The Kamome Office 62 - The I.O.U.

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On the next day in the small beige building, Yashiro Nene made the fresh coffee pot already in the break room.

The girl with magenta eyes took a deep breath. Yashiro was nonchalant. "Okay, I had to do this. I owed Amane, Akane, Mei and Tsukasa for the lunch yesterday." She whispered.

Yashiro fixes her usual coffee in her disposable cup. She stepped several times to the table.

Yashiro sat down on the chair.

After couple minutes of waiting, Mitsuba escorted Amane, Akane, Shijima and Tsukasa to the break room.

They arrived on time to meet Yashiro.

Mitsuba was pouty at the girl with magenta eyes. "Okay...Let's make this really quick...Work starts in five minutes..." He stated.

Yashiro nodded her head once at the boy with pink hair. "I got it, Mitsuba." She acknowledged.

And then, Yashiro rummaged thru her gray pocketbook. The girl with magenta eyes pulled out a coin. "Akane, I owed you five hundred yen." She said.

The boy with red-and-orange eyes walked to the girl with magenta eyes. Akane was glad. "Thanks, Yashiro." He said.

Akane took his five-hundred-yen coin from her.

The girl with magenta eyes nodded her head at him.

Yashiro pulls out another coin. "Mei, I owed you a one hundred yen." She said.

Shijima was confident, walking to her. "Thank you, Nene. I appreciated the thought." She uttered.

Shijima takes her one-hundred coin from her.

Yashiro nodded her head at Shijima. "No worry." She said.

Yashiro brings out the next coin. "Tsukasa, I owed you fifty yen." She said.

The boy with his light gray necktie walks to Yashiro. Tsukasa was happy. "Keep it, Nene. Consider that a gift." He utters.

Amane shook his head in annoyance. "Tsukasa, you're too kind." He mutters.

Tsukasa glances at his big brother. "Thanks, Amane!" He exclaimed.

Amane sighs in frustration. The boy with amber eyes takes a few steps to Yashiro. "Anyway..." He trailed off.

Amane made his puzzling smile at the girl with magenta eyes. "I think you owed me one hundred and fifty yen, Yashiro." He mentioned.

The girl with magenta eyes nodded her head twice at Amane. "Alright, I haven't forgotten you." She uttered.

And then, Yashiro gave the boy with amber eyes the fifty-yen coin first.

The girl with magenta brought out the last coin. "Here you go, that's one-hundred and fifty yen altogether for you, Amane." She declares.

The boy with amber eyes took the other coin from Yashiro. Amane was pleased. "Thank you, Yashiro." He said.

Yashiro was smiling at the boy with amber eyes. "You're welcome, Amane." She said.

Mitsuba crisscrosses his arms. "Great, now that's over with. Tsuchigomori wants everyone in the office. He has an announcement to make, regarding the fundraiser yesterday." He remarks.

Yashiro, Shijima, Akane, Amane and Tsukasa nods their heads at Mitsuba. "'Kay!" They are exclaiming in unison.

The six office workers of Kamome Aid Agency headed to their offices.

After they arrived to their office desks, Tsuchigomori Ryujirou came out of his office.

The man with gold glasses was deadpanned yet emotionless. "Thank you for being all here and now today, everyone." He spoke.

And then, Tsuchigomori blinks his eyes once. "I have the important announcement, regarding the fundraiser yesterday." He announced.

Akane Aoi.


Aoi Akane.

Minamoto Kou.

Shijima Mei.

Mitsuba Sousuke.

Yashiro Nene.

Yugi Amane and Tsukasa.

Everybody has Tsuchigomori's attention.

Whatever the news he had to share with his employees, it was something urgent.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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