The Kamome Office 35 - One Condition

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Amane, Tsukasa and Yashiro headed back to the Yugis' dojo house.

They each unpacked everything from the paper and plastic bags on the kitchen countertops.

Yugi Amane and Yashiro Nene are cleaning and organizing the refrigerator.

Yugi Tsukasa pulls out one piece of karaage. He attempts to bite into one but Amane stops his little brother.

Yashiro packs up her needs for her groceries in the white paper-case box. It has holes for holding the box on both sides.

Tsukasa stared at them blankly. The chocolate sow was emotionless at Amane and Yashiro too. Kagura was curious.

Amane and Yashiro faced each other in their serious expressions.

Yashiro was determined in her magenta eyes. "Amane, I'm sorry for calling you short again." She apologized,

Amane was pouty in his amber eyes. "And I'm sorry for calling you a daikon again, Yashiro." He apologizes too.

Yashiro blinks her eyes once. "Just so you know, Amane, we worked in the same office together. Kamome Aid Agency." She said in her matter-of-factly voice.

Amane nodded his head once. "Yeah, Yashiro, I am aware of that." He acknowledged.

Yashiro furrowed her eyebrows. "And we are next door neighbors too." She said calmly.

Amane nodded his head twice. "Yes, I haven't forgotten about that." He acknowledges.

Yashiro puts her hands on her hips. "Let me make myself clear for you...If you start bickering about my klutz and my will stop yourself and listen to me...Don't get annoyed because I misstep at things and make mistakes at times..." She stated.

Amane blinked his eyes twice, looking confused. "'Kay...?" He said.

Yashiro took a deep breath. "No matter how irritating you can be, I like you." She mentioned.

Amane becomes astonished at her.

After a couple long moments, Yashiro swishes her arms in front of herself three times. Her magenta eyes are widened. "As close friends...Not a couple...Ca-peesh?" She asks, talking slow and steady.

Amane nodded his head in agreement. His amber eyes are serious. "Y-Yeah, ca-peesh." He answers.

And then, Amane made his confused smile. His head got a sweat-drop on it. "Jeez, why does Yashiro sound like a robot all of a sudden?" He thought.

Yashiro was resolute. Her right index finger lifts up. "On one condition, Amane." She utters.

The boy with amber eyes are perplexed at her. Amane blinks his eyes once. "One condition?" He repeated.

Yashiro curls her hands into her fists. Her pair of dark brown magatama hair clips are sticking up. "You try to pin me down or kiss me again, I will slap your face so hard that you can't forget that you're not my type!" She ranted in her fast-talking voice.

Amane became scared of her. His both arms lifted up in surrender. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just can't helped myself for sharing my true feelings with you! I think you are my type!" He panicked.

Yashiro gasped in disbelief.

And then, Yashiro slapped Amane's left cheek in her angry expression.

And then, she clutched on Amane's pink-orange-colored T-shirt. The boy with amber eyes was anxious at her.

Yashiro moves his head back a little.

And finally, she closed her eyes and head-butted Amane's forehead against hers.

The boy with amber eyes becomes stunned after he receives her head-butt.

Yashiro opens her eyes, dropping Amane down on the floor.

She walked to her white-paper-case box full of groceries.

Yashiro picked it up carefully with her both hands. She walks passes by Tsukasa with her aloof face. "Thank you for the groceries, boys. I will find my way out." She mentions.

Amane sat on the floor. He got black spirals on his amber eyes.

Tsukasa stepped forward to his big brother. He crouches down to Amane. Tsukasa was grinning at him. "Nene really DOES like you!" He exclaimed in his comment.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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