2: What's Happening?

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I parked in the driveway of our home, Willow rushed out of the car I got out of the car and locked it before following her to the door. "Why are you standing here?" I asked her, unlocking the front door.

"My bag is still in the car." She says with a sore throat.

"Go to bed I'll get your bag and bring it to your room." She nodded and walked inside the house. I walked back to the car unlocking it and grabbed her school bag then closed the car door locking it again. Walking in the house I made my way to the kitchen to make Willow a cup of hot tea.

Willow is already in bed when I entered her room. 

"I made you a cup of hot tea." I said setting the cup on her bedside table and then sat her school bag on the floor by the bed. "Thank you, mom. I don't know what happened yesterday I felt fine." The fifteen-year-old frowned.

I gave her a small smile and sat on the edge of her bed. 

"Unexpected things happen sometimes." 

Willow huffed, "Well, this did happen out of nowhere. First, I was sitting with my friends at lunch we were having a good time laughing, joking. Then the next thing you know I'm throwing up my lunch all over the cafeteria floor." 

My eyebrows furrowed sadly, "I'm sorry sweetie."

"It was so embarrassing mom, everyone stared at me and I even some laughed. Kevin had to help me out of the room." Willow looked me in the eyes, "Why are people so mean? I wouldn't have laughed at something like that."

"I don't know, honey." I tried to choose my words carefully. "The world we live in is dark and the people who live in it are dark too." 

Willow opened her mouth to say something else but cut off when we heard a phone ringing. I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out my phone. The caller id said Shelby and so I answered, "Hello."

"Boss, is everything okay? I saw you leave in a rush making me think something really bad happened." The young woman said in a worried and scared tone. Shelby is always like this in situations that look and seem really serious. I sighed, "Willow just needed me, that all Shelby um... can you let everyone know that I won't be coming into work tomorrow?"

"Willow? Is she okay?"

"She's fine, Shelby. Can you let them know, please, it's family business?" 

"Yeah, yeah don't worry take all the time you need. I'll be praying for you."

"Thank you, have nice night." I smiled.

"You, too." 

I ended the call and turned to Willow who had curiosity in her eyes. 

"That was Shelby."

Willow nods, "Mom, you don't have to take time off from work."

I put the back of my hand on top of her forehead and gave her a slight look. 

"Your head is still a little hot I'm going to get a cold washcloth." Standing up I left the room to wet a washcloth. Returning to the bedroom I see Willow is laying down staring up at the ceiling. I gently laid the washcloth on her forehead she looks at me smiling and I smiled back.

Returning back downstairs and made myself some coffee. 

When the coffee was finished, I poured myself a cup and went to sit in my armchair and stared out the window. It was almost dinnertime so I decided on making vegetable soup for Willow hoping it would ease her sickness.

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