5: School Bus

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It's in the middle of the night and I'm laid down in my sleeping bag. We have school later today but Hope and Joy's parents still allowed them to come over after they heard what happened to my mother.

Joy's bedroom is pretty big and it's really cute too, the walls are pink and that goes for pretty much everything else in here, along with splashes of other colors. Definitely different from my room at home, speaking of home after we left the hospital, we stopped by at the house to pick up somethings, mainly the necessities.

A part of me wanted to bring my stuffed pig with me but the logical part of my mind thought that would be too childish of thing to do. But even if I did bring miss piglet here, she would totally have fit in since Jisoo has a bunch of stuff animals.

Looking to my right I see Jisoo and the girls sound asleep in their sleeping bags. I smiled Jisoo felt bad to have us all sleep on the floor and her in her bed, so she pulled out her own purple sleeping bag and laid down in the middle us. 

Frowning I wondered what the next few days will bring, and prayed my mother will wake up, eventually. A big yawn escaped out of me and that's my cue to get some shut eye before I have to go to school later.

Closing my eyes I slipped into a world of dreams.


Before Willow left the hospital


"Take care of yourself, okay Ted?" I asked in a serious tone to one of my regular patients. Teddy rolled his eyes and smirked, "Yeah, thanks Ash." 

I squint my eyes, "I'm serous Teddy, if you keep doing things that won't help you, how do you except to get better?" I wasn't playing I care deeply for every one of my patients and don't want to see anything bad happen to any of them. 

The smirk on Teddy's face was gone and he gave me slight nod, "I know, man. Don't worry I also want to get better, and I see how this all is affecting my family and I want to get better. I'm serious this time." He turned around and walked away after giving me a smile.

I sighed shaking my head, "Please God, let him be serious this time." As I watched him walk to the exit, I notice the red head girl she is walking to the exit with two Asian females. I'm standing a little farther away from them, but I can tell that the girl's been crying.  

I stood watching until they left the hospital, "Poor girl." Sighing again I went to finish my work somewhere else. Walking in the room I stared down at her unconscious body frowning. She has on a breathing mask because we don't know if she will have a hard time breathing on her own when she wakes up.

Taking out my notepad and pencil I wrote down.

Miss Kelly Sandler.

Patient shows no sign of waking up after having a heart transplant. The operation was successful, now I'm for her hopefully waking up and see how things go. Patient has a teen daughter but I don't know if the father is in the picture or not.

My eyes widened in surprised as I looked down at what I wrote. Why am I wondering if she has a husband or not? Glancing up from my notes and at the woman I can't help but realize how beautiful she looks even after having surgery. Her chest rises slowly, and she just looks so calm and peaceful.

Shaking my head, I snapped out of it and scolded myself.

'Asher what are you doing? She's supposed to be your patient.' 

I nodded and turned around to leave the room and forced myself to not look back.

Later That Day

Earlier I got home from work and now it's 12:00 a.m. in the middle of the night. When I should be asleep, I'm instead sitting up in bed reading a book with my reading glasses. I closed the medical book took off my reading glasses and turned the bedside lamp.

"Time to get some shut eye." I said since I have to get up for work around five thirty in the morning. 

Closing my eyes I waited until sleep found me as I thought about that sleeping patient.



"Willow! Come on, the bus will be here, any minute!" Hope rushed out in a panic. One thing Hope doesn't like is to be late for anything. I understand, I'm the same way but I overslept, and no one thought of waking me up!

"I'm coming!" I said putting a piece of toast in my mouth since I didn't wake up early enough for breakfast. Running to the front door we yelled bye to Aunt Lee and ran to the bus stop. "Look! Maybe we're not too late after all!" Jisoo shouted in excitement seeing the other kids waiting at the bus stop.

She spoke too early because a couple seconds later, a big yellow bus turned and came into view. 

"Nope, wrong! HURRY!!!" Hope screamed seeing the bus. I saw the kids at the bus stop turn to look at us, some of them were laughing and others were just smirking. I'm sure my face is red from embarrassment.

"Calm down, Hope. Mr. Willis we'll wait for us." Joy said trying calm her best friend down. The bus stopped and the other kids stepped on, Joy was right thankfully Mr. Willis waited for us. Stepping on the bus we thanked him and found our seats, I sat next to Jisoo and Joy sat next to Hope in the seat next to ours.

I took the piece of toast that was hanging from my mouth and ate it. Surprising I almost forget that I had it with me and it didn't fall out of my mouth.

The bus stopped at another stop, and I just stared out the window. Jisoo hit my arm kind of hard I don't think she noticed, scrunching my eyebrows I turn my eyes in her direction. She wasn't even looking at me I followed her eyes and lightly smirked.

Jisoo is too busy staring at a boy, he has curly brown hair and a few freckles, he's nice-looking. He seems to be looking for a seat, I don't recognize him. Shrugging the thought of him being new popped into my mind. The new boy sat in the seat in front of us and from the corner of my eyes I see Jisoo with a giddy smile on her face.

Quietly laughing to myself and shaking my head I went back to staring outside the window.

'What will today bring?'











Looks like Jisoo might have a crush! 😁


God Bless You :)

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