The Kamome Office 53 - Yashiro's Reading Manga Time, Love is Dango

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In the black and burgundy dojo house, Yashiro Nene wore her casual clothes with her yellow apron on. She wears her ocean blue shirt with her black shorts. Yashiro also wore her dark brown tights with her yellow slippers on. She was baking a light yellow gooey filling with her cake pan. Her cream-colored hair with teal tips are styled into her ponytail.

Yashiro was smiling at it on the kitchen counter. "Now, time to get you in the oven." She whispers to herself.

Yashiro picked up the cake pan.

Her left hand opened the preheated oven door cautiously.

She puffs out, perturbed by the heatwave from the oven.

Yashiro made her small smile.

She slides the cake pan carefully into the hot oven.

Afterwards, Yashiro closed the preheated oven door. She set up the timer with the white hamster timer. "There. It'll be done in one hour and twenty minutes. This should take awhile." Yashiro stated.

She walks out of the kitchen. Yashiro wiped her sweat with her right arm from her forehead. "Whew." She sighed.

One hour, nineteen minutes and thirty seconds.

Yashiro takes off yellow apron. She put it away in her closet. Yashiro was beaming at the ceiling. "I can't wait to show Sakura for what I accomplished! I'm inviting Amane and Tsukasa for this! My hard work for my job has really paid off! And I'm not broke!" She exclaimed.

One hour, eighteen minutes and fifty-eight seconds.

And then, Yashiro made her pouty face, tapping her left foot on the floor. "Hmm...An hour and a half is a long time for my dessert to be baked..." She ponders.

And ultimately, Yashiro snaps her right fingers. She was enthusiastic. "I know! I'll read some of my manga while I wait! That'll help me to get thru boredom!" Yashiro exclaims.

One hour, seventeen minutes and zero seconds.

The girl with cream-colored hair with teal tips heads to her bedroom. Yashiro walked towards her small wooden bookcase. She crouched down, examining at her set of manga volumes. Yashiro has her dreamy look on her face. Her both cheeks are blushing light pink. "Oh my all-time favorite manga reading...'Love is Dango'..." She murmured.

Yashiro pulled out the first volume of 'Love is Dango' from her wooden bookcase. There are two boys and a girl on the manga cover.

She hugged her manga with her arms together. Yashiro made her sweet yet absentminded smile. "The boy with pink hair is a bad boy who is actually kind. Shoto. The boy with green hair is arrogant but he's having trouble getting along with others in high school. Arata. And the girl with white hair, the main character of the manga. Miyoko. She was strong enough to deal with her hardships of her life. But the new troubles give the best of her. Struggling with them as the class rep. And..." She mentions.

Until Yashiro became dismayed by realizing something. Her eyes are fully magenta. "Ah!" She freaks out.

And then, Yashiro looks at her first volume of 'Love is Dango'. "Enough talking about my favorite high school shojo romance! I'm reading this 'till my timer goes off!" She vents to herself.

One hour, fourteen minutes and forty-three seconds.

Yashiro sat on her lavender futon bed. She used her knees to support herself with her manga reading.

Yashiro was on halfway of her first volume of 'Love is Dango'.

Once she flipped the page of her graphic novel book, Yashiro gasps in her happiness. She has twinkling stars on her magenta eyes.

Despite the manga is in black and white, the character has his hair between his eyes. His expression was emotionless but his eyes are kinder when he meets the girl. He wore his school uniform a little loose. To look more like a bad boy personality trait.

Yashiro gets her red blushes on her cheeks. "Shoto..." She cooed.

Fifty-six minutes and seven seconds.

Yashiro still reads her first volume of 'Love is Dango'. Her magenta eyes got dark pink hearts on them. She let her mouth open in astonishment, letting out another gasp.

Another boy character who meets the girl. His hair is long but his school uniform was neat and well-presented. He smiles like Prince Charming. The boy is the vice president of the class rep.

Yashiro squiggles her mouth. Infatuation overwhelms the girl with cream-colored hair with teal tips. "Arata, what a cute princely figure..." She coos.

Forty minutes and thirty-five seconds.

Yashiro lays down with her stomach on her lavender futon. She has a small stack of manga volumes next to her. Yashiro has already done reading volume one of 'Love is Dango'. She starts to read volume two of it.

Yashiro was agitated at her second manga volume. "Come on, Miyoko! Don't go awkward in front of Shoto! Confess your heart to him!" She whined.

Yashiro becomes annoyed. She flips the next page of her graphic novel book.

And then, Yashiro became overjoyed. "Ah yes! Yes!" She gasped.

Yashiro wiggles her both legs up and down, hitting her lavender futon with them. "Miyoko confessed her love to Shoto! I'm so proud of her!" She squealed.

Twenty-nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds.

Yashiro lays down on her lavender futon on her back. She was on volume four of 'Love is Dango'.

Yashiro was sad. "Darn you, Arata! How could you do that to Miyoko! You're the vice president of the school, you idiot! You should have told her BEFORE the deadline for the high school culture festival! What is the matter with you, you dummy!" She sobbed.

Twenty minutes and two seconds.

Yashiro was delighted at volume eight of 'Love is Dango'. She still lays down on her back onto her lavender futon. Her both arms extended to the ceiling. Yashiro has dark pink hearts on her magenta eyes. "Awww, Shoto and Miyoko are finally getting along! And they are absolutely beautiful together! Dating under the cherry blossom tree! Having a picnic! How romantic!" She cooed.

Five minutes and twenty-six seconds.

Yashiro was sulky at volume eleven of 'Love is Dango'. She sat on her lavender futon with her knees. Yashiro has angry marks on her head. "That's it, Shoto! Tell that Arata jerk off! You don't deserve Miyoko like Shoto does! Someone put that guy in detention for goodness sake!" She yelled.

The white hamster timer went off, rattling itself to the edge of the kitchen counter.

The white hamster only went off for three seconds.

That is until...

In Yashiro's bedroom, the girl with cream-colored hair with teal tips fell asleep. She had her twelve volume of 'Love is Dango' on her chest.

Yashiro snored loudly for every two seconds.

While she sleeps peacefully on top of her lavender futon, the white hamster timer in the kitchen was broken. The arrow of the timer popped out of it.

Poor Yashiro Nene doesn't know she left something in her oven.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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