The Intermission of The Kamome Office (Hanako-Kun AU)

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Hey, everyone!

Today is the 9th of March 2024.

And I am pausing my latest Hanako-Kun AU, The Kamome Office.

As you fanfic readers and writers can see, you have read the fifty parts of my Hanako-Kun AU fanfic.

Fifty parts!

I don't know when it's gonna be done.

I may have more ideas about what to write next after my break for fanfic writing.

Seriously, I need a break.

For my anime fanfic, it is the Hanashiro love story (Hanako x Yashiro). Although, in my AU, it's Amane and Yashiro.

It's supposed to be the anime romcom fanfic too.

Of course, it takes place in the office and the home too.

Yes, my anime fanfic title is 'The Kamome Office'.

I figured it would be a cool idea to write something new.

And to be fair, I have watched a few anime series that takes place in the office buildings.

All right, everyone!

Thank you for reading this biggest anime fanfic I have ever wrote so far.

For the first fifty parts, it's four hours and nearly twenty minutes of reading.

Hectic, right?

So, I do have choices for you readers and writers of Wattpad.

I can stop here after the intermission.

Or I can keep writing after the break.

It's up to you!

I can go back writing anytime.

I just need new ideas first. Lol.

I do enjoy writing new characters in my AU.

Especially Yashiro Nene's grandfather, Hirohito. He's important in my Hanako-Kun AU fanfic.

Thank you again for reading this, everyone!

Have a nice rest of the weekend!


The Kamome Office (Hanako-Kun AU)Where stories live. Discover now