9: Things Are Changing

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Group Chat

Jisoo: Willow and I just got back home from the hospital!

Kai: How's Willow doing?

James: Of you would be the first to respond when it involves Willy bear! 😂

Kai: Shut up, James!

James: ... 

Joy: Where's James?

Hope: I'm guessing Kai really did shut him up. 🤣

Jisoo: Anyway... hold up I gave Quinton my number and invited him to join the group chat!!!

Jisoo: QUINTON!!!?

Joy: Quinton? The new guy? 🤔

Jisoo: Yup 🥰

Quinton: I'm here.

Jisoo: Quinton! 😊

Hope: Hi, Quinton!

Joy: Hey!

James: Hey, Quinton, man Kai's been chasing me around the house.

Hope: Kai's in your house?

James: No. I'm in his house and finally got to lock myself in one of his bathrooms. By the way has Peter said anything, yet?

Kai: Doesn't look like it, now does it, James? 🤔

James: Okay, no sarcasm needed.


I laughed watching my friends go back and forth, maybe it's time for me to say something now.

Willow: Do you think Peter's okay?

Peter: I'm fine, sunshine.

My eyes widened reading the text Peter has sent.

James: And Kai has left the chat 🙂

Kai: No, I didn't James, be quiet! Willow how are you doing? 

I composed myself and quickly responded.

Willow: I'm good, thank you for asking and my mom is awake!

Everyone told how happy they are for me, and I thanked them and said a short bye. Putting my phone down I got up off the couch and walked to Jisoo's bedroom. Entering through the door I'm met with a soft hit to the face.

"WHA-" I looked to my laugh to see Jisoo holding a pillow in her hands. She lifted the pillow in the air, "PILLOW FIGHT." Before the pillow hit me, I ducked under and ran to the bed grabbing the other pillow.

We started having a pillow fight in the middle of the room and giggling like crazy. I haven't had a pillow fight in like forever, the last time I was in a pillow fight was when I was eight and all of us girls along with a couple other girls were at a sleepover at Joy's house and we spend the time hitting each other playfully with soft fluffy pillows.

At the end we are covered in pink feathers and laughing on the floor. "Thank you, Jisoo, this really made me feel better." 

"I'm just doing my job as a best friend." Jisoo shrugged smirking.

"Oh, so your job as my best friend is to hit me with a pillow?" I tilted my head. She stood up and helped me up we placed the pillows back on the bed. "Nope. My job is to be there for you." She sighed sitting on her bed and grabbed her phone.

"Hey, you want to be in one of my lives?" She asked me. I thought about it and nodded, "Sure."

She squealed and jumped up hugging me. I smiled it won't be the first time I'm in one of her videos. In the pass I've been in more of her videos even though when she started her website, on day one, I was scared at the beginning to show my face but now it's normal, I guess.

"It's been a while." I said grinning and she nodded.

"Yeah, the J fam's been asking about you." She giggled shaking her head.

In case you're wondering the J doesn't stand for Jisoo, it stands for Jelly, she was ten when she started the website, with the help of her mom and brother and she loves peanut and jelly sandwiches, so it stuck, BOOM! That's how the J fam was born.

The name of the website is called BeFruitful and she does all kinds of different things on there. Taking a seat on the bed she turns the phone facing us, "Hey, J fam, look who I have we me, today!" She grinned showing me and I shyly waved. 


Jisoo giggled, "Aww, she's shy. Anyway, how are you all doing?"

I smiled at how happy she looks talking to the people on the live. Jisoo and I talked to them for a while, and I answered some their questions. It was soon dinnertime and Aunt Lee called us down or more like she called Jisoo on the phone.

Aunt Lee has an interesting job, and it sounds fun, but I don't think I'll be able to do it. She's a real estate agent and she's really good at it or that's what Jisoo tells me, and I believe her. Aunt Lee is super professional, and she doesn't spend that much time with her kids.

Jisoo gasped startled me, "Low!" She grinned.


"I don't know what made me forget this, but can you believe the cute nickname Peter gave you."

My grew eyes grew wide, "W- what are you trying to say, Jisoo."

"I'm just saying, he's never called you that before and he's barely talked to any of us girls." She pointed out. I shrugged, "I don't know and besides you know about Kai." She knows about my long-term crush on Kai who we knew ever since our middle school days.

Jisoo grinned faltered and she gave me a sympathetic look, why though?

"I'm sorry, Willow. All I want is for you to be happy." She softly whispered.

I nodded and suggested we should go to the diner room before her mother gets upset at us for taking so long.

The night quickly rolled around, and I was sitting on the floor in my sleeping bag while Jisoo is peacefully sleeping in her bed. I'm busy texting Peter before I fall asleep.

I let out a big yawn as I texted him.

Willow: Well, I probably should get some sleep 🥱 Nighty night Pete.

Peter: Night, sunshine.

Grinning at the screen I put my phone away and laid down.

"Things are changing and I don't know if I like it but whatever happens I will trust in God." I yawned for the last time tonight, closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep.












I hope you have a blessed day or night :)

God bless you!

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