The Kamome Office 16 - Amane's Warning

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Yashiro visited the Yugis' dojo house for dinner again.

The cream-colored-haired girl with teal tips likes to chitchat with her neighbors.

Of course, one of her neighbors is her work colleague.

Anyway, Yugi Amane made soba noodles with tempura shrimp for dinner.

When Yashiro told Tsukasa about her lunch break at Kamado Ramen Shop, Yugi Tsukasa made his mischievous smile at her. "Did you and Amane kiss there?" He wondered.

Yashiro was astonished at him. "Eh! No we did not!" She argues in her reply.

Amane was irritated at his little brother. "Tsukasa, we only just have the fish cake ramen bowls and ate together! As colleagues!" He remarks in his explanation.

Tsukasa was smiling like a silly child. "But still..." He said.

Amane brought the soba noodles, and the big plate of tempura shrimps over to the kotatsu. He sat on his red cushion to join them.

Amane was between her and his little brother.

Tsukasa swayed his both index fingers left to right in the air. "Nene's older than Amane! Nene's older than Amane!" He teased in his singing voice.

Yashiro has a sweat-drop on her head.

Amane was grumpy at him. He made a growling noise.

Tsukasa tried to tease-singing again but he was cut off by his big brother.

Amane hit the back of the head at Tsukasa. "Enough! Try another tune to sing with at least!" He scolds.

Tsukasa was confused at his big brother at first.

And then, Tsukasa was making his teasing smile again. "Nene's taller than Amane! Nene's taller than Amane! Nene's taller than Amane!" He sang.

Amane has his both hands on his head. He was perturbing. "Agh, why!" Amane whined.

Amane flicked at Tsukasa in the forehead, making him perturbed afterwards.

Yashiro was mad at the Yugi twins. "Tsukasa, quit making fun of Amane! And Amane, no fighting on the kotatsu with Tsukasa!" She complained.

Amane and Tsukasa felt guilty and bowed their heads at her. They are gloomy. "Sorry..." they said in unison.

They prayed and thanked for the food. Although, Tsukasa's shouts with glee in his goofy expression.

While the threesome began eating the soba noodles, Amane was skeptical at her. "So Yashiro, you'll be out tomorrow morning to hang up the postings huh?" He asked.

Yashiro was cheerful at Amane. "Yeah, Mei and Kou are gonna help me out in the town." She answered.

Yashiro slurped her soba noodles with her chopsticks. She chews them up for a while.

Amane took a deep breath. "Wish I could be with you for tomorrow morning." He stated.

And then, Amane narrows his eyelids, feeling disappointed. "But my high priority is to answer every work email that I receive. It's a pain in my neck." He mentions.

Amane ate smaller bites of his soba noodles from his chopsticks. He chewed them up slowly.

Tsukasa made his silly smile on his face. "Amane's job is to take care of the clients. He's great at it." He reminisced.

Yashiro swallowed her soba noodles after she chews several times. "You seemed to know your brother's job, Tsukasa." She perceives.

Tsukasa was grinning at her. "Yup! I visited Amane at his workplace once!" He exclaimed.

Amane swallows his soba noodles. He was annoyed at his little brother. "On that time, Tsukasa left the boar alone in our house. Kagura wrecked everything in every room. The sliding doors are torn off. The floor has muddy hoove-prints from the backyard. The furnitures got broken because SHE bumped them over. I had to pay for replacing the sliding doors. AND our bedrooms were a mess. I was scared to death when the boar almost ate MY allowances from MY savings box." Amane argued.

Yashiro was shocked, cupping her mouth with her left hand. "I have no idea." She whispered.

Amane glanced at Yashiro, making her feel nervous. "Yashiro, I am going to warn you. And I want you to remember this for any circumstances." He aforesaid.

Yashiro was perplexed at Amane. And then, she nodded her head twice. "Okay, Amane." She said.

Amane became serious, furrowing his eyebrows. "Never. And I do mean NEVER adopting a boar." He warned.

And finally, Amane holds her shoulders, making Yashiro bewildered. "Don't adopt the boar no matter what! Remember what I told you, Yashiro!" He freaked out, rattling her back and forth a few times.

Yashiro was agitated. "Okay! OKAY! I won't adopt the boat! I won't! Stop shaking me!" She shouted in her frantic voice.

Tsukasa grins at Amane and Yashiro. "I love having a neighbor coming over for dinner. This one is definitely Amane's type." He thought before biting the tempura shrimp from his chopsticks.

Kagura peeked out of the plum-covered kotatsu. The boar hoped for food to be dropped soon.

After that, Yashiro heads back to her dojo house.

The light in the sky becomes dark.

Yashiro, Amane and Tsukasa (with Kagura next to Tsukasa) sleep in their futons.

The night was peaceful again.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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