The Kamome Office 63 - Tsuchigomori's Surprising Announcement

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Tsuchigomori Ryujirou was deadpanned yet emotionless. The man with gold glasses blinked his eyes once. "I have the important announcement, regarding the fundraiser yesterday." He announces.

And then, Tsuchigomori faces Akane, Shijima, Yashiro, Amane and Tsukasa. The man with purple eyes narrowed his eyelids. "For the Panda Paws cookie fundraiser, I presume you have results of the fundraiser." He stated.

Akane gets up from his office chair. The boy with red-and-orange eyes was serious. "We've had a successful morning of the Panda Paws cookie fundraiser." He said.

And then, Akane has a piece of white paper on his both hands. "We have sold sixty products before the afternoon. After lunch break, we sold out another sixty products. For each product to be sold for three hundred yen, we have reached thirty-six thousand yen altogether." He remarked.

Tsuchigomori crisscrossed his arms. The man with purple eyes was deadpanned yet puzzled. "How come you only earn that much?" He asks.

Tsuchigomori huffs out slightly. "The goal of the fundraiser yesterday was supposed to reach up to forty-five thousand yen." He said.

Amane stands up from his office desk. The boy with amber eyes was solemn. "I can explain, Tsuchigomori." He volunteers.

And then, Amane furrowed his eyebrows. "It was my fault." He lied in his answer.

Yashiro, Akane, Shijima and Tsukasa glances at Amane bewilderingly. "Huh?" They inquired in unison.

Tsuchigomori was deadpanned yet astonished. "Yugi?" He inquires in his whisper.

Amane felt the sweat drops on his face. "It might look like we sell out one-hundred and twenty of the Panda Paw cookies. It's actually one hundred. That's because I advertised them for the bogo deal on the fundraiser." He explained.

Tsukasa blinks his eyes twice confusingly at his big brother.

Akane and Shijima are irked at Amane. "Seriously?" They thought in unison.

Yashiro was baffled at the boy with amber eyes. "Did Amane lie to Tsuchigomori to protect his brother?" She thought.

The man with gold glasses was deadpanned yet confused. "Yugi..." He said.

And then, Tsuchigomori took a deep breath, narrowing his eyes. "In my office after the announcement. And your little brother too." He uttered.

Amane became concerned. "Are you serious?" He wonders.

Tsuchigomori furrows his eyes. "I am serious, darn it!" He argued in his reply.

Everyone becomes surprised at the man with purple eyes.

Tsuchigomori facepalms himself, sighing in frustration. And then, the man with gold glasses was deadpanned yet emotionless again. "As for my announcement, I must congratulate everybody here for your hard work." He announces.

Tsuchigomori faced the boy with pink eyes. "Mitsuba." He utters.

The boy with pink hair was startled for a moment. "Y-Yes, Tsuchigomori!" He stutters in his exclamation.

Tsuchigomori fetches the random wheelie office chair from the office desk. "Bring the suggestion box to me." He instructs.

Mitsuba was sulky yet nonchalant. "Yes, sir." He acknowledges.

Mitsuba brought the white little box out of his office desk. And then, the boy with pink eyes walked to Tsuchigomori with the suggestion box.

Mitsuba placed it on the wheelie office chair. "Here you go." He said.

Tsuchigomori nodded his head once at Mitsuba. "Thank you." He said.

Mitsuba bowed to Tsuchigomori before he goes back to his office desk.

Tsuchigomori touched the white little box with his left hand. "To reward you for your service in Kamome Aid Agency, I'm leaving you for your ideal relaxation to make for one day. Because once the decision has been made, depending how many votes, I will be paying for your trip on your tomorrow's day off. We will go together as a group." He declared.

Yashiro gasps in surprise. The girl with magenta eyes was beaming. Yashiro got up from her office chair immediately. "I vote for the Hot Springs!" She exclaimed, raising her right hand.

Everybody including Amane stared at Yashiro astoundingly.

Tsuchigomori was deadpanned yet confident. The man with white-and-black hair surveyed the office room. "Does anyone else have an idea for your trip for your tomorrow's day off?" He asked.

After a few moments, Kou sits up from his office chair. The boy with blue eyes made his determined smile. "I vote for Nene's suggestion! The Hot Springs!" He exclaims.

Mitsuba stands up next, looking not amused. "The Hot Springs." He decided.

Aoi gets up too. The girl with purple hair made her gentle smile. "The Hot Springs!" She suggests in her exclamation.

Akane stands up instantly. The boy with red-and-orange hair was delighted. "The Hot Springs!" He exclaimed.

Mirai got up next to Akane. The girl with brown pigtails was smiling. "Hot Springs!" She exclaims.

Shijima was happy, standing up from her office chair. "The Hot Springs!" She decides in her exclamation.

Tsukasa raises his both arms in the air. The boy with orange-and-yellow eyes was pleased. "Amane and I have a grandma who works in the Hot Springs!" He uttered in his exclamation.

Amane became stunned after his little brother says that.

Tsuchigomori sighs to himself deeply. "I guess we don't need the suggestion box after all." He whispered.

And then, Tsuchigomori blinks his eyes once. "This vote for tomorrow's trip on your day off is unanimous. After work today, pack your bag for your one-day trip tomorrow. We're going to the Kuronuma Hot Springs." He concluded his announcement.

Everyone except Yugi Amane cheered for the excitement.

The boy with amber eyes was gloomy at Tsuchigomori.

Amane takes Tsukasa's left hand, making his little brother perplexed.

The Yugi brothers got called into Tsuchigomori's office.

Amane feels like he was in trouble.

For Tsuchigomori, he has something to say from his mind, regarding the fact of the fundraiser yesterday.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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