The Kamome Office 99 - Hirohito Nearly Disowns

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Note: Warning; family drama moment. Thank you.

There are four knocks on the front door.

Yashiro gets up. The girl with magenta eyes was cheerful, rushing to the front door. "I'll get it! You three enjoy your hug-fest!" She exclaimed.

When Yashiro opens the front door, the girl with magenta eyes becomes bewildered. "Grandpa Hirohito." She said with her surprising voice.

Yashiro used to be happy to see her grandfather.

But the man with magenta eyes was not thrilled. "Evening, Nene." He greeted.

The girl with magenta eyes was about to speak but Hirohito cut her off.

The man with magenta eyes was strict. "Your roommate told me today that you were at the Yugis' house." He mentions sternly.

Yashiro gets anxious with her grandfather. "Grandpa, let me explain-" She efforts to talk but Hirohito cut her off again.

The man with magenta eyes shook his head twice. "I don't need your explanation to me!" He rants.

Hirohito furrows his eyebrows. "Not only you're going against my wishes! You're dating one of the Yugi boys!" He shouts.

Yashiro becomes alarmed. "Grandpa!" She called.

Hirohito was angry. "I don't trust any Yugi! Especially Reina!" He complained.

Yashiro's magenta eyes are widened. "Grandpa, please!" She pleaded.

Hirohito's cream-colored hair with teal tips are sticking up, including his mustache. "Nene! If you continue to go out with the Yugi childish-attitude-guy! I will not allow you to see me or your parents ever again!" He yelled.

Yashiro became dismayed.

The girl with magenta eyes gasped twice.

After a moment, Yashiro gets upset, bringing tears on the bottom of her eyes. "You don't mean that, grandpa..." She whimpered, hyperventilating a few times after she spoke.

Tsukasa was astonished, seeing the scene of Hirohito and his granddaughter.

Amane was appalled at Yashiro and her grandfather.

And for Reina, she was shocked at first.

Two seconds after that, Reina becomes irritated at Hirohito.

Yashiro was sad, not knowing that her tears has fallen onto her both cheeks. "You...You can't..." She whimpers.

The man with magenta eyes crisscrossed his arms. "Now, are you going to dump him, Nene?" He inquires.

Yashiro made a squiggly line on her lips. The girl with magenta eyes opened her mouth but didn't speak up a word. Yashiro breathes hard several times, losing control of her broken heart. "I...I...I..." She gasps.

And ultimately, Yashiro fell down on her knees, starting to sob harder.

Amane widens his amber eyes. He sees the same little girl who cries her eyes out on his light brown teddy bear.

Reina marched to Hirohito.

Afterwards, the woman with amber eyes slapped him on his right cheek hard.

The man with magenta eyes was stunned at Reina.

The woman with amber eyes pouts at him, waving her right fist up and down. "You will regret that! Disowning your granddaughter for what?! Ditching her true love over your pride?! You should be ashamed of yourself, Hirohito!" She argues darkly.

The man with magenta eyes was baffled. "I can't believe it...This is the first time that my ex-crush slap me on my face..." He whispered in his disbelief.

Reina grabbed his blueberry-colored kimono. "Listen to me, you dummy! Just because I rejected your love confession years ago, this doesn't mean you could put your conflicts on your granddaughter!" She ranted.

Hirohito gets furious at her. "Your threats don't scare me! And this is between me and my granddaughter! Stay out of it!" He protested.

Reina shakes him roughly. "Hey! Just shut up you idiot and look at your grand-girl for goodness sake!" She yells in her demanding voice.

Hirohito halts himself for a few moments. The man with magenta eyes witnesses what he did to Yashiro.

After that, Hirohito gasped in shock.

The girl with magenta eyes buried her face on Amane's chest. She was crying in agony, moving her both shoulders lots of times.

Tsukasa pats Yashiro's head three times with his emotionless face.

Amane was solemn for the girl with magenta eyes. The boy with amber eyes already wrapped her in his arms. Amane strokes her back several times with his right hand. "Shhh, shhh, shhh. It is okay, Yashiro. I'm here. I'm here for you. You don't have to say anything. You have me and my love for you. Things will work out, you'll see." He whispers in his soft voice.

Hirohito gets gloomy at his granddaughter for some more moments.

And then, Amane glares at Hirohito with his fierce expression.

The man with magenta eyes' mustache sticks up in fright. Hirohito has a sweat-drop on his head. "Gah! That Yugi boy is glaring at me?! He is serious about what I said to Nene?!" He thought.

Amane blinks his eyes once. "How can you be so cruel to Yashiro?" He inquired in his muttering tone.

Hirohito frowned at the boy with amber eyes, blinking his magenta eyes twice. "That Reina's grandson of hers...I can't believe he's related to this-this meanie-yellowish-eyed-woman..." He thought.

And then, everyone except Yashiro looks out at the front door blankly.

Somebody knocked on the door three times.

It was Nanamine Sakura who knocks on the front door.

The girl with lime-green hair was bored yet perplexed. "Excuse me, is Nene in the Yugis' residence for a moment?" She asked.

Tsukasa was baffling. "Sakura." He uttered.

Amane was emotionless at the girl with lime-green hair. "Yashiro is here, Nanamime. But you have to come back when she's calm down." He answered.

Sakura blinked her eyes once. "That's why I'm looking for Nene, Amane. Her parents are here." She remarked.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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