The Kamome Office 80 - The Merry-Go-Round-Sushi-Bar

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On the next day, Tsuchigomori and his group went out to eat sushi on the lunch break.

Tsuchigomori Ryujirou had a big group from Kamome Aid Agency.

So the man with gold glasses faced everyone. Tsuchigomori was deadpanned yet emotionless. "Since this sushi bar restaurant has only just booth tables, I will allow you to sit wherever you like. I am watching you while you enjoyed your lunch." He announced.

Amane, Tsukasa, Yashiro, Aoi, Shijima, Akane, Mirai, Mitsuba and Kou nodded their heads at him. "Okay." They acknowledged in unison.

Shijima looks at Amane, Tsukasa and Yashiro with her small smile. "Is it all right if I join you?" She wondered.

Yashiro was smiling sweetly. "Of course, Mei." She replied.

Amane made his slight smile. "It's okay with me." He allowed.

Tsukasa was cheerful. "The more the merrier!" He exclaimed.

Akane, Aoi and Mirai are seated in one booth table.

Kou and Mitsuba have no choice but to sit in one booth table together.

Kou was irritated. "I'm buying my own lunch. Just to tell you, Mitsuba." He mentioned.

The boy with pink hair was annoyed. "I was about to say the same thing to you, lame-traffic-earring-boy." He said.

Kou growls angrily at Mitsuba a little.

Amane and Tsukasa are in one side of the table.

Yashiro and Shijima are in the other side of the table.

The girl with blue-green eyes was confident. "Nene, pass me over the rainbow rolls please." She said.

Yashiro nodded her head once at Shijima. "You got it, Mei." She grinned.

There was a plate of rainbow roll on the rotating conveyor belt.

Yashiro grabs it before the rainbow roll passed by her.

The girl with magenta eyes gives it to Shijima. "Here you go. Another one should be here soon." She remarks.

Shijima was glad. "Thanks, Nene." She said pleasingly.

Yashiro nodded her head again at Shijima. "You're welcome, Mei." She smiled.

Amane already taken a few plates of makizushi for Tsukasa and himself.

Tsukasa munched it in one bite with his chopsticks.

Amane was puzzled at the girl with magenta eyes. "Better get what you want before you miss your chance. Some sushis might not be back until half hour." He warns.

Yashiro glances at the boy with amber eyes. "I will, Amane. I gotta get Mei's rainbow rolls first." She uttered.

Luckily, Yashiro catches another rainbow roll before it got away.

Shijima was ecstatic. "You're so kind, Nene." She mentions.

Yashiro was beaming. "Yeah, that's how I am." She murmured.

Yashiro focuses on the rotating conveyor belt of sushis.

After couple moments of waiting, there was the makizushi sushi.

The girl with magenta eyes made her determined smile.

Yashiro efforts to get the plate of makizushi.

But it slipped out of her right hand.

The girl with magenta eyes becomes confused. "Eh?" She inquired.

Yashiro furrows her eyebrows.

The girl with magenta eyes detected the plate of nigirizushi sushi.

It was about to go near Yashiro on the conveyor belt.

The girl with magenta eyes tries to get it with her right hand.

But it went away passing Yashiro swiftly.

The girl with magenta eyes was confused again. "Eh?" She inquired again.

Yashiro became agitated. "Why can't I get any sushi from the rotating thing? Dumb conveyor belt." She thought.

There was the uramaki appearing on the conveyor belt.

When Yashiro attempts to grab it, the sushi misses her.

And then, there was the california roll on the rotating conveyor belt.

When the girl with magenta eyes tried again, it got away from her.

The futomaki.

Yashiro didn't get the plate.

The temaki.

Yashiro didn't get the plate again.

The hosomaki.

Yashiro didn't get it.

The inarizushi.

Yashiro didn't get it again.

The maguro.

The dragon roll.

The tako.

The tamago.

The tuna roll.

The girl with magenta eyes finally got one plate of sushi.

But Yashiro gets disgusted when she sees there's a white radish in it.

After all of Yashiro's times to get your food, the girl with magenta eyes stared down at the table.

The boy with amber eyes finishes his second makizushi. Amane glanced at Yashiro. Amane was smiling slightly at first at the girl with magenta eyes. "Hey, Yashiro, did you get your-" He tries to ask her but he stops himself.

Amane widens his amber eyes, gasping in disbelief.

The girl with magenta eyes was whimpering. Yashiro was melancholy, getting teary from her eyes.

Shijima was surprised at her. "Nene, why are you crying?" She asked.

Tsukasa was perplexed at Yashiro.

The girl with magenta eyes hyperventilates while she sobs in pain. "I didn't get any sushi I wanted..." She whimpers.

Yashiro's eyes get glossy. Her tears flow onto her left cheek before her right cheek. "I was trying to catch it...*hic*...Every sushi comes to me...*hic* *hic*...But every one of them was going too faaast..." She whimpered as she hiccuped herself while she sobs.

Amane was melancholy at Yashiro.

The boy with amber eyes looked down at his last makizushi on his plate.

Amane feels pity for his next door neighbor.

And suddenly, the boy with amber eyes picked up his plate of makizushi.

The girl with magenta eyes couldn't control her tearful emotion.

"Yashiro..." Amane whispered.

The girl with magenta eyes slowly stares at the boy with amber eyes.

Yashiro gasps in surprise.

Amane has his plate of makizushi with his both hands. The boy with amber eyes was solemn. "Take my last one. You need to eat something. Lunch break will be over soon." He offered.

The girl with magenta eyes becomes beaming yet sad. "Are you letting me eat your makizushi? Are you sure, Amane?" She asks.

Amane made his sad smile. "I'm sure, Yashiro. You can have it." He answered.

The girl with magenta eyes took the plate of makizushi from Amane.

Yashiro became happy and noms on it with her chopsticks.

The boy with amber eyes glances down at the table. Amane gets flustered. His face was completely red as a maraschino cherry. "Oh my gosh! She's eating the sushi with her chopsticks. With her face so thrilled-looking. Yashiro's so cute! I can't take it!" He thought in his panicky voice.

Afterwards, the lunch break at the sushi bar restaurant was over.

Tsuchigomori and his group went back to work.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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