Character Part 2

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Willow's Friend Group

Age (15) Kai Smith 😒📚

Kai is the bookworm of the group he doesn't like to be bothered much and is a little sarcastic. He usually has a straight face and rarely smiles. Except when it comes to Willow, who has crush on and always gets teased by James. Kai will sometimes get easily annoyed with Jisoo, because of her big personality, which is the opposite of his and you might be wondering, but wait, Willow has a similar personality. It's not as overbearing as Jisoo's and Jisoo is not a timid person at all unlike Willow who is mainly around strangers.

Personality: He doesn't care what others think or say unless it's about his friends or family, Quiet, A book lover, Love Big Dogs, A straightforward kind of guy, Sarcastic.

Ethnicity: Chinese-Caucasian, Dark brown eyes, Medium black silky hair

Hobbies: Reading, listening to music.

Age (15) Jisoo Lee 🤩📱

Jisoo is the peppy outgoing one in the group she would have been perfect for the cheer quad but sadly her over excited personality ruined that for her. It's like she doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut at times. Jisoo is a extravert and loves to try and include everyone into a conversation or activity, that's actually how her and Willow met.

Personality: Peppy, Cheerful, Extravert, Childish, Carefree, and Loving.

Ethnicity: Korean, Amber eyes, medium jet-black hair.

Hobbies: Loves watching movies, taking pictures, singing, vlogging.

Age (15) James Mayweather 😏🏈

James is the goofball of the group he also plays football and is Kai's best friend. James met Kai in middle school along with the others and they have never been apart since. This boy loves to tease Kai and Willow since he knows they have a crush on each other. James might not act like it but he is a really smart guy always gets A's in all his classes. He's also the twin brother of Hope who is a cheerleader and is also in their friend group.

Personality: Lighthearted guy, Kind and loving, Laid-back, over all friendly.

Ethnicity: Caucasian, Sandy blonde hair, Light blue eyes

Hobbies: Football, video games, exercising, teasing Kai and sometimes Willow

Age (16) Peter Wilson 🙂🏈

Peter is a year older than the rest of the group they met him when they were freshman, and he was sophomore. Not much to say about him he maneuvers between two groups them and his other friends. When he does hang out with them in school or outside of school it's because James invited him, or he was bored. He might start communicating more with the friend group who knows, anyway he's on the football team too and is mostly talks to the guys.

Personality: Monotone, cool guy, nice, pretty relaxed until you make him upset. 

Ethnicity: Jamaican, short black hair, and grey eyes

Hobbies: Playing sports, video games, exercising, hanging out with friends 

Age (15) Hope Mayweather 😊👓

Hope Mayweather is the younger twin sister if James Mayweather. She's a cheerleader along with her best friend Joy. Hope does almost everything with Joy and you don't usually see one without the other, the two are like more like sisters than friends. The blonde-haired girl loves each and every one of her friends and enjoys seeing others happy.

Personality: Kind-hearted, cheerful girl, friendly, curious girl

Ethnicity: Caucasian, medium blonde bob hair with bangs, blue eyes

Hobbies: Loves cheering at the games, hanging out with the group

Age (15) Joy Summer 😁🌻

Joy is a cute peppy girl, and is Holly's best friend, she's just like her name always joyful and tries to spread joy to everyone. Joy loves to dance and cheer at the football games and cheer on James who she might have a small crush on. But Hope doesn't know, yet. She does almost everything with Hope.

Personality: Joyful, peppy, cheerful, kind, carefree.

Ethnicity: African-American, long black braids with beads, brown eyes

Hobbies: Having sleepovers, watching movies, cheering at the games, singing













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