10: She Likes You

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Earlier after Asher bought the engagement ring and returned home, he called his sister, "Jessica, can you come over real quick? I have something to show you."

"Yeah, is everything okay?" She asked wondering if she should be concerned or not. 

"Don't worry everything is fine." He reassured her.

"Okay, I'm coming over." She said and he ended the call.


Jessica was still at the school in her classroom, the kids left to go home five minutes ago. She puts away her student's papers in her bag to grade later at home. Jessica leaves the classroom and locks the door and then she says bye to the people in the front office.

Walking to her car she got in and put the key in the ignition and instead of driving home she drove to her brother's house.


Clementine arrived home she saw Asher sitting in the armchair smiling like an idiot. She lifts an eyebrow and makes her way slowly to him. 

"Uuuh, why are you smiling like you won the biggest prize ever?" She asks him. He turns his head to her, and her eyes divert down to his hands, "What are you holding?" He lifts his hand up to reveal the white box and she gasped.

"Is that?" She starts glancing at him and he nods happily.

"I'm gonna have a mom!?" She jumps and he chuckled, "If she says yes, then yes you will."

"She will." Clementine says with full reassurance in her voice, "She likes you. I can see it in her eyes and it's obvious you like her." She said and then turns to head upstairs.

Asher sat there with a soft grin on his lips and thought what his adopted said.

"Is it too early to say I think I'm in love?" He asked God.

Asher hasn't known Kelly for that long, but he knows for sure that she's the one. And he hopes when he proposes to her, she'll will say yes, and they can start a new life together. Of course, with Clementine, Willow, and Leon and maybe they'll have another baby of their own.

He continued to sit quietly until his Jessica arrives.


Jessica arrived at her brother house and rang the doorbell. Asher gets up and answers the door smiling when he sees Jessica, "Come on in, sis." She gave him a weird look for how chippy he's being but enters without saying a word.

"Okey, brother, what's up?" She asked sitting on the couch. Asher takes the engagement box out of his pocket and opened it to show her the ring he got for Kelly.



"What do you think?" I asked Jessica.

She gasped, "Ash, it's so beautiful. I know she'll love it." It hasn't been long since I took Kelly on that first date. That might be surprising but when I first laid eyes on her I knew it was meant to be.

That probably sound cheesy, but I fell in love at first sight, I believe.

Jessica sees the look on my face and smirks, "You really like her, don't you?" I look at her like she's crazy, "Uh duh, that's why I'm marrying her." I told my sister.

She laughed patting my back, "I know brother, I'm just surprise because you haven't known each other for that long."

"Jessica, when you find someone one day then you'll understand."

She blushed and gave a nervous laugh, "Yeah, maybe I will. Maybe when God leads me to my future husband then I'll definitely understand."

Why do I feel like she's hiding something from me? I shrugged it off and looked back at the ring and gently closed the small box in my hand.

Taking a deep breath and I said a quick prayer before thinking about how I'll propose to the most beautiful woman I ever seen.

"Pray for me?" I asked and she nodded, "You got this big bro."

I nodded and asked Jessica if she could help me with it once I figured things out and she thankfully agreed. I asked Jessica if she would want to stay for dinner, but she had a lot of papers to grade so she went home.

Soon afterwards Clementine joined me in the kitchen at the table to do her homework.

I'm reading a book with my reading glasses on, and I noticed Clem stopped writing and just stared in the distance.


"Huh?" She looks at me and I frowned,

I asked if she was okay, and she told me she was thinking.

"Do you need help on a problem?" I asked, maybe I can help even though her work is probably way different from when I was in school.

She shook her head and said, "No. Thank you." as she went back to her homework, and I returned to the book in my hands.

"Dad, can you help me with math problem, please." I heard but almost missed the first part, "Sure." I said putting down my book but then froze when I realized what she said, "What did you just say?" She doesn't answer, "Did you just call me d-dad?" I asked and she nodded.

Grinning, I rushed to the other side of the table and hugged her by picking her up.

My daughter called me dad, and this makes the second best thing that happened today. This must be what if feels like when a baby calls their parents dada and mama for the first time.

I'm so thankful to God for bringing this little girl into my life.

"I love you, dad." She spoke.

"I love you too kiddo." I said ruffling her hair which annoyed her, "Hey, Stop!" I laughed and went on to help her with her homework.









Any thought?

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