The Kamome Office 21 - Shijima Mei

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Hours later, the work time of Kamome Aid Agency was over for the day.

Yashiro Nene walks with Shijima Mei to the gray-brick house.

It's Shijima's home.

There are gray-brick walls on the outside of the house. Her roof has the lightness color of green.

Yashiro was awe in wonder of her work friend's house. "Woah..." she whispered.

And then, Yashiro looked at Shijima, who's at her front porch. "You have a great house, Mei." She compliments.

Shijima looks back at Yashiro, after unlocking her door. Shijima was cheerful. "Thank you, Nene. It's been a long time since I have someone to model for me." She mentioned in her utterance.

Yashiro was surprised at her. "Really?" She asked.

Shijima nodded her head once. "Yeah. I'm happy that you can be here for the last minute before closing time." She answered.

Yashiro made her awkward smile at her. "Heh-heh, right. I have to let Amane know that I'm visiting you for a bit. He seems looking forward for me to see each other again at dinner time. But Amane got disappointed when I told him that I am seeing you instead of walking home together as usual." She explains.

Shijima shrugged her shoulders. "That happens to Akane a lot. Inviting a friend to his house and gets rejected afterwards. I pity him." She recalled.

Yashiro nodded her head twice. "Yes, that's Akane all right. He likes my best friend, Aoi." She said.

Shijima gestured her to come inside. "Let's head in, Nend. Make yourself at home in my art studio." She assured.

Shijima went inside her house.

Yashiro follows her work colleague. She was excited to see her art studio. Yashiro hurries in the green and gray house. "Coming!" She murmurs.

Yashiro shuts the door behind herself.


In Shijima's art studio, it's like every other art studio in some houses.

There are wooden chairs that are clustered with different colors of paint tubes.

The walls are crowded with blank white canvases. Big and small.

There was a canvas stand in the middle of the room. The big white canvas was set in the portrait position on the canvas stand. There was a paint palette on the wooden medium-sized table.

Yashiro was baffled, sitting on the tan couch. She browses the entire room. Yashiro has her sweat-drop on her head. And her face was blue with three lines all over. "Mei DOES have everything here as an artist. Oh, I don't like the look of this art studio." She thought.

Yashiro glances to her right. She became more frightened. Yashiro's eyes are fully magenta. "AH! There was a girl in her maid outfit in the painting! But! BUT WHY IS THAT GIRL HAVE HORNS ON HER HEAD?! I-I-I better take that back! I don't wanna know!" She thought in her frantic self.

Shijima arrived in her white artist's apron. Her apron had different colors of her paint marks. From top to bottom of her apron. She got her paintbrush and her pencil on her right hand. And Shijima got a glass of clean water on her left hand.

Shijima noticed Yashiro staring at one of her arteries.

Shijima grins at her. "Oh, I see you liked one of my dragon maids paintings!" She exclaimed.

Yashiro got startled, glancing at Shijima. "Dragon maids?! Is that what is she?!" She thought.

Shijima walked over to her canvas stand. "I just happened to watch a random anime series on my television. It gives me ideas what to paint next." She explained.

Yashiro was shocked at her. "Wait?! Is Mei going to draw a dragon maid?!" She thought.

Yashiro imagines herself in her thought bubble.

Yashiro wore her maid outfit. Her skirt goes down to her feet. And she got dark brown hair clips transformed into a pair of large horns on her head.

Yashiro pops her thought bubble, shaking her head wildly. "Nonononono!" She thought in her sulky tone.

Yashiro becomes pouty at her. "I am not gonna let Mei draw me into that character! I gotta tell her!" She thought angrily.

Yashiro curls her hands into her fists. "Mei, I demand you to tell me why do you need me as your model for!" She ranted.

Shijima glanced at her. She was astonished at Yashiro. "Come again, Nene?" Shijima inquired.

Yashiro waved her arms frantically up and down. Her dark brown magatama hair clips are sticking up. She was an angry cream-colored hamster. Yashiro furrowed her eyebrows. "You gave me a good reason to be here! If you're drawing me as the maid with horns, I will ask you to draw something else! Because if you don't, I'll go home and pray for one night for not having nightmares about dragons!" She shouted in her frustration.

Shijima blinks her eyes lots of times.

After a few moments of silence, Shijima burst out laughing in her smiling face.

Yashiro becomes confused at her. She blinked her eyes three times.

Shijima settles down from her laughter. After she took a deep breath, Shijima made her small smile. "I asked you to be a model for me because I wanted to draw you as you. Not a character out of the anime series." She explains.

Yashiro was baffled at her.

There was silence in the moment.

Shijima shrugs her shoulders. "Drawing and painting anime characters is just for practice." She explains again.

And then, Shijima picks up her wooden pencil with eraser from her right hand. "Just pose like how you sit every day in the office, okay Nene?" She wonders.

And ultimately, Yashiro smiles happily at her. "Oooh! Sure, Mei! I got it!" She replies in her exclamation.

Yashiro readjust herself in her sitting posture. Her dark brown tights on her legs are crossed. She clasped her both hands together. Yashiro placed her hands on her lap. She made her sweet smile on her face.

Shijima winked at her, giving Yashiro her left thumbs up. "Great. Hold still while I figured how to sketch you first." She instructs.

Yashiro shuts her eyes with gladness. "Okay." She said.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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