Introduction Two: What Family Can Bring

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1 Peter 4:8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

Clementine Maria Sanchez Hernandez 

I'm sitting at the table doing my homework while Asher is reading a book with his reading glasses on. Glancing up at the man who is now my adopted father, tapping my pencil on the paper I wondered in my mind, "Should I? I don't know?

"Everything good?" Asher asked turning to the next page in his book. 

He glances up at me when I didn't reply.


I snapped out of my thoughts, "Huh?" He looks at me with concern, "You're tapping your pencil on homework paper instead of writing something down with it and you're staring in the distance. Are you okay?"

Nodding, I said, "Yes I'm okay, I'm just thinking?"

"Do you need help on a problem?" He asks, I smiled and shook my head, "No. Thank you." I said and continued to do my homework. Asher nods and went back to what he was reading. 

As I try to solve a math problem, I realize that I do need help.

"Dad, can you help me with this math problem, please?"

Asher Henandez

"What do you think?" I asked Jessica.

She gasped, "Ash, it's so beautiful. I know she'll love it." It hasn't been that long since I took Kelly on that first date. That might be surprising but when I first laid eyes on her I knew it was meant to be.

That probably sound cheesy, but I fell in love at first sight, I believe.

Jessica sees the look on my face and smirks, "You really like her, don't you?" I look at her like she's crazy, "Uh duh, that's why I'm marrying her." I told my sister.

She laughed patting my back, "I know brother, I'm just surprise because you haven't known each other that long."

"Jessica, when you find someone one day then you'll understand."

She blushed and gave a nervous laugh, "Yeah, maybe I will. Maybe when God leads me to my future husband then I'll definitely understand."

Why do I feel like she's hiding something from me? I shrugged it off and looked back at the ring and gently closed the small box in my hand.

Taking a deep breath and I said a quick prayer before thinking about how I'll propose to the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"Pray for me?" I asked and she nodded, "You got this big bro."

Kelly Sandler/Henandez 

It's finally happening!

My Big Day!!


I used to think this would only happen once in my life. But God had other plans for me.

*Knock knock*

"Come in!"

Nora entered the room and smiled when she saw me, "There's the beautiful bride to be." She said walking toward me, "I love your hair the hair stylist did a great job." She complimented.

"Thank you, yeah Stefani did an amazing job." I said looking at my hair in the mirror.

"Did you do your own makeup?" She asked staring at my face, and I nodded.

"Okay, it's time for you to walk down the aisle." Smiling, I checked myself in the mirror one last time and walked out with Nora who is my maid of honor.

I'm so excited, I'm finally getting married to Asher!

Willow Sandler/Henandez 

"Willow, can you come down here please!" I heard mom call for me, turning the tv off I ran out my bedroom and made my way down to the living room, "Yes, mom?"

"Please, take a seat."

I sat on the couch, "Is something wrong?" Am I in trouble? Or did something happen?

I guess she saw the look on my face because she went to reassure me.

"No, no, everything is well. I called you down to ask you a question." She said and I sighed in relief, "Okay."

"Well, you know that Asher and I are going to get married."

"He proposed!?" I squealed.

"Not yet." She chuckled, "Let finish." She playfully scolded.

I pretended to zip my lips and let her continue. 

"As I was saying, you know Asher and I are going to get married someday."

I responded this time by nodding.

"I was wondering if-" She hesitates, "If you would take his last name or keep your birth father's last name?" I let what she asked me sink in, and I take a deep breath. I knew this day would come but now it's here.

"You can take your time and think about it. No one's rushing you." Mom reassures me again.

"This is a hard one because I love my dad, but Asher will become my stepdad and I love you two together... when you both get married, we will be one happy family with Leo and Clementine, and we might earn another sibling even."

Mom smiled, "No pressure, sweetheart." I nodded and finally answered with, "Mom, I think I'll have to think about this a little longer."

"Okay." Was all she said still smiling.









God bless you :)

Jesus Loves You!

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