4: You Got It

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I'm nervous but excited at the same time, today is the day that the girl's and I are going to audition for Quinton's father's movie. I'm going to be auditioning for the role of the main girl's younger sister named Delilah, when we said yes, Quinton gave us each a copy of the script.

Mom parks the car into the parking lot, "Call me when it's over, I need to go check on a few things at the company," She told me, "Okay, thank you mom. Love you."

"Love you too, honey. You can tell me all about later." She said, I shut the car door and waving as she drives away. I entered the waiting room and was shocked as how many girls were there to audition and even little girls, probably for a younger role.

As I made my way pass, some girls gave me looks, others paid me no mind as they practiced their lines. I found an empty seat and sat down, looking down at the script in my hands I decided to read the character description of Delilah.

Delilah Tailor

Delilah is fifteen and is Courtney Tailor's younger sister. She pretty shy and a sweet girl, she doesn't have many friends, but she does have a best friend that she knew since elementary school. Sometimes she can't help but feel lonely because of how much time her parents spend with her older sister. Delilah knows it's wrong of her to feel that way though since Courtney has a condition and she loves her dearly and wants her to get better.

"Hi hi!" I turn my head to see a little girl sit next to me, "Uh, hi?" The girl looked Asian.

"You're really pretty." She complimented making me smile, "Thank you, so are you." She reaches for her black hair and shook her head, "Not as pretty as your red hair." 

I frowned hearing that and said, "Don't say that. Be happy with how God made you. What's your name?"

"Rebecca." She replied looking down at her fingernails.

"That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you, what's yours?" She asked looking up at me with curious eyes.

"Willow." I said smiling.

"Cool! Oh, you're auditioning for Delilah?" She asked glancing at the script in my hands. "Yes, are you also auditioning?"

She nodded her head, "Yup, this is my second time auditioning for a role and I'm so excited!" She said bouncing in her seat causing me to giggle.

"This is my first time but I'm also excited." I told her, a woman walks out the double doors, "Willow Sandler!" She looks around.

"Here!" I stood up and she nods for me to come in, Rebecca gave me a thumbs up and I laughed saying bye not knowing if we'll see each other again.

Entering the room, I saw four people sitting behind a table.

They motioned me to stand in the middle of the room in front of them, "Hello." I waved, two of them was smiling while the other two looked tired.

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