The Kamome Office 34 - Grocery Shopping at The Yin and Yang Supermarket

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In the afternoon during the day, there was the supermarket called The Yin and Yang. Next to the name of the grocery store, there was the emblem of white-and-black round design.

Inside of the supermarket, there are a bunch of aisles of different categories. Produce, frozen meals, dairy products, microwaveable foods and much more.

In the aisle of rice and pasta, there are footsteps of two different black shoes. The first one has the cycle of the yellow moon phases.

The second black shoes has small red-and-orange flames.

There are four little wheels behind the two black shoes.

After that, there was a pair of white high-top sneakers.

It was Yugi Amane who walks with his black shoes with moons on it.

It was Yugi Tsukasa who walked behind his big brother. He has his black shoes with flames on them.

And for Yashiro Nene...

She was just pushing the grocery cart in front of her.

They all looked so emotionless.

Amane holds up the white note from his left hand. "We need a bag of rice and some soba noodles." He said.

And then, Amane turns his head and stares at her. The boy with amber eyes made his happy smile. "Hey, why not grab some karaage on-to-go lunches?" He asked (It's some Japanese seasoned fried chicken).

Tsukasa made his exciting expression. "Yay! Karaage!" He answered, cheering with his arms in the air.

Yashiro was baffled at them. "Karaage?" She repeats.

Tsukasa goes to join her near the grocery cart. The boy with orange-and-yellow eyes was smiling. "In this supermarket, they bring out the already-served karaage. It's usually about five or six pieces each in a bag. And they are exactly four-hundred and fifty yen." He explained.

Yashiro becomes astounded. Her magenta eyes got twinkling stars. "Four-hundred and fifty yen!" She repeated in her surprise voice.

Tsukasa was grinning at her. "Right?!" He inquired in his exclamation.

Amane picks up the cheapest bag of white rice he could find.

And then, Amane got the plastic bag of soba noodles.

Yashiro browsed inside of the grocery cart. There are several different kinds of vegetables, two bags of frozen fish, a packet of nori (seaweed sheets), a bag of white rice, a plastic bag of soba noodles, six carton of eggs and several different kinds of fruits (especially the strawberries).

She made a sweet smile on her face.

While Yashiro was distracted, the boy with amber eyes halted at the end of the aisle.

When she kept staring at the food in the moving cart, the grocery cart itself bumped to someone's butt.

Amane became shocked. His amber eyes are widened. His mouth forms into a square shape. "Whah!" He gasped in his exclamation.

Amane rotated himself to his left. He rubbed his poor butt with his both hands. Amane was furrowing his eyebrows. "Watch where you're going with the cart, Yashiro!" He fusses.

Yashiro glanced at the boy with amber eyes. She was surprised at him. Yashiro waves her right hand frantically. "Oh, I am sorry, Amane! I didn't know that you were going to stop!" She panicked.

Amane was annoyed. "Well the cart you're driving hit me on my butt!" He vented.

Yashiro becomes irked. "Will the bag of ice help for your sore butt, Mister-Short-Grump?" She inquires.

Amane was not thrilled with his next door neighbor. "Mister-Short-Grump?! Will a bowl of shaved ice could cool off your head, Miss-Daikon-Diva?!" He ranted in his inquiry.

Yashiro's dark brown hair clips are sticking up. "Miss-Daikon-Diva?!" She repeats angrily.

Amane and Yashiro are arguing like a married couple...again...

Tsukasa takes the grocery cart and drives away from them, smiling like a child. "I loved how Amane is close with Nene...They should try to kiss and make out..." he thought.

Tsukasa brought over the checkout counter. He made his small smile at the supermarket clerk. "Is the karaages on-to-go available by any chance, miss?" Tsukasa wondered.

The supermarket clerk lady made her friendly gesture at him. "Why yes, sir!" She exclaimed in her reply.

And then, the supermarket clerk lady made her curious smile. "How many bags of karaage, sir?" She asks.

The black choppy hair boy gestured his peace sign from his left hand. "Two bags, please!" He answers in his exclamation.

And ultimately, Tsukasa paid the groceries with two bags of karaage. Every item in the cart are all in paper and plastic bags.

The black choppy hair boy heads to the aisle of rice and pasta.

When Tsukasa found Amane and Yashiro, he was stunned at first.

And then, Tsukasa's smile grew bigger. He gasps happily.

Amane pinned her to the aisle shelves. Yashiro stands behind the supplies of boxed yakisoba noodles mix.

Amane was panting hard in his fierce expression.

Yashiro was bewildered at him. "Amane...I'll listen for you...Just tell me what's wrong..." she urged.

Amane becomes solemn. After he settles down from his fast breathing, Amane gulps himself. "Yashiro...I know this sounds crazy but...You're my love at first sight..." he whispers softly.

Yashiro's magenta eyes went glossy. "Ah." She gasped.

After a long moment, Amane and Yashiro are leaning closer to each other.

And suddenly, they turned their heads to face someone in confusion.

It was Tsukasa swings his both fists up and down. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" He chanted.

Amane and Yashiro are not amused at him.

Yashiro glances at Amane. "We have seriously need to talk about our issues here, Amane." She declares nonchalantly.

Amane nodded his head several times at Yashiro. "Yeah, okay. Apologize to each other first. Then talk about our problems. Good call, Yashiro." He agrees nonchalantly.

And finally, Tsukasa hums a happy tune. He has bags of groceries on his both hands.

Behind Tsukasa, Amane and Yashiro got the rest of the groceries with their both hands.

Amane had to carried the two bags of karaage.

Yashiro sighs deeply.

Amane and Yashiro looked away at each other because...

Their faces are as red as the watermelons.

And so, they embarrassed themselves back at the Yin and Yang supermarket.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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