The Kamome Office 31 - Breakfast at Yugi's I

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Note: There are two parts of Breakfast at Yugi's. First part, everyone. Thank you.

In the light brown and ocean green dojo house, Amane has done cooking the omurices for himself and his little brother.

The boy with his amber eyes set two plates of breakfast on the plum-colored kotatsu.

Amane wore his pink-orange-colored T-shirt with his black pants and white socks. He sat on his knees on his red cushion.

Tsukasa looked blankly at his big brother on the other side of the kotatsu. He had his white blanket on his shoulders. The chocolate sow was on the boy with orange-and-yellow eyes' left side.

Amane clapped his hands once. He prayed for a few seconds.

And then, Amane was emotionless, opening his eyes after his prayer and said, "Thank you for the food."

Tsukasa made his cheerful smile. His both arms went up in the air, throwing his white blanket aside. "Yaaay! My hungry stomach's ready for breakfast, Amane!" He cheered.

Amane glanced at his little brother in bafflement. After about two seconds, the boy with amber eyes was annoyed.

Tsukasa kept his both arms up in the air, making his confused smile. "Amane?" He inquired.

Amane growls in annoyance. He got up from his red cushion. Amane marched around to the other side of the kotatsu.

When the boy with amber eyes marches to his little brother, Amane picked Tsukasa up again.

Amane was holding him up like his previous pet black cat.

Tsukasa was perplexed after being held by his big brother.

Amane furrowed his eyebrows. "I told you NOT to wear the same outfit as I was wearing, Tsukasa!" He argued.

Tsukasa closed his eyes, swinging his both arms up and down. "Amaneee! I liked to have my clothes matched with yours! We are so cute that way!" He whines like a child.

Amane was irritated, perturbing his eyelids. "Stop calling us cute! We're nineteen years old and we played video games together!" He rants.

Tsukasa kept shifting his arms frantically. "Awww, come onnn, Amaneee! It's so weiiird not to match clothes!" He whined.

Amane's amber eyes turns into white. "Gah! You're weird! Getting muddy hands after playing with your boar!" He complained.

Tsukasa was not amused. "At least I give Kagura a bath, didn't I?" He inquires.

Amane was irked. "And your clothes are still dirty from the backyard!" He growled.

Tsukasa faces his big brother. "You need to live a little, big bro." He stated.

Amane shows his angry teeth. "Darn my little bro." He thought.

Suddenly, there are five knocks on the front door.

Amane and Tsukasa faced the front door confusingly.

Outside of the Yugis' front door, it opened by itself.

Amane was the one who opens it.

Tsukasa was behind him, looking curious. He holds onto the chocolate sow, making sure she doesn't surprise someone.

Amane becomes astounded. "Yashiro?" He inquired.

The cream-colored hair with teal tips girl was swaying left to right. Yashiro was exhausted. Her left hand waves at the Yugi brothers. "Hey...Amane...Tsukasa..." she sighed.

Amane detects her magenta eyes keeps drooping over several times. "Um, Yashiro, are you alright?" He asked.

Yashiro yawns before she tries to smile but failed. "Oh...I am...fine...I just...took...a..." she efforts to answer his question but she was getting lightheaded.

Yashiro shuts her eyes. She falls forward hastily.

Amane became alarmed. "Yashiro!" He freaked out.

Amane catches her in his arms. His entire face got redder like raspberries. His eyes are fully amber and widened at the same time. "Uh-uh-uh-uh-uhhhhhh?! Yashiro faints again?! Come on, Amane! No impure thoughts! No-no-no!! Not today!! Not this morning!! Oh why me?!?! Why meee?!?!?!" He thought in his panicked mode.

Tsukasa tilted his head to his right. "Amane...I think our neighbor hasn't eaten breakfast yet..." He perceived.

Amane snapped out of his frantic thoughts. He gets agitated. "Huh?! Seriously, Yashiro?!" Amane thought.


Moments later, Yugi Amane leaves Yashiro Nene under the plum-colored kotatsu.

She was nearly covered up to her neck by the plum-colored blanket.

Tsukasa places another red cushion under Yashiro's head.

The cream-colored-haired girl with teal tips opens up her eyes halfway. She sounds so tiresome.

Tsukasa crouched down near Yashiro. He tilts his head to his left. "Hey, Nene, are you still alive?" He wonders.

Yashiro made her groggy face. "Ehhh...?" She replies in her sigh.

Tsukasa was grinning at her. "Oh good! You sounded like a zombie when you came over!" He exclaimed.

Yashiro also made her baffled expression. "Huuuh...?" She inquires.

Tsukasa still has his grin like a little kid (which he still acts like one). "Amane is making omurice for ya! You'll be back to your good self in no time!" He announced.

Yashiro barely made her glad smile. "Oooooomuuuriiiiiiceee..." She said groggily.

Yashiro was about to drool on the red cushion.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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