The Kamome Office 95 - Shijima's Painting of Yashiro

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Shijima Mei gestures to the next item for the audience. The girl with big black round glasses was smiling. "The next item I have auctioned here is one of Kamome Aid Agency's new colleagues." She announced.

The man with his black mustache carefully brought the veiled big object out on stage. "Here is the next painted piece as you requested, Miss Shijima." He utters.

The girl with blue-green eyes nodded her head once at him. "Thank you, Katashi." She said.

The man in his tuxedo placed the white sheet, which it's covering the picture in the portrait position, behind the grayish pillar.

Katashi bows to Shijima. "Permission to uncover this piece of art, miss." He insisted.

The girl with brown hair bowed to Katashi. "Permission granted." She acknowledged.

The man with his mustache was pleased to hear from her.

Shijima faced the audience. "I am very happy that I got to meet Yashiro Nene, who recently worked with Tsuchigomori for a month ago. And she is here for tonight's auction. Give Yashiro Nene the applause, everybody." She announces, gesturing to Yashiro.

Everyone applauds to the girl with magenta eyes.

Yashiro stands up for a moment, bowing three times to the audience while she smiles sweetly. "Heh-heh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everyone." She giggled.

Shinigami Hakubo made his slight smile at Yashiro, clapping his hands lightly.

Sumire made her gentle smile at Yashiro. Sumire claps excitedly.

Yugi Amane was cheerful at Yashiro. The boy was amber eyes clapped his hands the loudest. "Yay! You're the hit of the auction!" He cheered.

Katashi gestured to the audience to settle down.

The girl with magenta eyes sits back down on her chair as everyone quiets themselves from applauding so loud.

The man in his tuxedo pinched the edge of the white sheet.

Shijima looks at her covered artwork. "Ladies and gentlemen, you may already know what this next item is. My work friend, Yashiro Nene." She presents, gesturing to her big canvas.

Katashi swiftly pulls the white sheet to uncover the art.

The audience went 'Ooo' and 'Ahhh' at Shijima's painting of Yashiro.

Sumire was astounded. "Woah." She said.

Shinigami was emotionless at Shijima's second painting. The boy with his dark skin blinks his eyes twice. "This is unusual." He perceived.

Amane was stunned. "Huh?!" He gasped.

And then, Yashiro becomes appalled. Her dark brown magatama hair clips are sticking up. "Eh?!" She gasps.

When the white sheet comes off of the art, in the picture, it was the joyful Yashiro Nene, who looks up at the colorful sun-rising sky.

But it was the pose that Yashiro used when she was at Shijima Mei's house.

In the painting, there are slightly clouds in the sky but no sun in it.

Yashiro sat on the rock. And on the bottom of the rock is the water's surface. She has the cream-colored fish-tail-fin with teal tips. Her long creamy hair with teal tips hides her front chest. But the two white seashells on Yashiro's chest are visible.

The girl with magenta eyes gets her face red like strawberry and cream candies. Yashiro looks down at her lap, feeling flustered. "Uhhh." She hyperventilates.

Amane became concerned. "Yashiro, breathe! Breathe! Breathe, girl!" He panicked.

Shijima was delighted at Yashiro. "Awww, Nene's speechless." She mentioned.

The audience laughs a little bit.

Shijima holds the gavel with her left hand. "Okay, I will begin the bidding with fifteen thousand yen." She announced.

Yashiro efforts to calm down but failed. The girl with magenta eyes has her face changed from red to blue. "Excuse me, I need to take the girl's room, Amane." She said with her frantic voice, bowing to him.

The boy with amber eyes was perplexed at Yashiro. "Oh, okay." He acknowledges.

And then, Amane gets up from the chair as the girl with magenta eyes got up. The boy with amber eyes made his puzzling smile. "I'll wait for you when you're done, Yashiro." He declared.

The girl with magenta eyes seems fearful yet making her awkward smile. "Y-Yeah." She stuttered in her agreement.


In the hallway, Amane waits patiently for Yashiro in the bathroom.

The boy with amber eyes checks his watch on his right arm. "She's been in there for fourteen minutes." He whispered.

And then, Yashiro finally left the girls' restroom. The girl with magenta eyes was melancholy. "Amane, I want to eat something please." She urged.

The boy with amber eyes glances at her. Amane was confused. "You want to leave the auction house before dinner, Yashiro?" He wondered.

The girl with magenta eyes nodded her head twice.

It was Yashiro's only reply.

Amane looked up, pondering about what she could eat in such short time.

After that, the boy with amber eyes made his small smile at her. "Come here, Yashiro. I know where you can eat." He declares, taking her left hand, making her baffled.

The girl with magenta eyes raised her right eyebrow. "Amane, where are you taking me?" She asked as he drags her out of the auction house.

The boy with amber eyes faces forth on the sidewalk. "Trust me, Yashiro. You're gonna like the crepes in the cafe. The Komi Cafe." He answered.

Yashiro blinked her eyes once. "The Komi Cafe?" She repeated in her inquiry.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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