The Kamome Office 25 - Yashiro Caught a Fever

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Yashiro was too sick to be surprised when she heard she got a fever.

Yashiro coughs out three times.

Amane was serious. He brought out the thermometer from his pair of denim jeans pocket. Amane wore his white T-shirt underneath his crimson jacket. "I'm gonna put this under your arm, Yashiro." He mentions.

She nodded her head in agreement. Yashiro shifts her lavender blanket down to her waist.

Amane placed the thermometer under her left arm. He crisscrossed his arms, waiting for the results from the thermometer.

Yashiro was confused at him. "Amane..." she spoke before she coughed twice.

Amane was solemn at her. "Don't try to speak, Yashiro. It'll be alright." He sighed in his reassurance.

She efforts to breathe steadily but failed. Yashiro perturbed her eyes again. She coughs out five times from her mouth.

The thermometer went off for one beep.

Amane took the thermometer from her left arm. He examined the results of the thermometer carefully.

Unfortunately, the temperature looks too high.

Thirty-eight point nine degree celsius.

Amane faces her. He was bothered. Amane pitied his next door neighbor. "You have a fever, Yashiro. You're not going to work like this tomorrow." He uttered.

Yashiro became astonished at him. "Not going to work tomorrow?!" She blurted out.

Yashiro attempts to get up from her futon but failed. "Amane! I have a new task tomor-" she tried to protest but her cough cut her off.

Yashiro coughed again a couple times.

Amane pulls her down back to her futon. "Yashiro, I'll call Tsuchigomori about that first thing in the morning. I'm giving you one day to rest." He said seriously.

Yashiro was crestfallen. "But Amane..." she whines.

Amane shook his head twice in disagreement. "No buts and any more excuses. You're sleeping in tomorrow." He utters strongly.

Yashiro sighs before she says, "Fine..."

Yashiro coughs a few times again.

She ate dinner that Amane made for her.

But Yashiro finishes half of her udon.

And of course, Amane helps her up for the bathroom.

She changes her work clothes to her white-and-blue pajamas. Yashiro wore the two-piece pajamas. Her white pajama shirt with her blue pajama pants. She tried to brush her teeth without coughing.

But while Yashiro does it, she coughed up the mint green toothpaste from her mouth. Yashiro felt disgusted when she's under the weather.

Afterward, Yashiro went back to her lavender futon and try to go to sleep.

Amane sighed of pity before he decided to stay with her for one night.

Amane went back to his dojo house to get his yellow futon.

He came back to Yashiro's dojo house.

Ridiculous as it was, Amane takes off his crimson jacket.

After that, he sleeps in his yellow futon with his clothes on.

Amane stayed by her side.


The early morning sun came from the mountains.

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