The Kamome Office 42 - Stay as Long as You Want, Sakura

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The moon and the stars appeared in the night sky.

In Yashiro Nene's home, Nanamine Sakura sets up her fuchsia futon in her bedroom. She has already wore her two-piece pajamas pants to match with her futon.

There was two knocks from her bedroom door.

Sakura was bored yet confident. The girl with lime-green hair faces the door. "Come in." She allows, giving someone's permission to enter.

Her bedroom door slides by itself.

It was Yashiro who peeked out from behind the door. The girl with magenta eyes was smiling. "Hi, Sakura." She greets.

Sakura nodded her head once. "Hello, Nene." She greeted.

Yashiro slid the door all the way open. She was wearing her two-piece white pajama pants.

Sakura stares at her roommate's jammies.

Yashiro has various colors of little hamster heads on her white pajamas.

And then, Sakura was bored yet quizzical. "Nene...Do you like hamsters?" She asked.

Yashiro recognized in surprise. And then, the girl with magenta eyes was cheerful. Yashiro spins herself slowly. "Oh, yes I do. They are my favorite animals. Pandas is another too. Although, I just can't resist how cute they are." She answered.

Sakura blinks her eyes once. "I'm sure they are." She agrees.

And then, Sakura tilted her head to her right. "Do you come here to say hi or something?" She wondered.

Yashiro faced her. "Ah, yes." She replied.

And then, Yashiro made her small smile. "Do you like living with me? My roommate?" She asks.

Sakura was bored yet making her slight smile. "Yes...Yes, I do like being here with you...My roommate I mean...At least I won't be lonely from where I used to live..." She answers.

Yashiro becomes curious. "Where do you used to live, Sakura?" She wonders.

The girl with lime-green hair ponders for a moment. And then, Sakura was bored yet emotionless. "The shelter." She replies.

Yashiro gasps in disbelief. And then, the girl with magenta eyes was melancholy. "You're...You're homeless?" She asked in her whisper.

Sakura nodded her head three times. It was the only answer to her question.

Yashiro became determined. "Stay as long as you want." She declared.

Sakura was speechless at her. "What?" She wondered.

Yashiro was serious. "Stay as long as you want." She repeats. It was her only reply to Sakura.

And then, Yashiro furrows her eyebrows. "My grandfather, Hirohito, is a great person. He helped the people who are homeless, hungry and sick. My grandpa inspires me to help others too. Ever since I got a pink slip from Yamato Lena, Grandpa Hirohito was the one who helps me get another job. He's selfless, kind and a hero to me. I'm glad to have a kindhearted grandfather. I'm glad he's part of my family. And I'm glad he gave you another chance." She explains.

Sakura widens her green-and-yellow eyes at her.

Yashiro was resolute. "We all need to help each other out for any such crisis to come unexpectedly. Because if we don't, then...then our country will suffer much worse than we have now..." She reasoned.

Sakura blinked her eyes thrice at her.

Yashiro was still resolute. She puffs out herself from her nostrils of her nose.

Sakura was bored yet bewildered at her. "Did you happen to get that talk from your grandfather?" She asks.

Yashiro became stunned. "Ah!" She gasps.

And then, Yashiro made her awkward smile. "Um, yes. But that's because I was sad about losing my gardening job. I did every task as I was told by Yamato Lena. And I still don't get why I got fired. Well at least her florist shop went out of business lately." She answers.

And then, Yashiro cleared her throat. "Ahem." She said.

And finally, Yashiro made her happy smile. "I don't need to go back where my gardening job was. Because I'm happier with my job at Kamome Aid Agency." She uttered proudly.

Sakura was flabbergasted at her.

After a long moment, the girl with lime-green hair was baffled. "Hey, Nene." She said.

Yashiro tilts her head to her left. "Yeah, Sakura?" She inquired.

Sakura blinks her eyes once. "Do you wanna hang out with me tomorrow?" She wonders.

Yashiro becomes confused at her. "Huh?" She inquired again.

Sakura sat on her fuchsia futon. "I have some yen bills and coins. It'll be my treat." She offered.

Yashiro blinked her eyes twice. "Where on Sunday?" She inquired.

Sakura raised her eyebrows. "Where I work at...The Ginkgo Sweet Shop and Cafe..." She clarifies.

Yashiro got twinkling stars in her magenta eyes. "You worked at the sweet shop?!" She blurted out.

Sakura shrugged her shoulders. "If you're interested to hang out there." She aforesaid.

Yashiro raises her both fists to her chin. "Ooo yes! Yes I do wanna hang out with you tomorrow! I loved strawberries! Especially the one with rice cake kinds!" She replies thrillingly. The excitement of strawberry filled rice cakes overwhelms Yashiro.

Sakura gradually smiles with expression of boredom at her. "Good. I can't wait for tomorrow then." She said.

Yashiro nodded her head three times. "Yeah! Me too!" She exclaimed.

Yashiro Nene went to her bedroom after she says good night to Nanamine Sakura.

Yashiro tucked herself in her lavender futon. She falls asleep after she sings softly about loving strawberry rice cakes for a few seconds.

Afterward, Yashiro sleeps with her mouth open. She begins to snore like a sleeping baby panda.

The moon and the stars are shining brightly thru-out the night sky.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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