10: Just A Crush

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Stepping off the school bus I made my way to the school building. Looking to the right I see Peter's other group of friends sitting on the grass but no Peter. Walking past them Heather gives me a nasty look and beside her is Raven who gives me an apologetic one.

I looked away and rushed inside the school, I'm not upset just confused my mom taught me at a young age that not everyone is going to like you and I've been bullied before a long time ago. But I didn't do anything to Heather, at least nothing I know of? I let out a sad sigh.

My eyes diverted upward, and I stopped in my tracks.

Kai and Hope are standing by the lockers talking, that's not the shocking part. I see him giving her the biggest smile I've ever seen on him. Hope is happily smiling and chatting away oblivious to the fact that my heart is silently breaking at this moment.

Tears formed in my eyes, and I let out a shaky breath. I can't be here right now I hurried to the closest bathroom. Don't think these are tears of jealousy, no these aren't tears of a jealous person these are tears of a very sensitive fifteen-year-old who doesn't know what's going on. 1. She threw up in front of everyone in the lunchroom. 2. Then her mother needed a heart transplant. 3. Peter is acting brand new. 4. Now her long-term crush Kai is smiling at one of their good friends Hope like she's... the one?

I rested my hands on the counter as I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes are red from how hard I was crying, and my cheeks are stained. And also, Heather I have even spoke to Heather there's no reason for that girl to give me such a hateful stare. Her parents are rich is what I've heard, not saying that being rich makes you happy because that's so not true.

There are people out there with a lot of money and still aren't happy with their life. True happiness comes from the one that created you. Jesus Christ is the only one who can give you true freedom and happiness.

*School Bell Rings*

I jumped at the sound of the bell and quickly wiped my eyes and splashed water on my face. Two girls walked in the bathroom laughing, I grabbed my bag and rushed past them to my class. The hall is still a little crowded but not as crowded as earlier and Kai and Hope are nowhere to be found so I guess they went to class too.

Entering my math class I nodded to the teacher and sat next to Hope. Yes, Hope and I have math together and math is my worst subject. So, I saw both my crush/guy friend and female friend having a good old chat about who knows what while I watched from the distance.

And now I have to spend the forty minutes or so trying to figure out problems I don't understand. Hope smiled at me and, but it didn't reach her eyes. 

Am I being dramatic? Maybe, but what do you expect from a fifteen-year-old who thought she was in love with her childhood friend.

"Morning everyone, are you all ready?" The teacher asked everyone. 

"YES." They replied except for me I'm internally screaming. I sighed all I want is to get this all over with and see my mother, later, after school.

The Lunchroom

Lunch is my favorite time of the day because I get to spend time chatting with my friends, but I'm not in the mood for that today. My eyes are diverted downward at my food, I decided to get a salad with pieces of chicken inside. I'm assuming everyone can feel the tension in the air, by how awkward it is which is unusual for this group.

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