The Kamome Office 22 - The Purse-Snatcher

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Note: There might be a part that isn't too creepy. Although, I advise you and the anime fanfic writers and readers that nothing happens to the character. What you're gonna be reading may seem to be scary, but it's the night part. A good lesson to ALL of you. NEVER go out when it's dark out. Thank you and enjoy.

Outside of Shijima Mei's house, Yashiro came out of the front door. She faced her work friend. Yashiro bows herself with her smile and say, "Thank you for inviting me over to your house, Mei."

Shijima made her happy expression. She did the same thing. "You're welcome, Nene." Shijima said.

Yashiro walked in the front yard.

Shijima waves her goodbye with her right hand. "See you at work tomorrow. Be careful on your way home. It's getting dark." She stated.

Yashiro turns her head to her left. She waved at her work colleague with her left hand. Yashiro was cheerful. "Bye, Mei. I will." She acknowledged.

Yashiro faced forward, walking onto the sidewalk.

Shijima closed her front door.


On the way home to Yashiro's dojo house, the sky turned dimming after the sunset.

The day transfigured into night.

The lamp posts are turning on in bright yellow.

Earlier, Yashiro Nene was excited to be back in your own home.

But as the whole town becomes dark...

Yashiro gets anxious. She clutched her strap of her gray pocketbook, stepping over the sidewalk slower than her own pace. Yashiro passes every lamp post that illuminates her from above. She looks down while heading straight, staying out of the road.

Yashiro attempts to act brave in this situation.

Although, she was actually scared deep down on the inside.

And outside.

Yashiro glances right to left, fearing someone would pounce on her. "I know my way home...But why the sky has fallen dark that soon...I don't like it...I don't like it one bit...Calm down now...Calm down, Nene...The sooner you get home, the better..." She thought.

While Yashiro steps forth down in the sidewalk, she began to breathe heavily.

And then, Yashiro gasps at the sky. She sighs of relief when it was just a bird flying around.

And then, Yashiro gasped at the trash cans. She sighs of relief again when it was just a black cat with amber eyes.

And then, Yashiro gasps at the tree. She sighs of relief when it was just an owl. The nocturnal bird has been keeping its eyes open on the tree branch.

And then, Yashiro gasped at the howling sound. She sighs of relief when she recognized that it was just the wind.

The slight breeze blew her long creamy hair with teal tips.

Yashiro shivers on her way home. She was annoyed. Yashiro clings herself onto her arms. "Ahhh, I should've brought my heavy coat over to work! The evening is so cold! If I don't get home soon, I'll be sick!" She thought.

Yashiro shook her head a few times. "Nonono! I can't get sick! Not on my first week!" She thought in her annoyance.

Yashiro was fierce. "If I keep thinking of home, maybe I will be home! You can do this, Nene!" She thought.

And then...

Yashiro was afraid. Her eyes are fully magenta. She was on the verge of tears. Yashiro kept breathing yet in her unease feeling. "There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like-" she thought.

But Yashiro snapped out of herself when she heard footsteps.

Yashiro halts. She became alarmed. Yashiro's legs are shaking. "Please let it be my imagination." She whimpered.

The sound of the someone's footsteps goes near to Yashiro.

She whimpers.

The odd footsteps went closer.

Yashiro whimpers again.

And closer.

There was the silhouette of the human being. It appears to be a man.

And finally, she realized something about her predicament.

Yashiro was appalled, blinking her eyes once. "It's not my imagination!" She freaked out.

Yashiro turned around and made a run for her life. She hurried to the intersection that she passed by earlier.

Yashiro breathes hard while running away from the scary man (or so she thought).

Yashiro holds the strap of her gray pocketbook from her right hand. She used her fist, moving back and forth to make herself run faster.

It was no help if Yashiro only used one hand to run away quickly.

She turns her head to her right.

The silhouette of the man rushes after Yashiro.

She gasps in horror.

Yashiro watches on the streets, expressing her look of terror. Her whole face sweats in seconds. She was in trouble.

Yashiro continued running for her life. "Help! Someone! Anyone! Please!" She screamed.

The silhouette of the man dashes to the other way around.

Yashiro runs to another intersection.

When she reaches there, the man with grey eyes appeared out of nowhere.

Yashiro stopped running away. She becomes fearful.

His left hand grabs the strap of her gray pocketbook.

Yashiro froze where she stood.

His head revealed to have red hair. He made his devious smile. "You're just too easy." The redhead man sighed.

And ultimately, Yashiro was horror-stricken. "AHHHHHHH!" She shrieked in her girly voice.

He was about to get away with Yashiro's gray pocketbook.

Just until, someone sneaks up the redhead man from behind.

The black choppy hair boy was wearing his red heavy jacket with his pair of black pants. His eyes are a mix of orange and yellow. The black choppy hair boy jumped up, holding the shovel behind his back. His expression was emotionless. "Gotcha." He said.

The black choppy hair boy hit him with the back of the shovel on his head.

After one clonk at the redhead man's head, the man with grey eyes ultimately knocked out.

The redhead man collapsed to the ground, letting go of her gray pocketbook.

Yashiro became lightheaded. Her eyes are fully magenta. She swayed herself a little. Her both eyelids droops down a couple times. Yashiro moans as she was about to passed out.

Another black choppy hair boy caught her before she fell to the ground.


His shout of worry made her look up.

Yashiro's eyes turned to blurry, barely seeing the boy's amber eyes.

After she closed her eyes gradually, the same black choppy hair boy with amber eyes called her name.

Everything faded into the darkness.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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