The Kamome Office 23 - When Amane meets Yashiro (As Kids)

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Note: Flashback part. Thank you.

Fifteen years earlier...

In the outdoor playground...

Mothers sat on the benches. They watched their children play with everything in the playground.

The slides.

The swings.

And the sandbox.

In the sandbox, there was a little girl with purple hair. And there was a little girl with cream-colored hair with teal tips.

They sat in the sandbox, playing sandcastles together.

They are so happy while playing with their little toy pails and toy shovels.

The cream-colored haired girl with teal tips shoveled some sand from the ground. She puts them into her little ocean blue pail. The little cream haired girl kept shoveling the sand until her little pail was full.

The purple-haired girl did the same with her little lavender pail.

Once they filled their pails with sand, they flipped out their toy upside down.

After a few moments, they lifted their pails up.

All of a sudden, the sandcastles they made are scattered.

The two little girls are surprised.

The cream-colored hair with teal tips was glum. "Aoi, our sandcastles didn't work. They don't stay the way it should be looking." She said.

Aoi was delighted at her. "Oh, Nene. It doesn't have to be our sandcastles. It could be the mountain instead." She giggled.

Aoi pointed out to her. "Look, did you see it?" She asked.

Nene leaned forward to the messed-up sandcastles. She squinted her eyes for a couple seconds. And after that, Nene gasped in her small smile. "Oh yes, I see it! Mt. Fuji!" She exclaimed in her answer.

Aoi nodded her head once. She made her sweet smile. " Yes! Mt. Fuji!" Aoi exclaims, agreeing with her best friend.

Nene and Aoi are giggling with each other.

Suddenly, Aoi was bewildered by her mother who picked her up.

Nene was baffled at Aoi's mother.

When Aoi's mother says to her daughter, "Say goodbye to Nene, Aoi.", Aoi waved goodbye to her best friend. She was gloomy. "Bye, Nene." Aoi said.

Nene was crestfallen, waving back to her. "Bye, Aoi." She said.

Nene looks down at the sand. She made a small sigh.

Someone entered the sandbox.

Nene doesn't know what to do for herself. When she heard the pitter patter of little feet, Nene looked up in confusion.

It was the little boy with his black choppy hair. His eyes are amber. He was curious. "Hey, do you wanna play with my bear for a while?" The little black choppy hair boy wonders. He was holding his light brown teddy bear.

Nene was astounded at him. "Huh?" She inquired.

When she didn't reply, the little black choppy hair was emotionless. "You're all by yourself in the sandbox, so I thought I would lend you my bear." He stated.

The little black choppy boy showed her his teddy bear.

Nene left her mouth in her agape expression.

He put his teddy bear down next to her. The little black choppy hair boy pushes his toy forward. "Just to keep you company." He said.

Nene grabs the left arm of the teddy bear. She moved it closer. Nene stared at the teddy bear for a long moment. And then, she embraced it with her little arms. Nene was about to cry. "I am tired." She whimpers.

The little black choppy hair boy was confused. "What?" He inquires.

Nene was sad, letting her tears fall on her cheeks. She made some sniffling sounds. Nene hugged the teddy bear tighter. "I am tired of being the only child." She sobbed.

The little black choppy hair was dismayed at her.

Nene efforts to wipe her tears with her right arm but failed. "My parents are always busy with their jobs. They kept going out every day, leaving me with the babysitter. She's a good person. But I missed my mommy and daddy so much." She whimpered.

Nene buried her head with the little boy's teddy bear's back. She can't stop crying.

He was melancholy for her.

The little black choppy boy walked to Nene. He touched the top of her head. The little black hair boy was solemn. "I am Yugi Amane." He introduced, patting her head with his left hand three times.

Nene uncovered her head from Amane's teddy bear. She looks at him to her right. Nene was upset yet amazed at him. "Yashiro...*sniff*...Nene...*sniff* *sniff*..." She introduces, panting from her crying a lot.

His left hand begun stroking her little head. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm here for you. Until you stop crying, I can be your friend. So you don't have to be lonely anymore." He declared.

Nene closes her eyes halfway down. She was still sobbing. And yet, Nene reached out to him with her right little hand. She held his right hand. "Thank you for your kindness, Amane." Nene said.

Amane made his little sad smile at her. "You're welcome, Yashiro." He sighed.

Later on, Amane introduced her to his younger brother. Yugi Tsukasa, who happens to be chewing on his own teddy bear.

Every day after that day, Yashiro met the Yugi twins again in the playground to play together.

They wished they could play together in the playground forever.

But once they are old enough to go to school, Yashiro Nene and the Yugi brothers go on separate paths.

Until they meet again in the same neighborhood...

Fifteen years later...

What do you think? Next part soon!

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