1: Clementine's First Day

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Asher left early for work but wrote me a note letting me know he left me some breakfast in the microwave. Today is my first day at school and I'll be taking the bus which I've never done before. I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of nervous to attend my first day of public school.

But Jessica, I'm mean aunt Jessica will be my teacher which brings me some comfort. I prayed before eating my pancakes.

"Amen." I smiled and poured a bit of syrup on the pancakes.

I said bye to Sandy before leaving the house, "See you later, Sandy." I rubbed her head and walked out the door, after I made sure it was locked, I ran to my bus stop.

As I neared the bus stop, I saw other kids already standing there. They looked at me with curiosity in their eyes. I waved at them, and a couple waved back. We stood in silence waiting for the bus. Maybe some seconds passed until we see the bus coming down the road and stopping in front of us.

I let all the kids get on before me and I got on last, "Hello." I said to the bus driver lady, and she smiled closing the doors.

The only seat that looked to available was the front behind the driver so that's where I sat. I stared out the window hugging my bookbag close to me. The bus soon pulled into the parking lot of this huge school building. 

Getting off the bus I went straight to the office, the woman at the desk smiled at me, "Clementine, nice to see you again. I'm guessing you're here for your schedule?" She asks and I nodded, "Yes, miss."

"Here you go. I'm gonna call someone down to show you to miss Hernandez classroom." She said picking up the phone. 

"Miss Hernandez, I have a new student here who will be attending your class. Ca-yes thank you we'll be waiting." The desk lady hanged up the phone and smiled at me, "She'll be sending one of her best students down."

I nodded and sat in a chair that is in the corner of the room and waited.

Five Minutes Later, a girl my age entered the office, "I'm here for the new student, Mrs. Bridge. And I'm super excited to meet her." She had pretty wavy brown hair. Mrs. Bridge laughed as she typed on the computer, "I'm hoping you will become friends with her. She's over there, Clementine this Hanna." Hanna turns her head in my direction.

I stood up holding onto my bookbag handle, "Hi." I greeted.

She walks to me giving me a loving hug which caught me by surprise. I looked at Mrs. Bridge to see her and the others smiling probably thinking this is cute. She pulls away and I saw her eyes divert down to my bag, "Oooh! I love your bookbag. It's purple and I love purple."

"Okay, you girls best be off to class."

Hanna eyes widen, "Oh, right sorry." She grabs my free hand, "Bye." She waved at the adults and runs out the office with me close behind her and then she stops abruptly.

"What?" I asked, confused about why we stopped.

"I forgot that we can't be running in the halls." She said looking at me in concerned, "I hope we don't get in trouble." I heard her whisper, and she walks ahead.

I followed and we stopped in front of a door.

She shook her head and sighed. She knocks on the door, and I smiled when Aunt Jessica opens up.

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