2: The Watson Household

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"Clementine, I can't help but notice you being in a better mood than before." Kimberly was smiling brightly happy to see how much the young girl changed from last time. Clementine looks down and nodded, "So, on here it says that your last name is Hernandez. Do you want to talk about it."

Clementine nods, "My aunt couldn't take care of me anymore, so she let this kind man adopt me. He's really nice and works as a doctor, has a golden retriever names Sandy and his sister who I knew first is my fourth-grade teacher."

Kimberly smiles, "That's nice, so how are you feeling?"

The girl thought for a second, "Uh, I was sad to leave my aunt Stacy, but it was the best for the both of us and things happen for a reason. I met Asher for a reason and I'm happy." She nodded. 

Clementine watched as her therapist wrote down everything she said. 

"I'm happy to know you're in a better place." Kimberly replied flipping through the papers on her clipboard.

"I prefer to be called Clem, it's shorter." The little girl told the woman nicely.

"Okay, I'll call you Clem from now on, so you'll be more comfortable in our next therapy sessions."

"It doesn't make me uncomfortable, I just like to be called my nickname."

Kimberly nods, Clementine reminds her of her daughter who's the same age. She saw the time on the clock and her eyes widen the sessions almost over.

"Okay, times almost up, Clem, what are some things you want to do that you've never done before?" 

"I want to make friends because I've never had before and I-I want to call my adopted dad for the first time." Clementine says and Kimberly thought that was cute.

"Well, I hope you succeed."

The timer dinged ending their therapy session and Clementine said bye then left. Kimberly stands up to get ready for her next client.


Kimberly enters the house and made sure to lock door, her kids should already be home. She has two kids a seventeen-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl. Jason is still at work, he's a police officer and is a wonderful husband to Kimberly.

She walks upstairs to her and her husband bedroom to change out of her work clothes. After changing she decided to check up on her children who are likely in their bedrooms. She knocked on Chase's door before entering.

"Hello, sweetie, I wanted to let you know I'm home."

Chase is sitting at his computer game desk playing some kind of game, who turn his head to his mom and took off his headphones, "Oh, hi mom."

"Just checking up on you." She said then closed the door and he puts his headphones back on. Kimberly walks to her daughter's bedroom and lightly knocks, she heard her say come in. When she opens the door, she saw her daughter sitting on the bed reading her bible.

The girl smiles when she saw that her mom was home, Closing the bible she gently puts it on her bed then stood up running to hug her mother.

"I'm happy you're home." She said nuzzling her face into her mother's stomach. Kimberly pats her daughter on the head lovingly, "How was your day?"

The nine-year-old looks up at her mother with her beautiful light brown eyes, "I met a new friend." 

"You did?" Kimberly playfully gasped.

"Yes! She transferred to our school and is in my class. And guess what?"


She's Jessica adopted niece."

Kimberly eyes widened, "Jessica has adopted niece?"

"Yup." She said popping the p turning around walking to her bed and picking up the bible, "Huh. Okay, well I'll let you be dinner will be ready soon."

"Okay, mommy." 

Kimberly smiled and left the room.


Kimberly had finished making dinner right when Jason came home. He went to get dressed and called Chase and Hanna down for dinner. The family are now sitting around the table eating. Jason cut into his salmon and takes a bite, "Hmm."

"How is it?" Kimberly asked her husband.

"Nice, good." He replied.

"You're always good at cooking mom." Chase complimented.

"Thank you."

"Chase, how was school?" Jason asks his son.

"Good, I guess." The boy shrugged.

"What do you mean, you guess?" Kimberly asks.

"Like nothing interesting happened or ever happens."

"Chase, what have I told you?"

He sighs, "A poor attitude bring negativity, but a great attitude brings positivity." He tells his mother.

The family finished dinner and now everyone's getting ready for bed, after Kimberly was done reading the bible to Hanna she went to her room where Jason is already in bed.

She gets under covers, "Goodnight, Kim." 

"Night." Kimberly turned off the light that's on her side table and laid her head on the pillow, after praying she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.








God Bless You :)

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