1: Where It Began

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I woke up feeling this tight pressure in my chest I grunted as I tried to sit up from my bed. 'What's going on?' I sat on the side of the bed and start taking deep breathes as I tried to not panic, maybe I'm overreacting, maybe it's nothing. I see the alarm clock in the corner of my eye, 2:00 a.m. it says. Once my nerves calmed down, I stood up and walked to the door opened it and decided to go to check on my daughter and get a glass of water for myself.

Opening Willow's bedroom door peeking in I see her peaceably sleeping in her bed. A small smile came on my face before I quietly closed the door and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen.

Walking in the kitchen I opened the top cabinet and grabbed a glass then went to the fridge putting the glass under the ice and water suspenser. 

I take a sip of water and went back to bed when I walked in my bedroom, I put the glass on my side table and tucked myself under the covers closing my eyes and fell back to sleep. This time I didn't wake up for the rest of the night.

The birds are singing waking me up from my deep slumber. I smiled and thanked God for another day. I looked at the clock to see it is now 5:00 a.m. which means it's time for me to get up and get ready for work and make breakfast for my teen daughter. 

Getting up from the bed I went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Leaving the bathroom after getting dressed I entered the kitchen and started making breakfast. Willow walked in yawning, "Morning, mom."

"Morning sweetie, how'd you sleep?" I asked her while taking the eggs out of the fridge.


"Um, I think I'll just have a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice." Willow said opening the cabinet. I cracked two eggs in the frying pan while that cooked, I put some bread in the toaster and went back to the eggs. 

Willow sat down at the table with a bowl of her favorite cereal and a glass of orange juice. When everything was done, I sat at the table next to Willow and ate.

Willow looked at me weirdly, "What?" I questioned biting into my toast.

"Isn't that too much of a plain breakfast?"

"This coming from a girl who's eating a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice." 

She looked down at her food and sheepishly smiled at me, "Oops, I don't know where my mind was." She laughed.

"I know where your mind was. It was on someone else's meal." I said in a serious but joking tone. We finished eating and Willow got up grabbing her school bag and kissing me on the cheek, "Love you." She said heading to the front door. "I love you too, have a good day at school!" I yelled. 

"I will!" She before leaving the house.

After I washed the dishes, I grabbed my work bag and keys then left the house. Unlocking the car, I got in and pulled out the driveway. 

Parking in the parking lot of the building I grabbed my bag and got out of the car. I'm the owner of this building and we make, clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, glasses, all kinds of different things even purses and school supplies. Ever since I was little, I was always interested in fashion and designing clothes.

I'll admit my childhood wasn't the best and my family were not Christian. It was actually a good friend of mine that introduce me in getting to know Jesus. She told me the gospel, I didn't come to him right away it actually took me a few years before I surrendered my life to him.

Sadly, that friend died a year before I gave my life to the Lord. She had cancer and one day I got a call from her mother telling me she didn't make it. That news was hard for a nineteen-year-old Kelly to understand, that also is the first time I prayed. 

During my prayer I said out loud if there is a God let know that you are real. Things started to happen after that prayer. I started to wonder why am I here? What is my purpose, why was I even born, is there life after death?

Those thoughts kept floating in my mind all the time. 

My friend's mother called me and asked to meet up at a coffee shop. She was a nice kind lady and treated me as her own daughter. She handed me a bible saying that her daughter, my friend wanted me to have it before she died.

I slowly opened the bible to the first page to find a pink note. 

Note: Kelly, I hope to see you in heaven.

Was all it said, tears started to stream down my face I thanked the woman and hugged her. We both cried on each other's shoulders as we held tight on one another. At that moment I knew there was a God, and my friend is at home. Once I returned to my place I got down on my knees and repented for everything I've done and said, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

Walking into the company everyone greeted me as I made my way to my office. Entering my office, I sat down at the desk. I put my bag on the floor and take out the design papers and put them in front of me looking through them.

My assistant Shelby walks in and smiled at me, "Good morning, Mrs. Sandler."

"Good morning, Shelby and remember to call me Kelly. We don't have to be so formal, we're friends, right?" I said typing something on the computer.

"Sorry, I keep forgetting." Shelby mumbled to herself, but I heard and laughed.

"What? That we're friends or you can keep it casual with me?"

"I'm trying to be polite, and you are my boss." The young woman said flustered.

I laughed even harder, "It's okay Shelby, I understand. I just like to treat everyone here like family because we kind of are if you think about it." I said since everyone that works for this company, I make sure that they are true believers in Christ, and we are all brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. 

Shelby nodded her head, and I gave her the design papers telling her to give them to the team. She thanked me and left the office, and I continued my typing. The rest of the day went on pretty well before I left the building I got a phone call.


"Hi, is this Mrs. Sandler?"


"I'm a nurse at Willow's school." I frowned, why is the school nurse calling me?

"Is she okay?" I asked getting worried.

"Willow doesn't seem to be doing all that great today. She threw up her lunch and had been in my office sleeping all day."

"Why hasn't anyone call me, yet?" I questioned.

"She begged us not to, sorry."

I tried to keep myself calm, "I'm on my way." I said and hanged up.

I ran out the building getting into my car and hurried off to Willow's school.













I hope you have a blessed day (:

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