red as a plum from the rice ball.

The girl with magenta eyes squiggles with lips, looking so awkward. "Uhhh...I can't believe I fall asleep when I'm baking my cheesecake...Love is Dango is one of the best high school shojo romance manga anyway...This was supposed to help me wait for the timer to go off, not snooze afterward...I should have done something else while I'm waiting..." She thought.

The boy with amber eyes has a sweat-drop on his head, feeling embarrassed. "Huuuh...I can't get over my shyness...Begone, fire dessert demon?...I gotta stop playing video games with my little brother...It has gotten me hooked up with that game..." He thought.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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