24: Willow and Peter

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I woke up from my deep sleep and it took me a few minutes to realize what today was. When I did, I couldn't help but scream in my pillow. Today's the day! Today's the day!!! I mean he didn't tell me it was a date... but I can still be excited about it.

Mom says I can't date until I'm at least eighteen and understand what it means to be in a relationship with someone.

I understand perfectly, the man I'll be with will hopefully be the one I'll be marrying. At first, I thought that would be Kai but now, I think Peter might be that one instead.

Grabbing my phone, I sent Jisoo a quick text then I got ready for the day. I went to take a shower and then I brushed my teeth. Afterwards I returned to my room and picked out my clothes for church because we have church in a few hours.

Walking in the kitchen I went to fix myself some cereal and a glass of milk because I don't like when my cereal gets soggy.

Mom walks in holding Leo in her arms.

"Morning mom." I said looking up from my phone.

"Morning sweetie." She said walking behind the counter and I'm guessing she's fixing Leo a bottle.  She sits down and feeds him.

"I can make you something to eat." I offered her since she's caring for the baby.

She shook her head, "I'm not hungry, thanks for asking, sweetie."

I nodded.


I'm rocking Leo back and forth while mom is talking to her church friends. I look down at my brother to see him already looking at me. I tilt my head and an idea came into my mind, babies love silly faces so that's what I did.

I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my eyes. He giggles.

"Hey girl!" I looked up to see Jisoo waving at me as she made her way toward me, "Hi, Leo." She cooed looking down him, "Aren't you handsome in your little suit." Jisoo tickled him causing him to squeal.

We both laughed at how cute he's being.

"Come on girls, service is about to start." Mom told us and we followed her. Mom takes Leo from me, and I sit beside her with Jisoo next to me, glancing up I saw Peter sitting with his family and he's already looking in my direction.

When we made, I contact he smiled and waved making me wave back.

Blushing, I turned my head to look forward.


When we returned home, I raced upstairs to change my outfit. Opening my closet, I picked out a pink flower dress with yellow and white sneakers. I then untied my hair and let it flow down my back and that's pretty much it except for some lip gloss but I don't really care for makeup.

I only put on lip gloss and sometimes lipstick.

 Walking downstairs I sat on the couch with a sigh, "Now, I wait." Picking up the remote I turned on the tv but there's nothing interesting on, so I turned it off.


My phone dinged, I picked it up and saw that Peter texted me that he's here. I jumped up and squealed, "Mom! Peter's here so I'll be leaving now!" I shouted to mom who's in the kitchen and she shouts back, "Okay, be safe! Love you!"

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