The Kamome Office 11 - The Office Workers of Kamome Aid Agency

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The morning arrives after the long quiet night.

It was Yashiro's second day of work in Kamome Aid Agency.

Knowing that Amane is currently her next door neighbor, he also works at Kamome Aid Agency too.

So they both walked on their way to work together.

In the third floor of the small beige building, some office workers had seen a new employee since yesterday.

They finally had a chance to meet Yashiro.

She was greeted by the blond-haired young man in his dark blue work suit. He was confident in his smile. "Hey, I'm Minamoto Kou. Nice to meetcha." He introduced himself, offering her a handshake.

Yashiro gladly accepted it. "Yashiro Nene. Nice to meet you too." She said.

They both shake their hands up and down slowly three times.

The next one is two office workers. The young man with reddish-brown hair. He wears his black work suit. The reddish-brown-haired boy was emotionless yet a bit serious. "My name's Akane Aoi." He introduced.

Akane pats the girl's head a few times. She has brown hair in pigtails with her dark turquoise eyes. "And this employee who calls you 'stupidhead' is Mirai. She's young but she's good with fixing simple computer problems." He explains.

Mirai wore her blue-teal work suit. She had her skirt that goes above her knees (not a miniskirt, gosh no). Her work jacket is blue-teal over her black blouse. Mirai wears her tan tights with her black flats. She smiles like a carefree child. "If you need help, don't hesitate to ask, stupidhead." Mirai mentions.

Akane growls at the girl with her brown pigtails.

Yashiro was baffled yet understanding. "Oh, I am Yashiro Nene. And it's a pleasure to meet you two." She said, bowing her head to him and Mirai. Yashiro ignores what Mirai called her such a really uncalled nickname. She was surprised is all.

He faced Yashiro with his emotionless face. Akane bows his head at her. "The pleasure of meeting you is all us." He stated.

Mirai smiled big. She shuts her eyes. "Pleasure for the meeting of you, stupidhead." Mirai said.

Akane growled at the girl with her brown pigtails again.

He glances at the cream-colored hair with teal tips girl. Akane made his awkward smile. His sweat-drop appears on his head. "Excuse us for keeping you working on your second day of the office. Have a good morning, Yashiro." He said, walking away after waving with his left hand.

Mirai waved her right hand at her. "Bye, stupidhead." She said, following Akane.

Yashiro waves back at them, smiling awkwardly. "Have a good morning too, Akane. Bye, Mirai." She said.

The pink-haired boy with pink eyes comes to see Yashiro. It was Mitsuba who brought two different kinds of coffee on his hands. His left hand held the paper cup. On his left fingers, he got a sandwich bag of sugar packets and little single-served-liquid creamers. And on his right hand was the can of cold coffee from the vending machine in the break room. He was emotionless, narrowing his eyelids. "Hey, newbie, do you have a preference for your coffee?" Mitsuba asked.

Yashiro glanced at him, quits taking notes from her notebook for a moment. She was seated on her chair near her desk. Yashiro has been writing things down for her future tasks for her job. She was glad. Yashiro waves with her right hand. "Oh hey, Mitsuba." She greeted.

Yashiro notices the two different kinds of coffee from his hands. Her expression changed to her cheerfulness. "A hot coffee with sugar and cream, please." She answered.

The pink-haired boy puts the paper cup of hot coffee on her desk. Mitsuba placed the sandwich bag down next to the paper cup. "Customize your coffee however you like from the sandwich bag." He instructed.

And then, Mitsuba pulls out the wooden stirrer from his inside of his dark gray work jacket. "And don't forget to stir with this." He instructed again, handing her the stirrer.

Yashiro took it happily from him. "Thank you, Mitsuba. You may be sour but you're actually sweet. Thank you again, Mitsuba." She mentioned.

The boy with pink eyes was appalled at her. "Ah!" He gasped in his exclamation.

Mitsuba cleared his throat, looking away in his sulk. "It-It's nothing to thank me for, newbie. I'm just doing the task. Keeping everyone awake in the early morning." He stated in his flustered tone.

Yashiro nodded her head at him. "And you're doing a good job." She reassures.

Mitsuba's face became reddened after she said that. The pink hair boy starts walking to the other way. "Gotta drink my coffee!" He exclaimed nervously, making an excuse for himself.

Yashiro waved her right hand at him. "Have a good work day, Mitsuba!" She exclaims.

The girl with her blue-and-green eyes appeared. It was Shijima Mei who walks to Yashiro. Shijima was delighted at her. "Good morning, Nene!" She greets.

Yashiro finished fixing her hot coffee. She faced Shijima after she stopped stirring her hot coffee with the stirrer. Yashiro was having a good start on her second day of work. "Good morning, Mei!" She returns her greeting to her.

Shijima hovers over her right shoulder. "Taking notes from everyone in the office?" She wondered.

Yashiro took a sip of hot coffee from the paper cup. She was satisfied with her preference; three packets of sugar and three single serve cups of creamer (or until her hot coffee turns lighter). Yashiro was happy. "Uh-huh. Amane was helpful yesterday for me to do a job with him. He had to check the list of the inventory for people that need water. And I counted how many we have for the people. It's a lot in the storage room but I have a good time." She replied.

Shijima made her quizzical face with her slight smile. "What's your notes for today, Nene?" She asks.

Yashiro checks her notebook. "Mitsuba taught me how to make coffee from the break room. It's not easy but I have fun learning from him." She answers.

Shijima nodded her head twice. "Ah, I see." She said.

And then, Shijima handed her the flyer for Kamado Ramen Shop. "Why not go out for lunch during break in there?" She offered.

Yashiro was confused for a second.

When she browsed at the Kamado Ramen Shop flyer, Yashiro was astonished at it. Her magenta eyes got twinkling stars on them. "They have a fish cake in THAT ramen shop?! A thousand yen for each bowl?!" She gasps in surprise.

All of a sudden, Yashiro's mouth is all set for the fish cake.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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